
Tale of Medea : Something with the Different Place

Penulis: YuniHana_
Romansa Fantasi
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What is Tale of Medea : Something with the Different Place

Baca novel Tale of Medea : Something with the Different Place yang ditulis oleh penulis YuniHana_ yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. Mina van Chastelein pergi menuju Hindia Belanda dengan tujuan liburan sekolah, di mana orangtuanya juga bekerja di sana. Sialnya, dia harus tinggal bersama kakak laki-lakinya yang super jahil bernama ...


Mina van Chastelein pergi menuju Hindia Belanda dengan tujuan liburan sekolah, di mana orangtuanya juga bekerja di sana. Sialnya, dia harus tinggal bersama kakak laki-lakinya yang super jahil bernama Abbe. Sampai akhirnya sebuah cahaya misterius menuntun mereka menuju tempat asing. Aul, satu-satunya ras yang ditemui di sana cukup aneh karena bisa berubah menjadi serigala dan turut menjadi cikal bakal petualangan mereka di dunia yang disebut sebagai Medea. Namun, Abbe menghilang tanpa jejak dan menuntut Mina untuk mencarinya bersama orang-orang yang ditemuinya di sana. Bisakah keduanya bertemu kembali? Bagaimana cara mereka kembali ke villa mereka di Buitenzorg?

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Nexus Federation: Universal warfare

Hey guys this is my first story so there will be lots of redos, coming to the story it will be thousands of years in the future where humans have colonized and reshaped planets in the solar system to survive, After multiple world wars and alien invasions, humans get divided into 5 groups based on the nature of their power, the biggest and strongest force are the mutants, next strongest are the magic users that use mana, 3rd strongest and also close to the strength of magic users are the aura users who use life energy, next are the Espers that are very few in number and their power depends on the extent to which they can unlock and use the human brain capacity that helps in telekinesis, telepathy and other mental abilities that will be explained in the story and finally the last group of people will be the androids part human and part robots. The main enemies will be the asuras that also live in the milky way galaxy(Rubix galaxy according to my story) and also devas though they are not antagonistic completely their petty nature that looks down on the humans leads to some conflicts. The Nexus Federation is founded by John Nexus the strongest human and mutant that ever existed at the current point of the story, he freed humanity from the slavery of the asuras that had took place for 7326 years and the dates have been reset to AN(After Nexus) under Johns might and leadership the entire humanity had united and managed to drive the asuras out of the solar system, but after 5848 years of his reign of leading the nexus federation, he passed away in a fierce battle against one of the strongest asuras for dominating the Rubix galaxy. In the year of 7048 once again a new generation of prodigies appear that give hope and confidence to the leaders of the nexus federation to achieve what John Nexus couldn't, Read more to find out if these new generation elite can achieve the hopes and dreams of humanity. The cover is not mine. I don't know who the creator is, but if the creator wants to take credit or take it down please contact and let me know

Chanu_Q6 · Peperangan
Peringkat tidak cukup
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The Contract Bride of Mr. Reid

