
Sweet Surrender...

Juliet was just living a cool and quite life with her dead  sister's son who she considers her everything,until she met Raymond king. A man who she considered as dangerously handsome and rich. She had given up on love affairs after her ex broke her and had sworn never to surrender to any man. so what would she do now that she is looking into Raymond's  pair of dark  eyes and losing all reasons!! Not to surrender.......

BeautyJones · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter One miracle is another name for success.

The plane landed at la Guardia airport.Ray pulled his luggages from the plane he scanned the crowd checking to see a familiar face. He had more than one pair of interested female eyes turning his way but he didn't notice, all his senses were looking out for one woman who made his world turn.

He saw her, waving at him with a big smile on her face , his face also broke into a smile.he took quick strides towards her and took her in his arms in a tight embrace.

God! how he missed this woman, it had been years since he last saw her.

"I missed you mom"

"Missed you more son" Laurie said smiling widely, patting her son's back.

"It's good to be back home"Ray said pulling back from the embrace and looking into her face

"Your looking so beautiful and younger as ever. mom, is there something you haven't told me?"Ray said grinning.laurie's face light up in another big smile, a smile that lightened Ray's heart.oh! How he loved this woman.

"There's no secrets son, just wait until you see our house it's beautiful"

"It should be you always have great taste"

They held hands and walked out to the car and Laurie drove straight to Brooklyn heights.

Once home, Ray ate everything Laurie kept in front of him.though he was hungry, he knew he would also make his mom happy knowing he enjoyed her meals.ray looked around and smiled, the house was really nice and bright also bigger than the previous the way he liked it

"It's a beautiful house mom"Ray said earning a smile from Laurie.

"It's worth your money son and I personally arranged your room, the way you'd like it"Laurie said leading Ray to his room and leaving him to unpack.

Ray heaved a sigh of relieve how he loved to be back home.he moved out to the glass windows and the view oversaw a lake, it was a million dollar view.he stripped off his clothes and headed for shower he needed a hot bath.

He's going to love it here , it was his home.


She drove through the busy environment wanting to go home but decided not to .

She needed to clear her head maybe a speedy drive would help.

Life wasn't really fair to her,not easy at all,life was just unfair,just hard.

Where had she gone wrong?was she just a mistake?where could she find happiness for a long time?when will she ever feel wanted or maybe loved tenderly, purely, fiercely.maybe she wanted too much maybe love was never her's,never going to find her.never going to console her.when was she ever going to be interesting enough to someone, someone that really mattered,that cared.

The ringing of her cellphone stopped her from pondering more.her mom was calling.

"Hello Mom"

"Juliet report to the office immediately"

"Okay Mom" the line dropped immediately, with the tune of her mom Juliet knew something was wrong.what did she do wrong this time? Juliet maneuvered her car quickly driving down to "STARLIGHT'S" her mom's broadcasting company.looking out through the open windows of her car,she saw someone, someone she hated to remember,hated to see but it was a surprise her heart still beats at a glimpse of him.he stood at the roadside waiting for the greenlight. when his face came to her view properly, she grimaced.she had fell foolishly for a handsome face.she will live to regret the part of her life that had him in, she had made a huge mistake or would she say she was foolish? Foolish enough to have believed his words when he told her he loved her.

There were all lies.

Painful lies.

She got to the company, walking nervously to her mom's office.going through the double glass doors,she drew in a hard breath and arranged her dress properly.

She'd dressed carefully for the day, wearing a royal blue silk and a black skirt.in an organized company like "STARLIGHT'S"your appearance was vitally important especially when your meeting with the director,even if that director was your mother.even if that director was your mother Juliet thought bitterly.she knocked on the double glass doors.

"Come in"came Annie's voice.

"Mom you called"

"Yes I did"came Annie's voice again.juliet looked around the office which was neat and perfectly organized as always.lucy annie's personal assistant was sitting at her desk at the side of the office.juliet stared at her mom who always looked angelic..

" Juliet what was that you aired last night?"Juliet jolted back from thoughts

"Mom is there a problem with it?"now confirming her fears Juliet avoided eye contact with her mom which angelic face was fumed with anger.

"Your asking if there a problem Juliet,do you think that my company is a playground?were you say lame things that    has no meaning to the world so they can see your incompetence.are you this stupid Juliet?"Annie said half shouting

"But mom I don't see anything wrong with what I broadcasted last night"

"How can you when you have no brain's,who tells such a pathetic story these day.about lost love? It's old news.not newsworthy at all "

Juliet opened her mouth but words seemed to fail her, she just stared blankly at her mom,she could see the sympathetic glance Lucy was throwing at her.she was used to it,all of it, her mom embarrassing her ,she was so used to it.

