
The Boy and His Quest

"Oh. Before I forget, do you buy demon cores here?" Wil asked Mina, catching her off guard once more.

"Demon cores? Did you say demon cores?!" Wil's question took aback Mina, and the other adventurers in the room were equally surprised.

"Yes, but I only got a small one and some other items too. I'd like to sell them to the guild," He explained, scratching his head, fully aware that this wasn't a common request in these parts.

Mina quickly regained her composure and professional demeanor. "I apologize; it's been a while since we last dealt with demon cores, so your questions surprised me. But yes, we do buy them and other monster items, too. However, assessing the demon cores might take some time."

"No problem at all," Wil replied, handing Mina a small pouch from his cloak. "I trust you to give us a fair assessment."

"Thank you for trusting our guild, Wil," Mina said, bowing slightly.

Wil and Mik headed towards the quest board while Mina hurriedly assessed the demon core.

They noticed other adventurers giving them space as they approached the quest board.

Wil couldn't help but wonder if they were avoiding trouble with Heavy-Fist or simply intimidated by him.

Meanwhile, Mik eagerly scanned the quest board, excited for his first official quest as a registered member of the Adventurers Guild. 

Wil casually selected ten quests from the board, much to Mik's annoyance.

He laughed it off and told Mik not to take things too seriously, assuring him it would be easy to earn the required points to rank up.

"Alright, I've picked out ten Category E quests," Wil explained. "I think this will be enough to rank you up."

Mik nodded, feeling more reassured by Wil's confidence. But before they started their quests, Wil's stomach loudly announced its hunger, embarrassing him. "But first, let's eat!"

He ordered food from Droug, the guild's bartender, and both were delighted with the dishes prepared by a skilled chef.

Despite the forest providing them with food, the chef's expertise in seasoning made the meal even better.

He generously offered to pay for anything Mik wanted to order. After some hesitation, Mik decided to try some new foods.

As a former servant, he was used to bland meals, so Wil's offer was a delight.

Once they finished their meal and left the guild, they explored Toadcreek's bustling business district.

They stumbled upon a small bookstore. Mik, who had only read books given to him by his mother, was excited to browse the shelves. 

He selected books based on their titles, contents, and other items.

After making his purchases, Mik asked,"What are these for?"

He explained, "These books contain information about all plants, animals, and maps of the kingdom. They'll be useful for our travels. And this," he said, revealing a small, unique bag, "is a spatial bag. It can hold items much larger than its size, turning the inside into a space as big as a small room."

Wil handed the spatial bag to Mik, saying, "Read every page of those books. It'll help you achieve your dream. Expand your knowledge of this world through travel and reading. I've also included charcoal pencils, coloring pigments, and plenty of paper for your drawings."

Mik was overwhelmed by Wil's kindness, and while he couldn't find the right words. He understood the value of all of it. He resolved to keep it safe, even at the cost of his life. 

The evening fell. They rented a two-bedroom inn in the business district. He had grown accustomed to sleeping on the hard forest floor for months. The softness of the bed felt like a luxury he hadn't experienced in a while.

As night settled in, Toadcreek came to life in the morning. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the air as shops opened and merchants displayed their wares.

Donning their armor and weapons, adventurers gathered to set off on their quests, filled with excitement and anticipation.

Despite their dangers, these people felt a thrill as they ventured into dungeons, sought hidden treasures, and battled formidable foes. 

Two figures engaged in a rigorous training session in a small courtyard at the back of the inn.

He had been joining Wil for their early morning workouts. Since leaving the mountains, one goal had consumed his thoughts: to be strong.

Wil sparred relentlessly with him, urging him to sharpen his techniques and enhance his combat abilities. After a hearty breakfast provided by the inn, the duo set off for the town gate.

Their questing adventure began with a straightforward task: delivering flour sacks from warehouses to a nearby bakery.

They balanced these heavy bags on their shoulders, navigating the bustling streets. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, teasing their hungry stomachs.

Following a satisfying lunch break, their next mission proved more challenging: rescuing a lost kitten perched high in a nearby tree.

His nimble climbing skills came into play as he maneuvered through the branches and safely retrieved the trembling feline.

The relieved owner showered them with gratitude and a handful of shiny copper coins.

In the afternoon, their duties became more routine but still vital. They assisted an elderly couple in weeding their modest garden, diligently removing stubborn weeds, and planting new seeds.

Then, they turned their attention to an old canal clogged with debris, dedicating themselves to restoring the water flow. 

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, they ensured a group of schoolchildren safely reached their homes, guiding them through the bustling streets and providing each child arrived at their doorstep.

Category E quests at the guild were often overlooked due to their low rewards.

However, these quests provided newcomers an invaluable chance to refine their skills and demonstrate their reliability as competent adventurers. 

While some adventurers brushed aside these quests as too easy, Wil made him understand that every task could significantly impact someone's life, no matter how small.

Completing each assignment filled him with pride, knowing their efforts marked his journey as an adventurer and made a positive difference in people's lives.

The following day, the weary guards, who had been on duty all night, exchanged tired greetings with Wil and him. The duo inquired about directions to the nearby mountains.

Today's task involved gathering herbs and medicinal plants in the mountainous terrain. Lurking danger loomed nearby: monsters could attack adventurers at any moment. He saw this as another opportunity to enhance his knowledge and skills. 

This was the daily rhythm in Toadcreek Bordertown.

Bonus chapter! See you next week!

Creation is hard; cheer me up!

AdmiralBayabascreators' thoughts
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