
New Life

Deep within a forest a boy with white hair longer then he was tall woke up as his eyes fluttered open revealing both of them split down the middle between white with purple streaks and light blue with black streaks that seemed to seep into the other half, that wasn't the only interesting thing about these eyes the pupils themselves seemed to be shaped after a tribal sun with the rays branching off of them swirling opposite of each other while differently colored circles with weird symbols circled the pupil (A/N: Looks like 5 separate 8 trigrams seals)

These markings were red, blue, green, brown, and yellow they rotated in a fixed position as if the points of a pentagram they never deviated from this unending cycle, reaching towards his forehead he felt two horns if he could see them they were white and black in color peeking through the skin while they weren't currently all to big the boy had a feeling they would grow, as for his height he felt like he was around 180cm while his hair was definitely more then 230cm the pure white hair seemed almost blinding as it reflected the light seeping through the branches of the trees

Looking down the boy found himself to be fairly pale and if he could see his face he would no doubt mistake him self for an ethereal beauty of a women despite being a male... for some odd reason he felt the need to check if his little brother was still there as he got a good look at his clothes

Looking over his clothing he found the grey short sleeve shirt with a black whirlpool spiral on the back with a pair of black form fitting pants and black and grey shoes comfortable not to mention the black cloak he was wearing that was open on the front of the right side that seemed to keep out the cold air

He didn't remember much of anything just his name... Take Hikomori, as he looked around he found that all the grass around him was slightly burned before he could think about the reason a low growl resound from his back as like a streak of black a weird dog like creature standing on its back two legs shot out from the trees with a makeshift spear made from a branch and a sharp black glass like stone (A/N: Obsidian) tied together with a thin vine the boy didn't know how his eyes kept up with the beast nor how or what his body did but somehow he managed to change the direction of the makeshift spear

Internally freaking out as his body seemed to work on its own as he weaved through all of the beasts attacks dodging by only millimeters even moving his head so that his hair doesn't get cut as he was asking himself what was going on he watched as ice seemed to form in front of him into a needle while the needle itself looked like a child trying to draw a sword with jagged edges and weird bends it shot forward piercing the beast in the neck seeing the blood leaking from the beast the boy didn't feel anything in particular other then confusion at why he was here, who he was, how he knew these moves, how he knew various other things but yet couldn't remember anything

No matter how many times he asked himself these questions no answers came... as he looked over the now dead body of the beast he saw a weird light shining from within its chest shaking his head he started to put his hair up in a messy bun finding a relatively straight and sturdy stick to hold it together afterwards he picked a random direction and began walking as he tried to form ice again

After walking for a few hours Take found a dirt path and began to follow it when suddenly his stomach grumbled ignoring it since there was nothing he could do about it he continued on the path, he soon reached a split in the path with some water flowing from the face of a rock deciding it would be best to get a drink now then not have the chance later when he needs it he sat down and rested near the weird rock... before he knew it he fell asleep


"Lady Serena, Must you always dirty your dress walking down this path every morning, not just that there have been talk of kobolds frequenting this area as of late"

Turning towards Alfred who was a rather short man in his later years that was currently wearing a conservative but formal black waist coat with a white shirt underneath, black striped trousers, and black leather dress shoes tying it all together with a neatly tied bow tie

"Alfred you know I enjoy my morning walks and with you here there is nothing to worry about whether it's a Kobold or a Minotaur"

With his hands still behind his back which was ramrod straight as he looked towards Lady Serena who was half a step ahead of him wearing an elegant green dress that started just below the shoulders with connecting sleeves reaching halfway down her arms while the dress draped down to her ankles and carrying heels in one of her hands

"My lady, even with me here if we got surrounded there is only so much I could do I'm not an adventure no more and I'm well past my peak, if only you wouldn't shoo away the guards every chance you get"

Sticking her chin in the air slightly as her pointed ears twitched

"Alfred... What's it like outside the Sacred Forest... What are humans like"

Sighing as Alfred realized she changed the subject

"Well my lady, from my travels I found that the Sacred Forest is much more relaxing then the outside world, as for humans well any other race they have their quirks but it simply makes them unique... Not all humans are what the other Elves say they are not all of them have bad intentions there are some pure hearted ones out there but they are few and far between the majority of them have their own agenda and are willing to use anyone to achieve their goal"

As Serena intently listened to Alfred as he told story's about his time as an adventurer diving into the dungeon for fame and riches they were nearing the split in the path where Serena likes to sit by the watering stone when they both suddenly stopped when they saw a head full of pure white hair that seemed to reflect the sun from over the stone

"My lady please stay back let me see who it is"

Slowly walking forward as Alfred made his way around the stone he froze when he saw the girls beautiful face it was unlike anything he has seen before he couldn't tell if she was an elf or not due to the white hair covering her ears despite it being up, as his hand neared the girl's face her eyes shot open as his hand got grabbed and forced behind his back while he was forced to the ground he didn't even get a chance to react as the girls eyes stunned him he had never seen anything like it (A/N: Do I really got to describe them again...)

