Support my other work 'Valis of the Forgotten' ~~~~~ The firmament isn’t exactly a specific place, it ruptures at random locations in the free realm releasing essence and monsters born of essence and can also suck in some things and people from the free realm, The rupturing can be in small scale which ends up releasing small beasts or in some cases can be large scale which can suck in a whole person, once a person gets sucked in and as somehow made it out they are said to have stared into the abyss. Essence can be seen as a form of energy that’s alive and stares into your deepest uncontrollable desires, it basically sees you bare and stripped of any excesses just as the desire that makes you human and manifests to the outside world based on that and since it’s a life force on its own it enhances the persons lifespan and physical capabilities. It’s a connection to the void, the void itself is less of a place and more of a being, think of essence as a part of the void and the void is constantly trying to get it back which is why it ruptures from time to time but that rupturing takes in but also gives out hence there will always be essence in the free realm, whenever there is a high concentration of essence in one location then a large scale rupture occurs which is why two pillars should never be in the same geographical location, the price for using essence itself isn’t free as the moment you start you’ve stepped on a path of agony, sadness and betrayal. It blurs the line between right and wrong as you ascend to divinity forgoing your humanity. It is the path of the damned, but it’s the only path they've come to know, watch as Icarus battles through the madness and monsters in a hope to survive.
The sound of footsteps echoed throughout the large hall as a hooded man was being escorted down the halls, paintings of a woman and child could be seen as they moved.
Reaching their destination, the hooded man stopped as he stood in front a large door decorated in gold. On the door stood the symbol of the sun, the symbol that represented the kingdom of dawn its "PILLAR".
One of the guards said, "The queen is expecting you"
The man removed his hood which covered most his face, ever since entering the castle this was the first time the guards had seen his face.
His tinted brown hair and well chiseled face made the guards feel a little uncomfortable, the golden shine in his eyes were clearly visible as he approached the large doors.
Upon entry he found the queen near the terrace as the doors closed behind him, taking a step forward he greeted
"I greet her highness
First of her name
Representative of the sun
The Queen of Dawn"
He continued to walk to the terrace as he spotted a figure behind the queen, it was a man in his mid thirties with short black hair and honey brown eyes.
His gaze fell on the man thought to be the knight of the queen as they exchanged a glance at one another trying to evaluate which one was weaker.
The knight averted his gaze first as he looked back to the queen before exchanging a nod with her.
Looking back to the queen the stranger introduced himself, "My name is Zerves and I have come with a proposal, your highness"
The queen remained expressionless as she nodded for him to continue, "my queen, I believe it will be in your best interest if you were to ally yourself with the organization called 'CYNAR'.
At name of the organization the queen finally revealed a hardened expression, "To my knowledge that is the name used by the bunch of zealots that roam my kingdom"
"I assure you we are more than a bunch of zealots, we are trying to spread the wishes of the pillar himself", his face darkened by the words of the queen
"And who are you to decide what his wishes are"
"One of our members has received a divine message from the pillar, the message was telling us to expand the kingdom and conquer all", Zerves said recalling the moment himself
"You're all in way over your heads, conquer all is that even possible. Do you really think the other pillars will stand and watch as that happens the destruction of five hundred years of peace.
"You and your organization will be wiped out even before reaching Aeves", the queen shook her head as she flashed him a look of pity
"I will not endanger my people and city for the dreams of a bunch of fools ignorant to the ways of the world"
A frown overcame Zerves as he looked down the queen as glow became evident in his eyes before saying, "I urge you to reconsider my queen for if you are not with us, you are against us"
"Think of your citizens and your beloved city before making a hasty decision"
"I see you've stared into the abyss" said the queen as the atmosphere suddenly became thicker staring into his glowing eyes
"Yes, I have and they are more just like me all ready to do what is needed to accomplish our task" said Zerves
"You're going down an irredeemable path", she said
The man's golden eyes lit up more as if reflecting the ferocity of the sun as he stared at the woman in front of him, "Don't we all for the sake of power"
"Indeed", Turning her head, she looked at the beautiful golden empire as a smile crept up her face, she turned to face the irregular as the beautiful city was reflected in her cold green eyes before her saying
"You dare enter the city of dawn to threaten me,
The lady of St. Dawn,
Mother of Cyrus,
The golden queen,
I who was bathed by the sun,
For there is no higher rule other than I aside the "SUN" (pillar) himself
I will not be threated by the likes of you
For the moment you entered here your fate itself had been sealed".
The irregular felt his body stiffen as goosebumps washed over him, he could feel the powerful essence coming from behind the queen.
The queen continued, "And for your organization that hides in the shadow like the rats they are"
The enormous essence behind the queen flared up once more taking the form of a dragon, as the irregular remained glued to his position
"Let them know that the day they dare step into the light, I'll be there to watch as their ashes are washed away in the wind after been burnt by the sun of dawn"
The irregular who was unintentionally holding his breath released a breath of air as he felt the pressure vanish.
Raising his head to look at the queen, he felt his rage rise but before he could utter a single word he was dismissed by the queen
There was nothing he could do against the knight behind the queen that being was beyond him so he decided leave some words behind,
"You will regre....",
Before the sentence itself could be uttered, he suddenly found himself looking at the world upside down except he could only see his body and the queen's cold ember eyes staring at him before it all turned black.
"Must you be so crude, Helios", said the queen as she stared at her knight.
"Forgive me, my queen but he shouldn't have been left alive", Helios said as he knelt at the front of the queen.
"And who's decision was that to make", the queen said before standing up to talk a look at the empire once more
Seeing as he was unable to reply the queen smiled, "I'll forgive you just this once".
Helios, stared forward as he said, "we've come a long way haven't we".
"Yes, we have and didn't I tell you to call me Freya when alone", the queen said as she glanced at him smirking
"Yes, my queen", Helios answered smiling
The wind blew making her auburn hair sway in the air, helios at that moment wished for nothing more, than for time to stop as he wanted to capture this moment forever
At least that was until the wind took her smile with it, replacing it with a hardened expression.
Releasing a breath, she looked at Helios
"It is almost time, isn't it", Freya said as her face was once more overcome with a saddened expression.
Helios stood as he took position next to his queen before saying "Non can outrun the fate that pillars have set for them, all we can do is sit and hope for the best".
Indeed, what he said was true as no one had ever lived to defied the will of a pillar but the queen suddenly remembered an old and popular tale, "Well non except that man I guess, I do wonder how the North is during this time of the season"
Helios ears peaked at the mention of the North as he said,
"Word is they are planning on sending the bastard to the sanctuary"
"Ahhh, I wouldn't have expected that from Adonis", Freya said
Thinking to herself the queen made a decision on the spot as the new series of events started to cloud her judgement
"Start making preparations for Cyrus, he leaves in three days"
Helios startled by this decision wanted to voice his opposition but was turned down immediately
"My orders are final I will not take any discretions helios, do not forget your place"
The queen said as her eyes turned cold
"As you wish your highness", Helios said as he stood up to leave
"Do not forget to clean up your mess", she said looking at the dead body before leaving the room.