
The Possibilities

Currently Take alongside Ghost are going back into the dungeon for a few more days since Mia said that the owner asked 500 Million Valis and he was short he decided that the alcohol he was fermenting could wait as he delved into the depths attempting to get the rest of the money he needs before the week is up giving him 4 days, he can notice the difference in difficulty after his status got updated making getting down to the 16th floor a breeze and dealing with Minotaurs with near half the difficulty Ghost seemed to be having an easier time as well but not to the degree Take was

During his time in the dungeon he began to think of what Misha had said about his fuinjutsu having the possibly of being a hot topic on the market he already has an idea to put into play and since nobody can recreate it putting the ball in his court when it comes to the price, after 4 days in the dungeon Take began to leave on the 3rd floor he ended up passing a familiar white haired boy but this time with a small brown haired pallum who was covering her face and the majority of her body with an old worn cloak not giving it another thought he ran towards the guild office to exchange his crystals and drops

After signing the ownership papers with Mia he seen 'Freya' written down as the owner and realized he bought the Hostess of Fertility from the goddess but now realizing it was too late not that he was going to back out, this tavern was a gold mine when paired with the produce from the valley he figured that although overpriced he still came out on top, he then approached Ryuu and Chloe who both volunteered to be the supply runners until further notice

After handing them 'Key Seals' which will allow them to pass the various misdirection and illusion seals hiding the interior of the valley from prying eyes they left towards the valley

"What's these hide slips?" (Chloe)

"That's your key to pass into the forest surrounding the valley, They will last for one trip in and out of the forest until I find out a way to lock them to a single person you will have to come to me before you can make the trip"

Chloe nodded but Ryuu spoke

"How are we going to transport all the produce, we know that you have some space magic but we have no such thing"

"Until I find a solution to that problem I will be joining you, when we arrive I'll show you around so you can get your bearings… Ryuu you might have a hard time focusing in the valley due to your heritage being more in tune to nature than others"

Earning a curious glare from Ryuu

"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll understand when we pass the mountains, Your free Ghost"

Hearing this Ghost ran off in a random direction most likely to find a chew toy but didn't stray far enough to miss a pulse from Take


With yet another uneventful trip to the valley whether Ghost helped with that or not they won't know but currently the trio alongside Ghost were entering the forest soon approaching a grassy mound looking back at the two seeing Chloe look around and a slight flushed look on Ryuu as she studied the surroundings

"This is the main compound here there are the pens for pheasants and chickens alongside the crops, to the south are 3 divided sections 1st housing cows, 2nd housing boars, and the 3rd is currently empty but I have plans to move the crops there"

Leading them up a path they finally got a look at the little homestead Take had developed, opening the door the cabin he let them enter first as he spoke

"They key seal I gave you will also unlock the door to this cabin although it is small it stays warm in the winter and stays cool during the hotter seasons, to the left is a kitchen with a freezer made into a cave and chilled with ice magic if you won't have to worry about the ice melting due to the energy in the surroundings"

This caught both Chloe and Ryuu's attention but Ryuu was the first to speak

"Could you tell me what this energy is? The trees emit a pressure comparable to the sacred trees… no it's definitely stronger here…"

"Yes… it took me a while to realize it but this is a side effect of me using my powers here and letting them dispel into the environment, I don't completely understand it since this phenomenon doesn't occur elsewhere"

This left the elf in pure shock as she tried to wrap her head around what he said while Chole spoke

"Wait… so you built all of this by hand?"

Nodding as he replied while leading them outside towards where the cows are

"Yes I originally was living in the cave with Ghost as my only companion, after some time I ended up using logs to block off the entrance to the cave and then began expanding but my location was found not far afterwards leading me to cover my log cabin with dirt and sod then pretty much cutting this valley off from the outside world"

As a cleared out section of the forest came into view Chloe went wide eyed

"How are they so big"

Seeing over 40 cows grazing they couldn't help but be stunned even Take was slightly shook, it has barely been 2 weeks and the amount of cows have increased by 10x with over half of them near fully grown or judging by the size of them they looked that way, some even growing taller and fatter than the others. Take picked 2 male and 2 female cows to slaughter and moving them back towards the cabin


Currently Chole and Ryuu were watching Take distill his vodka which proved to be a very time exhausting process it took over 6 hours to distill all 50 liters (I don't know the exact time it will take to distill so guesses) after storing it all in jars as Chole and Ryuu finished butching the cows Take turned to them handing them a jar

