
The Boy and His Talents

Two weeks they have had passed since they began their training journey together.

During this time, Wil focused on helping Mik build a solid foundation for his physical abilities.

They climbed cliffs and towering trees, learned the art of starting fires using dried grass, and honed their skills in hunting small critters for food.

All of it had been grueling and painful for Mik. While he was accustomed to hard labor from his days as a servant in his former clan, this extreme training was an entirely new experience.

Without Wil's mana pills, Mik's body would have collapsed long ago.

However, despite all the challenges, Mik's body underwent a remarkable transformation.

His once thin frame now boasted observable muscles, a feat that usually takes months or years of rigorous training.

"Today, we're going to change things up. We'll focus on martial skills," Wil announced as they found a spot to rest in an open area.

"But before we begin, let me ask you, Kid, have you undergone your awakening ceremony yet?"

"Not yet. If I remember correctly, the ceremony was supposed to happen three days ago in the town square. I've already missed it," Mik replied, hinting at his disappointment.

Awakening ceremonies held immense importance in this world. They were crucial in determining a person's designated "class," a classification that would shape their entire life.

The belief was that the Gods had predetermined the roles and destinies of every individual, and the ceremony would reveal one's true path.

Wil nodded understandingly. "No need to worry; we can conduct the ceremony right here," he assured Mik, retrieving a large book from his cloak.

The book was adorned with intricate designs made of gold and precious gems.

Mik's eyes widened with recognition. "An awakening tome! I saw one during a ceremony last year," he exclaimed, marveling at the sight of it.

Wil said, opening the book to a page with symbols arranged in a circle. "Alright. Place your right hand here. This will determine your class."

Placing his right hand on the spot, a radiant golden light enveloped Mik. It was swirling and dancing in mesmerizing patterns. The light seemed to penetrate his very being, resonating with his spirit.

After a few moments, the golden light receded. And there, upon the page, appeared a single word: 'Warrior.'

Wil nodded in acknowledgment. "I see. Congratulations, kid. You're now a warrior, destined for a path of strength and bravery!"

Mik's muscles were throbbing, and his clothes were soaking in sweat, but he pressed on despite the fatigue. The scorching sun beat down relentlessly, its burning rays searing his skin.

He felt hunger and thirst, yet he pushed forward with unwavering determination.

To him, giving up was not an option.

He had been training with Wil to learn the warrior's way fundamentals. He had been teaching how to tap into his inner fury and wield it as a weapon in battle.

He had to unlock the potential of the mana within him, using it to enhance his strength and agility.

He had to master various combat stances, utilizing every body part as a weapon.

"A warrior?"

He had encountered warriors before—men and women wielding mighty swords, axes, and maces, while some relied on their fists and shields.

"I never thought of myself as a warrior. I don't think I'm strong enough," he admitted, lacking confidence.

Wil patted Mik's shoulder, trying to encourage him. "Hey, where's that confidence you had?" he said. "Kid, I know you have what it takes to be a warrior. The path of a warrior demands strength, endurance, agility, and unwavering determination. Only those with an undying spirit can succeed."

Mik attentively listened.

"I see those qualities within you. I can see it in your eyes," Wil remarked. "Remember that time when wolves cornered you? When all seemed lost, you faced them head-on. You knew the odds were against you, yet you refused to back down. Instead of cowering in fear, you stood your ground. That means you have the heart of a true warrior."

Mik still felt lost and confused.

Wil placed a comforting hand on Mik's shoulder. "Don't worry. I promised to help you, didn't I? I'll teach you. Being a warrior isn't just about being strong but also about being smart. With the right skills, techniques, and using your brain, you can defeat enemies much bigger than you."

Wil reached into his jacket pockets, producing a surprising array of items and laying them on the ground.

Among the things were various weapons, ranging from large axes and swords to spears, a shield, and a brass knuckle fist-weapon.

Mik couldn't help but wonder how Wil pull-out so many things from his seemingly small pockets.

Still, he refrained from asking, concerned about overstepping his boundaries.

Wil continued, explaining, "These are the usual main weapons warriors use. How about you try using and feeling each one? This way, we can determine which weapon best fits you."

Mik nodded in agreement and proceeded to pick up the weapons, one by one. The giant axe and sword felt unwieldy due to their size, while the shield hampered his mobility.

However, it felt just right when he tried the brass knuckle fist-weapon. Mik punched the air and added some kicks to test its effectiveness.

'That felt perfect,' he thought aloud. "I think I'll go with this, Wil. Is that alright?"

"Do you feel this is the best weapon for you, kid?" Wil inquired.

Mik nodded decisively.

"I see. Interesting," Wil responded, returning the weapons to his pockets individually.

He then retrieved another book, which appeared more straightforward than the awakening tome. It had a plain leather cover.

"This is a martial book, and I believe it's the best training manual for you," Wil explained as he handed it to Mik.

Mik read the title aloud, "The Ways of a Berserker."

"Berserkers are warriors who use their fists and every part of their body as weapons. This manual will teach you the basics of becoming a berserker. I once knew someone who could pulverize boulders into powder with their bare hands," Wil added. "So, do you think you can handle it?"

Looking at the book, Mik felt excitement and determination to train hard. This was his next step toward becoming a great adventurer.

"It looks like you're ready. So, let's continue to train hard!" Wil exclaimed with a hearty laugh.

Fourth of the five chapters. Enjoy!

AdmiralBayabascreators' thoughts
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