

[In land of myth and time of abilities the destiny of human race lies on the shoulders of a teenage girl. Her name is….. Erin]

She is tired, No! she is sick will be better. Sick of everything, the school, students, teachers, the council, the government, the system and whole of it.

She has been lying there on her bed, in the quarter servant like room, she was given by that military man on that day for an hour or so.

Erin remembers this day vividly as if it happened yesterday. She replicates her situation to that legendary tale of 'My Vampire System's by Jks Manga about the protagonist Quinn Talen who strives from grass to grace.

Her mind swifted to take a grasp of what led to her current situation.

It was a very morning and busy one like the others on planet Phobos whose atmosphere was slightly indigo in color. Maria Buloh a lady with stunning figures and who has what is to be talked of a lady was seen preparing breakfast for her family "Careful darling, you better not wake her up, you know she hasn't slept since dawn." She talked to a middle aged man who exposed his biceps and seen retiring off the gym work.

'A cataclysmic sleep huh! I have never heard of it' the latter answered. This must be Jim Buloh, a direct son of Grim Buloh, who owned Buloh Dreamland City. 'You don't know how much my dad despices that pathetic daughter of yours.' He spoke to Maria 'A child to be born in one of the big four family, without an ability where on earth have you seen that.' He continued to murmur, even though a sleeping cat could hear him. 'It was not her fault' 'whose then,,,, tell me?'

'Brrr brrr brrr Erin are you there?' That is when Erin snapped out of her mind 'Ah crap, that thing again? Aren't you guys tired of checking on me?' She said. The one on the door was a young looking guy who was in the military uniform. 'Please state date and time and respond with yes or no, nothing else do you understand?' 'Hell yeah, I do.' She answered.

After she was done with in-checkup routine, is when she saw it there, always glittering as it has always been. 'What was my mother thinking when she had left this behind without even saying goodbye' she cursed. 'Alright I will just continue, test number twelve, concentrated hydrochloric acid' she poured it on the book but it didn't. ' How the hell did she think I will open this damn book?' she growled, picking up the book and hurling it to the wall with her mighty and raw strength she had. In the process the top of her palm got scratched and she was bleeding, not taking care of her bleeding hand she proceeded to pick up the book and throw it far away as possible due to frustration.

On touching the book something unexpected happened and the book started glowing and producing red color feeling the room with an immense power.

She was surprised and carefully went to examine the book again on reaching to the book, the bright red glow started to enter through her mouth, nose and eyes, it was scaring and terrifying scene to say of all. Which made her to fall on her knees 'Ah! What is happening to me,,, to my head?' she screamed loud and in front of her she could see it, she could see what seemed as a screen of some sort and it was displaying this message




'What the f*CK, demon sys….' She passed out

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