

Sam, Clementine and Rachel took cover, they left the road as they knew that things would be different should anyone spot them.

They were so focused on the fight previously but now, they were actively looking for a threat.

This told them that there was a threat within these walls.

"Bella, that fucking cunt!" Sam cussed under his breath, he low-key blamed Clementine because he left Bella with her.

She should have known better but it was like he was the only one that saw her as a threat.

The other ladies were far too lax around her even though she fucked them over.

Sam was curious as to what kind of man that Jason was turning out to be, he wanted to see if he would remain the same if they did survive today.

Sam didn't know anywhere here so where he could go was severely limited and they also knew the longer they stayed, the lower the chances of them surviving was.