
Switched Soul

Helena Hills a powerful witch of the Dark North clan was wrongly accused and buried alive a day to her daughter's eighteenth birthday. Feeling wronged she swore to be reincarnated. However, who knew it was already fated because she found herself waking up in the body of her own daughter Kimberly Hills, who she found dead from the accident plotted by her daughter's fiance and best friend on her birthday. >>>>>>>>> Meet Alexander Lee, the supreme Alpha of the whole of North Moon, who was cursed by a witch to never find his mate. He is the pure definition of a walking darkness. What happens when he finally found his mate after thousands of years? What happens when the Alpha's mate has her fate tied to a Wizard who turned out to be...? what happens when Kimberly’s path crosses with him?.... Mother's and Daughter's switched souls against the Dark North Clan...... Why so many what happens...? Well... there’s only one way to find out...

illustrator · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
78 Chs

Called 3

Kimberly firmly walked into Michelle's house. The maids who saw her enter, thought that maybe their mistress had forgotten something and was back to collect it.

Without wasting much time, she walked upstairs. She knew her ways around since five years ago. She went straight towards Michelle's room. On getting inside, her eyes roamed around the room for something.

All she could see was a normal woman's bedroom. With the neatly arranged bed, the dressing table and some other things.

She walked to the bed, searching it throughly but she saw nothing. She opened the drawers of both the bedside table and that of the dressing table still she saw nothing.

"Who would hide something important like that in a drawer in side her room...?" Her subconsciousness queried her.

She sighed frustratedly, looking around the room. The white painted room had no place or corners that one could hide something important like what she was looking for. The room was simple and the only option she had was to search the bathroom.

Taking a quick glance at her wrist watch. She still has about two hours left to leave for Lucas's.

Walking to the bathroom, she pushed the door open. She looked around but only a well cleaned bathroom greeted her. Seems the maids knew their jobs well enough.

She searched and searched but she saw nothing. The bathroom was even more easier to search than the room as there was no much things kept in there.

Walking out of the bathroom, she wanted to walk out of the room in defeat but halted in her steps when she saw the door of Michelle's dressing room left slightly open.

Walking back to it, she opened the door and closed it behind her as she made her way inside. The dressing room was a huge one and Kimberly couldn't help but awe a little. She's seen someone who could spend just like her back in Shanghai. A spendthrift...

Everything inside the dressing room were top notch. Starting form the jewelries, bags, heels, the clothes and so on.

She could remember the last time she went shopping. It was a day after she came back to Dark North to get the things she needed since she didn't bring much with her.

She searched through Michelle's clothes, bags and especially the jewelries. She made sure to search throughly each jewelry box her hands gets on. Almost getting to the last box, her eyes caught a familiar red jewelry box hidden in between some clothes Michelle seems not to wear anymore. Helena had given it to Michelle on her birthday as a gift nine years ago when she was fourteen.

She took the dusty red box and opened it. The jewelry was still inside it untouched, none of the pair was missing. she roamed her fingers around it and smiled sadly.

Closing back the box, she stretched her hands to hide it the way she saw it when it slipped off her hands crashing to the floor of the room. Her heart skipped a bit and her eyes snapped towards the door. She heaved a sigh of relief as the sound wasn't too loud to attract the maids.

She bent and picked the box, arranging the jewelry back in its place. Her eyes caught a round hole inside the box, from where the necklace was attached in the box. Curiously, she dipped her finger inside it and it came in touch with a smaller box that was attached inside the main box.

Kimberly's brows furrowed. She doesn't seem to remember, that there was another box inside the red jewelry box since she was the one who gave her the gift.

She brought out her finger and checked the box out. She tried to see how she could open the main box for the smaller one inside it and she found it.

Opening the box, a small red box came in to view. Without wasting time, she took out the smaller box and opened it.

Immediately she opened it, her lips curved into a diabolic smirk when her eyes landed on what was inside the box.

It was the Necklace of Doom....

Though, the Necklace was not what she was looking for but without battling an eye she took it and hid it in her clothes. She arranged the box back to it's original shape. She dropped it back to where it was and turned to leave the dressing room, when all of a sudden....


Kimberly heard the door of the main room opened. Immediately, an approaching footsteps could be heard and she couldn't help but take a few steps back....


