
Switched Soul

Helena Hills a powerful witch of the Dark North clan was wrongly accused and buried alive a day to her daughter's eighteenth birthday. Feeling wronged she swore to be reincarnated. However, who knew it was already fated because she found herself waking up in the body of her own daughter Kimberly Hills, who she found dead from the accident plotted by her daughter's fiance and best friend on her birthday. >>>>>>>>> Meet Alexander Lee, the supreme Alpha of the whole of North Moon, who was cursed by a witch to never find his mate. He is the pure definition of a walking darkness. What happens when he finally found his mate after thousands of years? What happens when the Alpha's mate has her fate tied to a Wizard who turned out to be...? what happens when Kimberly’s path crosses with him?.... Mother's and Daughter's switched souls against the Dark North Clan...... Why so many what happens...? Well... there’s only one way to find out...

illustrator · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
78 Chs

Called 1

She was about going to sleep, today's work was kind of stressful. Slowly, she laid on the bed, she really needed to sleep.

Just when she took one of the pillows to cuddle herself with, her phone began ringing and she scoffed picking the phone from the bedside table.

Kiara rolled her eyes on seeing the caller. She had called him several times before but he didn't pick so why was he calling her now. She thought answering the call.

"Kiki, what's up with the calls?... Is everything alright??" A deep manly voice ranged from the other side of the phone.

"When are we terminating her??" She asked instead.

"Not now....Not yet why do you ask??" The man asked.

"What are we still waiting for?? I'm tired of seeing her face after everything she did to me. I hate her so much and since she's back, we need to act fast... I can't wait to have my revenge and I'm so sure that you too can't wait." Kiara said in anger.

"You're right... But I think we should let her be for now before striking. You also need to get close to her and get her to trust you. Don't you think?" The man replied.

"Trust..? We don't even get along.... I want to make her go through the same pains she made me go through first."She said gnashing her teeth angrily.

"Okay, I also can't wait to have my revenge... So... should we proceed with the plan?" The man asked.

"Yes... and we better be fast about.. I'm thirsty for revenge." She said.

"Sure..." The man replied.

"I'm feeling sleepy right now, l'll talk to you later" She said hanging up with a devilish smirk.

"Dear Kimberly Hills, my once upon a time best friend. It's just so painful that you won't know what strike you... And you can't and won't be able to escape my wrath. An eye for an eye, that's what I call justice..." She said with a devilish smirk, staring into space.


Inside a very dark cave, twelve souls clothed in a black cloak stood round an alter which on top of it was placed three huge burning red candles placed in different dimensions with a symbol drawn in the middle of it.

There were also about seven huge burning red candles hanged by the sides of the cave entrance and the walls inside to illume the cave.

Several magical symbols and paintings could be seen written on the walls as the candles shone brightly.


These twelve souls were the supreme witches of the Dark North Clan. Seven out of the twelve were the old members of the coven who remained after six of their members passed years ago including Helena. While the other five members were the new members of the coven, they appointed three years ago. They were seven men and five women. They were supposed be thirteen to make a complete circle but one is yet to be called for and that was the reason for their gathering today.

"It's not possible..." Damian's voice ranged through the cave as he stared at his fellow members one by one.

"Her lineage can't be replaced... since her daughter is still alive.." He added.

"What do you mean by her lineage can't be replaced? Are they some god?" Graciela asked with an eye roll.

"They are not but they can be..." Lucas muttered but was heard by all.

"So.. what happens now?" Irene one of the new members asked warily.

Every person in the supernatural world heard of what happened to Helena, the most powerful witch of Dark North Clan, five years ago. And as a person and member of Dark North Coven, Irene was not an exception.

She couldn't help being wary, including some of the other members.

"There are only two things involved... It's either we call for her to join our coven or we stay twelve and incomplete forever.." Damian said sternly.

Immediately, Michelle's face darkened. Her eyes glittering with hatred and jealousy.

It is a known fact in Dark North clan that the Supreme witches coven must maintain only thirteen members. If not, they will not be able to attain immortality.

There was a heresay, that there was only two people who were able to attain immortality in the whole of the supernatural clans. One was a woman while the other was man.

