
Tales of Demons and Gods: Thousand avatars

See a guy surviving the world of Tales of Demons and Gods with help of his wits and system. I don't own anything from tales of demons and gods except my own characters and writing this fic for fun and to practice story telling I hope you may like this fic!

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As I opened my eyes, I found myself in an unfamiliar environment – a classroom where everyone was adorned in fancy Chinese attire. I had completely dozed off.

"Hey, Wei Yang, are you excited about the classes? I heard Shen Xiu of the Sacred Family is going to be our class teacher. What do you think she is going to talk about?" asked a boy with a decent facial structure and a well-built physique.

'What the hell is this? What the heck...' I couldn't calm myself as a million thoughts raced through my mind, and deep anxiety enveloped me.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself.

"Umm, ah, I don't know what she will teach, brother," I replied as normally as I could.

With a raised eyebrow, the boy asked, "Hey, are you alright, man? You don't look good. Are you nervous about this?"

"Yes, I am, brother, and you don't need to worry. I will be alright," I said with a calm voice, not wanting to raise any questions from the boy.

"Alright, man, here she comes," the boy said as a beautiful lady entered the class and greeted us.

"Demon Spiritualists and Fighters have five different ranks: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Black Gold, and Legend rank. Each rank is then divided into five levels, from 1-star to 5-star.

"A Demon Spiritualist is above a Fighter. We are a truly noble existence. A Demon Spiritualist can form a soul realm within their dantian. They have the ability to integrate a captured demon into their soul realm and then merge with the demon in combat. This allows them to possess matchless strength, far above what Fighters can compete with," Shen Xiu explained arrogantly, "Just like me, my demon is a Scarlet Flame Fox."

Suddenly, Shen Xiu's face and hands underwent drastic changes. Her facial shape became sharper, her teeth and nails also became sharper. Finally, a scarlet tail emerged from her back.

"After merging with a demon, I can control its strength as well as gain fire-type abilities. Among the demons, the Scarlet Flame Fox is a Gold rank beast. This means that the highest level I can reach is Gold rank Demon Spiritualist. Of course, after becoming a Gold rank Demon Spiritualist, I can replace it with a more powerful demon."

'What am I really dreaming? I see magic, and this woman turns into half fox and half human,' I thought to myself, feeling only awe.

'Ah, man, I got into this transmigration mess, and I don't know how to react.' As negative thoughts clouded my mind, a sudden pain penetrated my head as unknown memories started to pour in.

It seems my name is Wei Yang, an orphan who is here purely on his own, a very talented guy who got a scholarship to the Holy Orchid Institute due to having a Cyan soul realm, currently under the vice principal of the institute. The boy who talked to me is Wang Tang from some noble family.

'Oh no, I am in danger,' I thought as I found myself in the world of Tales of Demons and Gods, a very dangerous place with millions of creatures, experts who can kill you with their farts, and all kinds of dangers.

'My God, I wasn't a bad man in my previous life, and the most evil thing I did was killing ants. Why me, why me?' My thoughts were not clear, and just as I was going through another mental turmoil, I heard somebody speak up.

"Teacher Shen Xiu, I have a question," Nie Li suddenly spoke.

'Oh, shit, Nie Fricking Li! Maybe my luck isn't that bad, and he seems to be Nie Li from the novel.' I was getting excited over this fact, and I saw drama unfold in front of me as Nie Li and Shen Xiu went back and forth with their words.

"That being the case, why would I not dare? I do not believe an egotistical brat like you can achieve anything. Who do you think you are boasting to?" Shen Xiu angrily snorted, "Such rudeness to your teacher. For the next two months, you will stand at the back of the classroom and listen to the class!" Shen Xiu dropped the bomb, and Nie Li started walking towards the back of the class.

After a few seconds, somebody else also walked towards Nie Li followed by four guys.

'This is the opportunity I can't miss – following Nie Li. The three side characters, friends of his, become very strong just for sticking with him in this situation.' I also started walking towards the back of the classroom.

Seeing me also standing up for Nie Li, Shen Xiu asked, "Even you are with him?" She said with a shocked expression, not believing the situation.

"Yes, Teacher Shen Xiu, I believe what he says is not wrong," I said in a very stoic tone as Shen Xiu's expression grew frustrated, and she said, "I am very disappointed in you, and do whatever you want!"

I walked towards the group of guys and greeted, "Hello, my name is Wei Yang. Nice to meet you all!" I said in a friendly tone as one by one, they introduced themselves. Nie Li looked a bit puzzled.

"Is there anything wrong, Nie Li? Is there something on my face?" I said in a firm voice, waiting for his answer as he spoke up, "Nothing much, but I am a bit surprised that you joined us, and you are considered a genius by others on top of that."

"Even though I am considered a genius, I am just an orphan, and I am truly moved by your words," I said as genuinely as I could, also recognizing that he is a key to my survival in this world.

"Alright, brother Wei, you are welcome to our gang then," he said with a smile as I chuckled a bit.

"But Nie Li, can you really reach bronze rank in two months? Not that I doubt you, but think realistically bro," I said, keeping up my act of being concerned.

"Don't worry, I'm well aware of the things that I want to do, and they will definitely be accomplished!" Nie Li spoke with confidence.

Du Ze and Lu Piao were a bit shaken up by Nie Li's newfound confidence, wondering where he got it, but deep down, they were a bit influenced by his charisma.

After that, I spoke up, "If that's the case, then we will support you no matter what."

Nie Li looked at us as if he had found brothers, and he spoke up, "Du Ze, Lu Piao, and Wei Yang, I will let the three of you become the strongest Demon Spiritualists!" Nie Li said heavily.

"Nie Li, what methods do you have to refine soul force in order to raise your Demon Spiritualist level?" Du Ze asked. He's very curious. From what he knows, there's no shortcut in training one's soul force.

"Just listen to me. As long as you don't back down, you can become powerful Demon Spiritualists," said Nie Li in a very firm tone.

The talk went on about how we could achieve such a feat, with Nie saying a lot of money is needed, and likewise, the class came to an end.

As I was leaving with the gang, having small talks here and there, I suddenly was flashbanged by a window in front of me, and a voice spoke up in my head.

[Hello, host, this is the avatar system as you are the one I am assigned to.]

Surprised, I let out a semi-scream, shocking everybody near me.



I had a great time writing this. If you enjoyed it and would like me to continue, please leave a comment. Your feedback will be a huge encouragement for me!

Dark_lord_pepecreators' thoughts