Roman walked round his shopping mall picking whatever he lays his hand on, he suddenly felt like shopping so that's why he is here.

Girls swam around him, drooling over him as his handsomeness sparkled in their eyes. He continued picking whatever he touches, sending flirty winks to the ladies at intervals.

"Gosh.. he's so handsome!"

"I love his hair"

"He's So hot!"

"My crush..!"

Girls kept murmuring as they gawked at him. He finished picking from the shoes section and when he start pushing his cart out of the section his eyes caught Camilla who is also picking things with one of the staff while smiling cheerfully.

Roman's heart skipped a bit and he smiled looking at her. Everything about her is beautiful, her hair, her eyes,her nose, her lips then her sexy cute long legs.

"Gosh" Roman murmured starring at her, he had never stared at a girl like that before, this is wholely new.

"That will be all I need for now..." Camilla said handing her card to the staff lady.

"Ok, ma'am" The staff said and left.

"Gosh.... am starving..." Camilla murmured and turned around only for her eyes to went straight to Roman's.

Her eyes widened as his perfect face glittered in front of her. She bit her lips as her heart start beating faster than usual.

"Is my heart beating this way because, I didn't thank him for the last time or was it because I stole his shirt or because he's drop dead handsome.." Camilla thought.

Roman himself still had his eyes running over her. And now she is closer, his smile changed into a smirk.

"Miss Liu... long time no see.."Roman said with a knowing smirk. Camilla couldn't help but wish she could disappear.

"Gosh.. I hate this feeling..." She muttered.

"Yeah... it is Mr...." She said pretending not to remember his name which got Roman's ego crashed.

"Is she trying to tell me that she's forgotten?" Roman thought.

"Don't you think you have to compensate me?" Roman asked all of a sudden, making Camilla's heart skip a bit.

Wait.. what??! Compensation?!

Isn't this man being shameless right now?!

How can a man be so shameless?!

Camilla thought and scoffed inwardly.

"Compensate you for borrowing your shirt or for sleeping on your bed..." Camilla asked and immediately earned a snicker from Roman who had a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Borrow..? Are you...sure..? Because I don't remember.." Roman said faking a disbelief expression and Camilla almost rolled her eyes at him.

Truly, she did steal from him. But wasn't it just a piece of clothing..?!"

She couldn't help it but the young man in front of her is just being way too shameless by asking for a compensation.

She sighed defeatedly, this is the first time she has ever seen a man so shameless. She just felt like punching the hell out of him for coming out of no where.

"Ok.. fine What do you want then?" Camilla asked not knowing when she moved from defending herself, to compensating him.

"You." Roman replied hurriedly making Camilla's brow creased in confusion.

"..I mean.. your contact.." He added.

" Why would you want my contact?" Camilla asked as she stared at him in confusion.

"So I can call you when I need you to compensate me." replied.

" And Why should I do what you just said? When I can just buy back your shirt here...." Camilla said with a raised brow looking at him like a seven year old kid.

"I know you can... and I can sue you for stealing and trespassing.. what do you think?" Roman replied looking back at her with a silly smirk.

Camilla stared at the shameless man in front of her with a cocky but gorgeous smile. She couldn't help heaving a sigh.

"Fine..." She muttered with an eye roll.

She dipped her right hand into her bag and brought out her card.

"Here..."Camilla handed a small card to Roman which he collected immediately.

"I should go now, it was nice seeing you again.." She said and turned to leave but paused...

"And... Thank you so much for coming for me... the other day." She said with a smile that immediately melted Roman's heart.

She turned walking to the exit since what she bought have been packed into her car by the staff lady. But all of a sudden...

"Can you treat me to lunch..?" Roman suddenly asked Camilla who halted her steps and turned towards him. He had heard her a while ago when she muttered that was starving.

"Not today maybe some...."


The sound of Camilla's rumbling stomach interrupted her and she immediately shut her eyes and mouth in embarrassment.

Taking a glance at Roman who stood staring at her with a parody smirk on his face. She couldn't help wishing that she could wipe it off his face. She rubbed her tummy in a funny way, chuckling in embarrassment and tilting her head sidewards.

"Fine..." she growled as she turned walking out of the shopping mall.

Roman chuckled in amusement and without wasting any time, he trailed behind Camilla. They got to Camilla's car, Roman collected her car keys and brought the engine to life as they drove out of the place.