Somewhat surprised at her own actions the girl quickly released Alfred slightly bowing

"I apologize You scared me and I reacted in a bad manner"

Hearing the not so feminine voice coming from the girl confused Alfred but he quickly regained his bearings as he dusted the dirt off of himself

"No need to apologize I was too hasty when it came to waking you... although you have some skills... May I get your name?"

Sticking his hand out as if asking for a hand shake

"I'm Alfred, Butler for the Alassiel Family"

Shaking his hand with a smile the girl spoke

"Take... Take Hikomori"

At this point Alfred saw the horns on Take's head

"If it isn't too invasive may I ask what your race is and how you found your self in the Sacred Forest"

Although Alfred spoke in a calm manner the grip of his hand and the caution in his eyes betrayed him, when Take heard 'Race' and 'Sacred Forest' he was beyond confused when suddenly he spoke unvoluntarily

"I'm an Oni... wait Sacred Forest... I don't know... I only woke up a few hours ago...wait no was it longer then that..."

Seeing and hearing the evident confusion although confused himself as Alfred knew that the Oni race was wiped out 50 years ago by the Dwarfs but the Horns verified the Boy's claims they both looked in the direction of a soft voice

"Alfred have you figured out who it is, from here it looks like Sir Aerin but I can't tell"

Looking back towards the boy Alfred spoke sternly

"Don't not lay a hand on Lady Serena... no better yet don't come close to her we will be going back to the town where we will check the validity of your claims"


During their short trip back to the Elven town Serena was studying Take, she has never seen another race let alone one that was believed to be extinct although he was forced to walk ahead of the two Take didn't mind he was still trying to sort out want has happened with no luck when suddenly low growls could be heard in the surroundings as the same dog like beast burst out of the trees quickly being followed by 5 more Take being a few steps ahead of both Alfred and Lady Serena was targeted as one of the beast pounced on Take he dodged out of the way landing a kick to the beast just as another went for his legs this one was dispatched by Alfred with a small knife while Take was herding the other five into a pile

With a single look Alfred knew what Take wanted and threw the blade his direction Take caught it mid air as he jumped to dodge yet another pouncing beast as soon as his feet touched the ground he kicked off the ground with explosive power piercing through the first kobold quickly ducking as he twisted around gliding the blade through the belly of the beast that went to jump on him despite being covered in the beasts guts Take didn't seem to mind as he jumped back standing in between the 3 remaining beast and Alfred and Lady Serena

"Run, I'll hold them off here I can't protect you while protecting myself...when I'm done here I'll head in the same direction that you left"

Alfred grabbed Lady Serena's hand but this was meet with her quickly pulling her hand out of his grasp

"I will not run I will see your resolve for my self"

Dodging yet another charge from a beast as he guided the blade to the beast neck but his arm was quickly stopped as the maw of a beast wrapped around it letting out a slight gasp of pain the air seemed to chill as Take yelled out swinging his free hand towards the beast that was latched onto his arm they all watched as a thin layer of ice exploded outward the moment his fist connected with the beasts head impaling it with multiple ice shards

"...changeless magic..."

Hearing Alfreds mutter Lady Serena was ecstatic this is her first time seeing magic used in such a manner since her father always told her 'Fighting isn't lady like' as she watched with unparalleled attention not minding the blood and gore in the surroundings she failed to notice a beast running up to her from behind just as Alfred noticed and turned around something wizzed right by her head leaving a few strand of hair floating in the wind as the knife Take had stabbed into the beast causing it to slam into the ground mid charge and slid across the dirt for a few feet just as Alfred turned his attention back to Take Alfred saw him cornered against a tree by the two remaining beast as one swiped his claws while the other lunged forward with a makeshift spear Take smacked the spear upwards making the beast lose his grip as it went into the air the other beasts claws dug into his stomach cutting through his clothes

As blood stained his clothes and ran down his leg Take was internally cursing him self as he defended against another swipe just as he expected the pain he heard the sound of flesh not being pierced as he looked he saw Alfred with a worried look standing over the now lifeless body of the beast as Take slumped over he managed to utter a single word before the pain overcame him forcing him into unconsciousness


After this release it will be back to the normal schedule unless something comes up stopping me from writing for the next week (10 Chaps stockpiled)

Oofdiditagaincreators' thoughts
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