
Chapter 1

I was walking on a road; the buildings and architecture look very old. My clothes were very old looking. What a weird dream I'm having. I stopped and moved my body. This is too realistic. Is this what they call lucid dreaming? Well, it didn't matter anyways.

I walked on the road as I looked around my surroundings. There were many peddlers and street vendors. Everything was going smooth until I heard the shouting of the street vendors shouting their goods. What I heard excited me.

"Bronze Rank Snow Wind Boots!!! Only 15,000 demon spirit coins!"

"Bronze Rank Lightning Gauntlets!!! Only 30,000 demon spirit coins!"


A smirk formed on my face. What a fascinating dream I'm having. Tales of Demons and Gods. It's been on my mind recently. It's been very good, except for the fact that the author has stopped continuing the story now. There hasn't been any updates at all, a pretty good story that was enjoyed by many thousands of people online, is now probably going to come to and end; without a proper end.

Let's see what I'll dream I guess, nothing could possibly go wrong right? Hehe, right? I mean it's just a dream.

I just continued walking around and enjoyed the scenery of this lucid dream that will soon come to an end. This world, it was beautiful.

When the sun started to set I started to wonder when I would wake up. I found a place to sit down and sat. After sitting down my stomach grumbled and only then I realized I was hungry and hadn't eaten the whole day, or to say, the whole dream. I checked my pockets but they were empty, I guess I'm broke. Ehehe, even from reality, some things don't change.

If this is a dream, what if I willed it and created some demon spirit coins. It was only a dream after all. After doing whatever you do in dreams, I willed some demon spirit coins into plain existence. Hahaha, cool. It's been a while since I've been able to manipulate my dreams. It used to be way easier as a kid. Now I'm 14… still a kid but like still, very much more mature.

After watching the sun get lower and lower in the horizon, I started to get sleepy. I yawned and started dozing off to sleep. Well, this was a pleasantly nice change of pace. I hope I get a dream like this again soon. As my thoughts faded I dozed to sleep right were I sat.


The sound of a water droplet woke me up. I opened my eyes but didn't open my eyes..?? The moment I had heard the water droplet I had already become conscious. Very weird. I felt awake.

I looked around myself and saw just emptiness. I was sitting on the ground which was filled with water that was around an inch tall but I felt no wetness. My clothes weren't wet as well.

Hmmm weird, wasn't I just dreaming, has it not ended? The water was faintly glowing and I could feel some kind of energy radiating from it. Cool, I thought. I laid down and just stared at the dark never ending ceiling.

After a moment of looking at the never ending darkness, I could make out something falling from side to side. It swayed in the air. It kept swaying and descending slowly as I just stared at it. I reached out my hand for it and caught it. It was a folded piece of paper.

On the paper it read, "To Lu". It's for me, weird. This dream is getting odd. I unfolded the paper and read it's contents.

Contents of Paper:

Dear Lu, to be frank and simple. You have died. The final wisp of your soul was thinking about Tales of Demons and Gods and hence why you are here right now. What you think is a dream is not a dream but now your new life. You have been transmigrated here. At the moment your soul is still damage but with the principles of this world, you should be able to heal yourself soon. Due to pity of your sad end, I have bestowed you with some unique abilities. After reading this you will soon figure out what they will be. Good luck to you young Lu.

After I finished reading the contents of the paper it quickly ignited and disintegrated into ashes. I was absent minded. Uhhh… Okay..?

Unexpectedly, I started surging with energy. Information then appeared in my head. They were about the unique abilities. One ability I was given was to create things with my thought, but this would cost me energy. This I guess is the same from when I made those demon spirit coins. Another ability I was given was to save moments in time. This meant that I can come back to a point in time I saved if I died. This was very cheating. I was only limited to 2 saves though. Luckily I was able to erase a save from the past to use it for the present for more up to date saves. This will save me from regressing too far back if anything bad happened.

For my last ability, it was boundless understanding and knowledge of the "Dao". Man, if only I had been thinking about Martial Peak or another better story at the time, it would have been so much better. Welp, too bad I'm stuck here now.

After digesting everything I just sat in thought. At the moment I should be in my soul realm. It's pretty dead in this space. I should liven it up, but before I do I have to heal my soul. After searching through my boundless and endless knowledge of the Dao, I found a way to heal my damaged soul. I started chanting and meditating and soon I started to feel a warmth develop me. My soul started to heal rapidly and quickly.

After making great progress I stopped and left my soul realm. After regaining consciousness I opened my eyes. My body was sore and cold. What did I expect, I slept outside on the rocky road. After patting myself off I thought of what I could do. This is my new reality now. Although I am very young, I need to get accustomed and learn to live in this new life.

Well, since I'm a transmigrator, I have no family, no backing, literally no background, basically nothing at all. Should I get acquainted with the protagonist Nie Li? If I do I can just ride the course of the story with him. If I decide to do things by myself, it won't be a problem but it would be quite boring. I guess I'll just go with the flow then.

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