" Am sorry mom"Juliet said,she hadn't meant it.heaven knows she did nothing wrong.she had thought it was a perfect story,even her colleagues had applauded her,it had been emotional,a little story of her life.but it had not pleased her mom,she called it lame and pathetic.

"Clear your desk your moving to the reporting team,I've had enough! you don't seem to grow up"

"But  mom"

"No buts"Annie said raising her hands in the air"you do as I say".

Juliet tried her best to conceal the hurt from her face.she was so good at it,she had mastered the act for years.emotions tightened hard in her chest but she managed to control herself.she couldn't pour it out now,not today, maybe never,she hadn't gotten that courage.somehow she found her voice.

"Fine,I will do that immediately"with that, Juliet stormed out and slammed the door shut.she felt as though a weight were pressing down her chest,making it difficult for her to breath.her mom never saw the good in whatever she did.after her dad's death,she had lived her life always trying to please her mom, trying to be there for her,with her but she'd always ended up doing wrong.

Juliet was pissed, really pissed off and she wouldn't use her temper to colour her dealings with others,so she avoided her office and headed home.she needed time alone,to cheer up,to think straight.mostly,she needed a cold bath.


"Hey Julie,how about we hit a night spot?"came Nora's voice who walked elegantly to were Juliet was sitting.juliet glanced up from her laptop to stare at her.well Nora was all dressed up ready for a party.

"Juliet your Missing out ,there is a huge concert in Gabriel's gallery.Its gonna be fun,plus there will be lots of suitable guys. it's time to get out of your shell baby girl"one look at Juliet,Nora saw her disinterest in what she was saying.juliet gave her an apologetic look and shook her head.

"You look so beautiful Nora. it's better you go without me.am no fun and you can see I have work to do". Nora's face broke into a frown at Juliet's remark.

    "Your obsessed with work and yet you won't get appreciated for it.your being boring Julie.you need to meet new people and hookup with a guy.have fun"Nora said winking.Juliet smiled widely"you don't understand me Nora, Danny would be all alone and you know he gets scared easily when no one is around"Juliet said. gracefully she had the right excuses to give.

"Juliet you know you need to start over and forget that jackass Mike.its been years"

"Nora you should know better,you know how I hate to hear his name. I have gotten over Mike a long time ago"

"But your holding back your love life and that's because of him.his not worth it Juliet"

"Am not holding back I just learnt a lesson the hard way"

"Just an experience with him doesn't mean all men are like him Julie"Juliet laughed hard at Nora's remark.

"You don't know men Nora, they all just want something and that's not what an ready to give right now"

"Give love a chance again Julie, who knows?it's been five years since Mike"

"It's enough Nora,I don't believe in love or second chances. I never loved mike"

"I can see"Nora said, she paused and stared at Juliet again.she knew arguing with her wouldn't solve a thing.she was just so stubborn.

"Besides how do I look?"Nora asked twirling around for Juliet to see.

"You look good as always.be careful out there"

"Thanks.I'll be fine .bye Julie"

"Bye Nora"Juliet waved watching her cousin move out. Nora was indeed a beauty.she was tall,elegant and smart. She was her only friend on the world.

The house was quite now. Juliet tried to focus on her work but failed. Nora had stirred a memory. A memory she had tried so hard to erase from her heart.

It's been five years now,Mike meant nothing to her.she hadn't seen him until yesterday.he had broke her,killed something in her, something she knew would be hard to bring back to life.

She met Mike in high school,she was nineteen. a new hot guy had been transferred to the school.soon he had became famous because he owned an expensive sports car and was strikingly handsome.Where they met was at the library.Juliet was trying to pull a book from the shelf,she had stood on a tiptoe but still her hands couldn't find the book she was aiming for.she felt someone stand behind her and pulled out the book for her.

"Here"Mike had said holding out the book to her.he'd held her gaze, intently staring at her . Juliet had stared back into a pair of piercingly blue eyes, it's deep blue as clear as the Summer's sky.she had taken a deep and necessary gasp for air.

"It's a nice book, I guess you love books"

"Yes I do""Juliet said in tiny voice she scarcely remembered was hers.

"I am mike.pleased to see you"he said holding out his hands.

"Juliet"Juliet said taking his hands.

"Your beautiful"Mike commented.

Juliet smiled widely unable to hide her blush.it was a dream come true, she was flattered by the most handsome guy in school. They sat and talked for hours. Juliet got to Know alot about Mike ,that he loved books and his parents were out of the country.she had instantly developed a huge crush o him. He was funny and smart. She'd listened to everything he said without interrupting. They exchanged contact information and parted ways. Juliet remembered how she had been smiling widely like she'd won a trophy while she ran all the way home.