
The Boy and the Guild

Mina worked diligently behind the counter at the Adventurers Guild, where her job involved sorting scrolls, books, and rewards.

She'd been doing this for four years now. As she continued her tasks, her thoughts occasionally drifted to the adventurers she had encountered at the guild.

Some adventurers were tough-looking and intimidating, while others were friendly and approachable.

Mina had become used to the daily comings and goings of adventurers who came to the guild to take on quests, and sometimes, things didn't go as planned for them.

One aspect of her job that she never got used to was updating the list of adventurers who had perished or gone missing during their quests.

Each time she had to add a name to that list, it weighed heavily on her heart, knowing the pain it would bring to the families and loved ones left behind. She offered silent prayers for their safety and the departed souls.

A memory from more than two months ago resurfaced in her thoughts. The young master and mistress of the Heavy-Fist Clan had visited the guild with their servants, including a young boy named Mik. 

The boy wore a tired but determined gaze as he carried a bag much more significant than himself, a sight that stirred her emotions.

However, the local guild master had warned against getting involved in the clan's problems. They kept their distance because of the Heavy-Fist Clan's infamous reputation, which cast a shadow over Toadcreek.

Aware of their power and influence, she didn't dare to go against them. Despite her worries, she had secretly wished for his safety.

Days went by, and the memory of Mik's situation faded as she became caught up in the daily activities of the guild. Then, she came across the news—Mik had disappeared in the mountains.

Overwhelming guilt and regret flooded her, making her wonder if there was anything else she could have done to keep him safe.

As she focused on her work, she was abruptly interrupted by a stranger's voice.

Startled by the man's attractive appearance, she looked up and wondered if his good looks affected her judgment.

"Yes, I work here as the guild's clerk," she replied, regaining her composure and professionalism.

The man introduced himself as Wil and was accompanied by a boy named Mik.

Hearing Mik's name, she turned her attention to the young man beside him: silver hair and blue eyes.

"Oh, it's you! You're safe!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her surprise. Her voice carried across the guild hall, catching the attention of everyone present.

Seeing Mik alive and well filled her with shock and relief. She had feared the worst, but he stood there looking healthier and more robust than she had ever seen him.

The guild's occupants couldn't help but notice them. Whispers and hushed conversations filled the air as people recognized the young servant from the Heavy-Fist Clan who had been presumed dead.

Some felt sympathy for him, knowing the true story behind his supposed demise, while others couldn't help but be curious about the mysterious stranger with him.


However, the atmosphere in the guild shifted dramatically as the door swung open with a loud slam.

Three individuals entered with an unmistakable air of arrogance, the young man and woman flanking a towering figure.

Their disdainful expressions made it clear that they believed they were in charge. A sense of discomfort settled over the guild.

All eyes turned towards the newcomers as the tension in the room was rising. She took a deep breath to stay composed, but her uneasiness remained.

"Mik, you're alive! You have the nerve to return, but shouldn't you have returned to the clan?" The young man, Van, exuded arrogance as he wasted no time asserting his dominance over Mik, treating him like a tool.

"Anyway, it's good that you're back. Don't you realize no one was shining my shoes while you were gone?"

Despite this, Mik didn't budge. He simply stared at both of them with defiance and anger.

"Tsk. I can't stand your eyes," Van grew annoyed by his gaze. "Do I need to teach you a lesson to remind you of your place?"

"I'm not going back. You don't own me; I'm not your servant anymore!" Mik replied with newfound courage.

After returning to town, he was anxious and uncertain whether he had made the right decision.

However, his encounter with his former masters and their arrogant attitude only strengthened his resolve not to be controlled by them any longer.

"You little brat! What did you just say?!" Emi snapped, her anger evident. She unleashes her magic as an icy energy swirles in her hands.

Mina sensed the tension and stepped forward to intervene. "Excuse me, but is there a problem here? Fighting inside the guild is not allowed," she asked, attempting to defuse the situation.