“Help me, please,” Bella pleaded, grasping his hands. His dark eyes, devoid of warmth, pierced through hers with an unsettling coldness. "Why should I mess with those goons to help you?" he asked callously. “I’ll do anything you say,” she said without thinking, desperate. “Just save me from them.” He demanded something that Bella had never anticipated even in her dreams. A contract marriage! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bella Dawn was already in distress to pay her step father’s debts. To add her misery, her mother was diagnosed with liver disease and needed immediate transplant. Where would she get that much money? Then, like a cruel twist of fate, she accidentally encountered a handsome man, Theodore Reid, the enigmatic CEO of Ace Group. Rumors said that he was a ruthless businessman with a heart as cold as ice. Yet, to Bella, he was kind, rescuing her from the clutches of those who sought to exploit her. She was grateful to him until he demanded something weird, shattering her pervious assumptions. He wanted to marry her. No He wanted a contract marriage. In exchange, he would take care of her mother's treatment and compensate her generously at the end of their arrangement. For Theodore, it was a solution born out of necessity, a means to appease his grandfather's demands for an heir while he searched for the one who had once saved him, his angel. Bella’s appearance reminded him of his savior. So, he offered her a contract marriage. It was a temporary solution to his grandfather’s demand to get an heir until he found his angel. With no other options left, Bella reluctantly agreed to the terms of the contract. But little did she know it would test her resolve and resilience like never before. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Remember one thing, never fall in love with me,” he said, cold and dangerous. Bella gulped, nervous. “What if I do?” A sliver of defiance, a foolish question escaped her lips. She was already attracted to his handsome appearance. He squeezed her jaw and hissed, “You will regret it.” “What if you started liking me?” she dared to ask. He leaned closer, his breath warm against her ear. "No chance," he scoffed. "You're not my type." Bella’s heart sank. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can check my other books. Accidentally Married to Mr. Billionaire - Completed The Billionaire's Sick Wife - Completed Temptation of Billionaire's Secret Lover: A tale of love and revenge - Ongoing, daily updated.

Angelica2511 · perkotaan
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Seven main theme

A certain man had two sons, and younger son said to his father, give me my possession, let me go and live my life, the way it please me, so the younger son went. After sometimes, the younger son have spend everything he had, so there was a great famine in the land, the younger son have to go and join himself to a citizen of that country. The person that younger son was working for sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he would fain have filled his stomach with the husks that the swine did eat. And no man gave into him. The younger son forget who he was, he was suffering, he find no man to favor him, so many of us are like that today. Are you like the PRODIGAL SON? THINK TWICE AND BE SAVE. (Luke 15 vs 17). And when he came to himself, he said how many hired servant of my fathers have enough bread and to spare and I perish with hunger. You don't have to perish, is not the will of God. Most of the problem we find our self today, we are the cause by our own decision. The younger son said to himself, I will arise and go to my father and I will say unto him father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee. And am no more worthy to be called thy son, make me as one of thy hired servants. And he arose and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. God can not forget you, can a mother forget her sucking child, No". God think about you.." Psalm 139 vs 17." Turn from your ways and God will clean you from every unrighteousness. You are precious to God, because he made you and form you in his image and likeness. Is not the will of God for any one to perish but to come to repentance, that why he send his only begotten son, Jesus Christ to come and die for you and I. (John 3 vs 16). No matter your wrong, God will still take you back, because you so precious before him. But the father said to his servants, bring forth the best rope and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet. You will be crown as prince, because your father (God) is a king, he received him with happiness, it was also with God, if you repent, God will rejoice with all his angels. The things of this world profit nothing, but death and sorrow. The younger son love the world, but what he face after was terrible, love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him. "1john 2 vs 15.". Love God because he loves you, and because of that he sent his only son Jesus Christ to die for you and I, THINK TWICE, my brother and sister, don't be deceived by what you see in the world, they are vanity. CHAPTER TWO. THE ONLY WAY. Jesus Christ is the only way in the book of john 14 vs 6.jesus said unto him, "I am the way the truth and the life. No man cometh to the father, but by me. There are no other ways, no other truth, no other except Jesus Christ. Maybe you have been passing through many ways, but I tell you, Jesus Christ is the the only way. The way here symbolise his instructions. "Proverbs 8 vs 5" He said, O ye simple understand wisdom and ye fools be ye of an understanding heart, if you read down to verse 10 to 11.He said received my my (ways) instructions and not silver (money) and knowledge rather than choice gold.. For wisdom is better than rubies and all the things that maybe desire are not to be compared to it. You see what God is telling you. All the things you desired are in God, what are you looking for, money, power, fame etc mention them, they are all in God.. The only way to get what you desire, is to seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all this thing shall be added unto you. Do you think God can lie, No he can not, he has said it, so shall it be. Just follow the only way think twice now and be save. He said in the book of Isaiah 45 vs 2 to 3,"I will go before thee to make the crooked places straight :, I will break in pieces the gates of bra

AlfredGbadebo · Realistis
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