
This won't be our end


The sun was setting already but its warm orange rays still spread across the sky, creating some natural light. 


In the small town outside the large city with tall buildings, which could be seen clearly from there, were already turning on their lights. 


A small boy not more than nine years old sat in an alley wrapped in a brown and dirty blanket to shield him from the cold. 


He was shivering gently with his teeth chattering gently. It had just finished raining and the ground was still wet. 


Rain drops were still falling from the electricity wires and roofs.


The boy was very quiet and no one would notice he was there. 


He glanced at the entrance of the alley occasionally, as if he was waiting for someone. 


Not long after, a woman dressed in rags just like him walked towards him carrying a small plate with her. 


"Enzo, are you okay my dear?" She knelt before him as she checked his face to make sure he was alright. 


"Yes mother, I am fine." He replied through his chattering teeth and the woman sighed a sigh of relief. 


"I got this food from some of the food the nearby restaurant threw out. Thank goodness it is still on the plates." She quickly set the food before him and started feeding him. 


The plate was filled with cold noodles, rice, and some leftover meat she got from the restaurant just outside the alley. 


The boy ate hungrily like he had not eaten in days. The woman, Lora, smiled gently at him as she patted his head. 


"You know Enzo." She started as she fed him gently with a slight smile still on her face. 


"You are the best thing that ever happened to me. After your father left me to strive alone in this world, I always saw you as my hope."


"Mother, why did we leave our old house?" The boy asked and she hummed before replying. 


"Some men are after us. They are the ones we've been running from for weeks now." Lora said as she watched him chew his food. 


"What do they want from us? We have nothing but our bag." Enzo raised his head to look straight at his mother who had a bitter smile on her face. 


"No need to worry about that honey, eat up." She changed the subject quickly.


"Aren't you going to eat mother?" He asked and she shook her head. 


"I had some of the rice on my way here. You just eat all you can, we'll stay here till the coast is clear." Lora kissed his forehead as she fed him the remaining food and gave him some water to drink. 


Lora opened the bag lying next to Enzo and brought out another blanket before lifting him to her lap to sleep and wrapping them both with it. 


Enzo watched his mother as she looked up at the sky with worry written all over her face but she didn't voice anything out. 


"Mother." He called and she looked down at him. 


"Yes honey?" She answered him. 


"Why did father leave you?" He asked and she smiled bitterly again. 


"They took him away from me." She replied and he hugged her tightly. 


"I'm here for you mother. I'll be your hero." He clenched his fists under the blanket and she nodded with pride.


"I'll fight off the enemies, buy you a large house with lots of food there and clothes for you to wear. I promise." 


"You've grown so much honey." 


The duo remained there till the sun finally set and the night spread its dark blanket across the sky. 


Enzo was fast asleep with Lora sitting with her back against the wall not deeply asleep. 


The peaceful night was interrupted with a series of gunshots and Lora shot her eyes open immediately. 


"They're here." She mumbled and Enzo woke up immediately. 


"Let's go honey. We have to leave here now." Lora packed the blankets in the bag and they cautiously left the alley. 


Thanks to the little food they both had, they were able to run as fast as their feet could take them. 


Soon, some men in black were already chasing after them. 


Sounds of water splashing from the puddles were heard as the men charged towards the running mother and son.


Lora held on to her son's hands tightly as they kept on running and dodging the bullets that were being shot at them. 


Enzo has been thinking how his mother was able to swiftly avoid the bullets from hitting them. 


They soon ran on to a bridge with a large space between them and the men, giving them enough space to hide somewhere. 


"Trust me on this Enzo, all you have to do is jump okay? You trust me right?" Lora asked as she helped him to the edge of the bridge. 


"Yes…" Enzo said as he gulped, looking at the water below them. 


"No need to be scared darling, I am right here. Right by your side." 


Lora climbed next to him, still holding his hand and suddenly, they both jumped into the water below them. 


"I'm pretty sure this won't be our end. We can't just end like this." Lora said as they landed in the water with a heavy splash. 


"Enzo." A distant voice called. 


"Enzo, are you listening at all?" The voice said again with a series of punching sounds heard behind the feminine voice. 


"Earth to Enzo." She thundered, and he looked up to see the most perfect pair of emerald eyes staring at him. 


"I've been calling you for the past five minutes now weirdo." She half yelled at him. 


"Sorry Herta, I was lost in thoughts."



Thank you for joining me on this beautiful journey

Please this book is for WSA, do support me

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