Emi sneered at Mina. "Mind your own business, clerk. We're just here to collect our property," she gestured towards Mik.

Wil, who remained near the counter, chimed in with a touch of sarcasm. "What an interesting choice of words. It seems you believe people can be treated as property. How outdated."

Emi scoffed at Wil's words. "Don't be ridiculous. Don't step into our clan's business, stranger. Mik was born into our clan and has been our servant for years. He belongs to us!"

Mik gathered his courage and said, "I've had enough of being a servant. I am my own and live on my terms."

Van's face turned red with anger at Mik's words. He shouted, "How dare this servant talk back to me! Boder, teach this insolent boy a lesson!" 

Boder, an imposing figure, menacingly approached Mik, prepared to carry out Van's orders. However, Wil appeared relaxed and spoke with a firm tone and a severe expression.

"Let's not be hasty here, buddy," Wil stated, his eyes showing a hint of warning. "I don't condone bullying, and it seems like you're attempting to scare my young friend."

Van and Emi shared uneasy looks, surprised by the stranger's unwillingness to cooperate. They had assumed that the town's awareness of their clan's power would make things easier. 

Boder disregarded Wil's words and continued his menacing advance toward Mik.

His face contorted with malice and hostility, and Mik found himself frozen, uncertain how to respond. He knew Boder was strong.

"You should've obeyed, you little brat," Boder sneered.

But, at the very moment when Boder's claws were about to close in on Mik, a surprising turn of events unfolded.

Wil stepped forward, his carefree smile replaced by a determined expression. He firmly grasped Boder's wrists with quick reflexes, preventing him from reaching Mik.

Boder struggled to break free but couldn't move his arms as if an invisible force held him in place. Wil's grip felt firm, as if it could tear his hands apart.

"You...!" Boder growled, attempting to punch Wil in the face.

Wil remained calm and composed, even as the punch came closer. He quietly said, "Left rib, abdomen, chin."

Suddenly, in a flurry of quick movements, Wil unleashed a rapid series of punches and strikes that shocked everyone. One hit Boder's left rib, making a loud cracking sound.

Another blow landed on his abdomen, knocking the wind out and causing him to slump.

Finally, Wil swiftly delivered a knee to Boder's chin, knocking him out cold and ending the confrontation.

The guild fell silent in disbelief, struggling to process what had just occurred.

Everyone looked in shock; everyone had always considered Boder one of their clan's most powerful members. The unexpected events left them shocked and unsure of how to proceed.

On the other hand, Mik was shocked. He had always known Wil was powerful, but witnessing him defeat Boder so effortlessly was amazing.

The twins, realizing their dire situation, reacted with anger and threats. Van pointed a trembling finger at Wil, his face contorted with rage and fear. 

"You...! How did you do that?! Do you know who we are? Once my father hears about this, you're dead meat!"

Emi, who had previously appeared confident, now cowered behind her brother, her attitude a stark departure from her earlier arrogance.

She had never seen anyone overpower Boder so effortlessly and didn't want to be next.

Amidst the tension, a commanding voice filled the room. The door on the second floor opened, revealing a man in his late forties.

His refined musculature and battle scars attested to his experience. He wore an eye patch that covered his left eye, which heightened his intimidating presence.

"Young masters and mistress, please leave the building. While I acknowledge your father and clan, this building belongs to the Adventurers Guild. Please take Boder with you and leave," the man ordered. He was Robert, the master of the Toadcreek branch of the guild.

"Wait till my father hears about this!"

Robert's intervention quelled the rising tension, compelling Van and Emi to exit with Boder. Their earlier arrogance had dwindled, replaced by an opposite demeanor.

"Stranger, come to my office. You too, young man," Robert instructed Wil and Mik as he returned inside.

The guild members, still in shock, watched the twins closely.

It had become apparent that a storm was brewing in Toadcreek, with the stranger and young man at its center.

The incident left the guild and townspeople anticipating significant developments in the days to come.

(1/2) chapters today. thank you for reading!

AdmiralBayabascreators' thoughts
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