"Go ahead and try it while I do the rest you girls have worked hard you deserve it"

Turning away leaving the two girls with a jar of potato vodka as they looked at the slightly hazy clear liquid they gave it a sniff causing their nose to slighty burn. Chole was the first to take a sip finding a slight mixed berry taste that only strengthened after she swallowed feeling the vodka burn all the way down to her stomach as it sent a sense of warmth through her whole body causing her to lightly shudder as she looked at Ryuu

"It's delicious… I can see this selling faster then what we are already supplied…(taking another sip slighty bigger then the last and passing it to Ryuu) if he can make other alcohol the Hostess of Fertility could pretty much be self sufficient minus some ingredients and spices but he could probably grow most of it here cutting the spending margin down… Oh my god… he going to turn the Hostess of Fertility into one of the biggest restaurants in town… the expansion he must have in mind must be ridiculous…"

As she watched Ryuu take a gulp of the vodka with a surprised face she heard a voice as she turned around she saw Take returning with Ghost half a step behind

"Alright 6000lbs of beef, 500lbs of both chickens and pheasant, 100lbs each of various fruits and vegetables (putting a finger to his chin) does it sound like we are missing anything?"

Seeing Chloe shake her head and Ryuu staring at the vodka he assumed he didn't miss anything and they began heading back towards Oriaro

"So how are we going to store all of the produce although we have a freezer back at the tavern I doubt it would be able to hold all of the supplies"

With a slight smile on his face take replied to Chole

"First step of the expansion...Magic…"


As they arrived back at the Hostess of Fertility Take had Mia show him to an empty back room she watched as he started doing hand seals 'Earth Release: Hidden Cellar' slamming his hands onto the floor the earth gave way soon a large room the size of the cafeteria in the Tavern walking down into the cellar Take did more hand seals 'Earth Release: Harden' placing his hand in a wall near by the effect seemed to travel across the walls as they hardened, Take then pulled out a storage seal unsealing a large amount of Cattail 'cotton' and premixed cement, Mia watched with a soft smile as Take started coating the walls slowly insulating them

After some time Take turned towards Mia

"Let me know when this all drys and I'll apply a second coat after that I'll use some magic to chill the room so the meat will stay cool and keep the room sanitized, as for prices drop all of them by 40% for the remainder of this week after that raise the prices by 20% from the discount I'd like to see all of the sold supplies soon, I'm estimating if we bring in 200 people a day this all will be gone in about 9 days if you run out let me know and I'll make another trip with Ryuu and Chloe so they can get used to the trip until I find out something so they can take the trip on their own"

After some time talking with various customers about the change in ownership and the up and coming expansion Take went back to put up another coat of insulation this time using 'Wind Release: Warm Wind' to speed up the drying process and also using something he found out during his most recent trip to the dungeon 'Holy Ice: Blessed Chilled Pillar' causing a 2 meter x 2 meter pillar of ice to rise from the center of the room instantly dropping the temperature enough for him to see his breath as he exhaled

After checking the room to make sure there were no problems he unsealed all the meat before leaving to find Mia after finding her in the kitchen he handed her a jar of clear vodka

"I left 20 liters of similar alcohol in the freezer let me know how it sells currently the amount is limited but once I find what people like I will be adding this onto the supply runs, I'll be checking on the ice pillar every 4 days until I find a solution to the magic dispelling other than that continue business as you have… Have a great rest of your day tell the girls the same for me, if you need anything or have any questions just send someone to the Twilight Manor I won't be entering the dungeon anytime soon"

Take's next stop was the Twilight Manor to gift some of his vodka to Gareth and make some progress on Fuinjutsu which was in his opinion was his most useful form of magic he had a few ideas to try out which could bring in large amounts of money and help cheapen the costs that the Hostess of Fertility has his first idea was a sort of fuinjutsu mana circuit that anyone can use due to it simply absorbing the mana channeled into it before dispersing it making it an effective and easy way to train magic while he also had ideas mainly for absorbing mana from the surroundings to power the freezer or ones that would help keep food hot which also proposes the opportunity to sell prepackaged food that breaks the seal upon opening

As Take thought about the possibilities that Fuinjutsu possessed he looked up to find himself at the gates to the Twilight Manor and Lefiya scratching behind Ghost's ear letting slight smile on his face at the thought

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