The man was Alexander, the Supreme Alpha of the North moon clan. While the woman's identity remained unknown.


Silence seemed to engulf the cave as no one said a word. Louis who stood in front, facing the alter only took a knowing glance at Michelle before breaking the silence.

"We will call for her daughter to join our coven... this gathering is ended.." He said and immediately murmurings could be heard as two or more members engaged in conversations about the just concluded decision.

"Definitely..."Lucas muttered with a smile that disappeared as soon as it came, walking out of the cave with Albert one the new coven members.

Michelle on the other, couldn't do anything but fume inwardly. None of the members would want to remain incomplete, everyone wants immortality. So, the already made decision is as clear as the sun.

"Why didn't I think of this before... how come I forgot so soon?" She thought inwardly.

"You are long gone Helena, but why are you still being favored by the heavens..." She leered inwardly with a clenched jaw and fisted palms.

Walking out of the cave, she gave off a shifty smirk...

"Well... since the heavens can't favor me, the devils will. But just so you know Lena, Kimberly will no longer be safe.."


Inside a spacious dark room, a figure could be seen sleeping soundly on the bed. Suddenly, the door rattled and slowly a figure sneaked unfalteringly into the room.

Fixing his eyes on the sleeping figure, he tiptoed to the bed. He didn't need any light to be able to have a perfect view of her sleeping on the bed. With the nightie she was putting on, revealing a bit of her spotless thighs and he couldn't help but sigh.

He bent down taking his face a bit closer to hers. A little bit space was the only thing between as his nose was almost touching hers. Bit by bit his nose touched hers and his lips were almost on hers when suddenly he deviated. His lips landing on her forehead, slowly he took in her scent which was vanilla mixed with strawberry.

Her scent... His obsession.

His late night cravings were her... all of her. He would do anything to have this scent as his. He doesn't mind sneaking in as he always did since the day he purposely bumped into her and caught her scent.

Grabbing a handful of the duvet, he covered her up. With a slow pace, he walked to the couch placed by the window side of her room and sat down, watching her sleep.

Dipping into the couch, he rested his head backwards on it. Slowly, he closed his eyes, letting himself drown into his obsession that lingers around her room.

Few hours later, in the early hours of the morning. His eyes opened. He didn't sleep a wink, his eyes went straight to the still sleeping figure in the bed. The duvet he covered her was already half way down to her knee. Her hair was scattered all over her face. Slowly, she pouted her pink lips and muttered some gibberish he couldn't hear.

"Seems like she's talking in her dreams.."

Alex thought inwardly as his eyes traced her delicate features.

Taking a last glance at her, he turned and left the room, the way he came.

This was his daily modus operandi...

Immediately he was out of the room, Kimberly's eyes flipped open, she woke up. She yawned tiredly, her eyes roaming around the room. Dragging her upper body up, she slowly slipped out of the bed and stretched herself. She let out a soft chuckle when she heard her waist bone make a cracky sound.

Looking at her face and mood would tell you that she had an amazingly wonderful night sleep. Her nights there days were all peaceful. No nightmares... No troubles that she couldn't help but wonder.

Stripping herself stark naked. She hopped into the bathroom, to do her daily dillies. She has two important people to meet today and it was her mother's company biggest shareholder and the other was none other than Lucas. She had contacted him the day before that she has something important to discuss with him.

Getting into the bathroom, she wanted to take a quick bath walking to the shower but change her mind on the last minute going to the jacuzzi.

She still have plenty of time since the meeting was around 3PM. She thought....

Walking into the jacuzzi, she slowly dipped her body deep into the water.

An hour later, she got out of the bathroom naked , she walked to her walk in closet. First, she went for her bra and pantie before going for her clothes.

Deciding not to look too formal, she picked a casual outfit. A white T shirt and a faded blue jean pants. After she was done putting it on, she tucked the back of the T shirt and left the front. She picked a light brown colored bag and a flat shoe matching it up with the bag.

Packing her jet black hair in a ponytail, she left some strands fall by the side of her face neatly. She took her lipgloss to apply only to change her mind at the last minute. She decided to leave her face bare.

Picking the things she needed including her phone, she left the room.