
New begginings

In the kingdom of Calyuos, near the borders of the kingdom , there stood a village filled with only about 200 villagers. In the middle of the village was a better looking house than all the other houses. At the edge of the village was a couple, with a man having a well built body with black hair and a woman having a slender body with also black hair laying down with a pained but determined face.

The woman was currently in the middle of giving birth with the man staying by the woman's side holding her hand.

"C'mon honey, stay strong, you can do this" the man said as the woman kept screaming and struggling to give birth tothe child

To what felt like hours, the baby has finally been born and with it came happy shout from the baby's father and hearty cheer

"HAHA, MY SON, MY SON HAS FINALLY BEEN BORN!" as the man said holding up his baby boy up in the air.

As the woman gave birth to her son she felt tired but as soon as she fixated her sight on her newborn child she felt relieved that her son came out healthy and felt a little bit of energy as the desire to see her son. As the man kept on heartily laughing to see his son he quicly snapped out of it and let his wife see their newlyborn child.

"He has your red eyes hun" the man said with a smile on his face, "Oh? so he does, but he's also got your looks" the woman said while also smiling, the man was struck with confusion but quickly recovered and replied "Handsome?" with a smile on his face, "Of course"the woman said with a grin, as they laughed in glee.


As the couple were celebrating the birth of their child, the child in question was deep in his thought, " Strange...i feel mana around me...was'nt i supposed to die on the fight with Kronos?...i can hear someone, they're laughing? "

As the boy was thinking of this the man holding him suddenly raised him up, " Say crystal, what should we name our child? " the man said, " hmm, how about chris? " the woman said while thinking hard even though she was tired, " No, we should name him befitting of his parents, don't you think so? " the man said with a grin, crystal, who is too tired after giving birth decided to just give her husband the privilege to name their child said, "Sure" with a smile and a sigh. As the man heard this he joyously laughed and said with a big smile said, " Then we shall name you Justine! Justine Clayvon! " with an expression that looked like it was hoping for their child to like the name he has given, he looked at their child.

" How coincidental, i was also named Justine in my past life...it looks like he expects me to like it, then i shall give my expression to him "

Then with a giggle, the newly named justine acted with vigor, smiling and giggling as though he liked the name. As the man saw this he immediately burst to tears of joy and held his boy up high spinning, also making justine a little bit sick, since he has not been able to get used to his new body yet.

" harold you're making him dizzy " crystal said, but as harold was spinning around, heartily laughing, did'nt hear what his wife was trying to say...

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