
Monster Attack in Night City. The End of Arasaka, Interlude of Cybepunk 2077

There is an undercurrent tension in Night City... most of the violence is lowered to an extent that some of the locals didn't compare of Crime Statistics of Night City to NUSA and those that wanted to Align Night City to NUSA kept their mouths shut and favor the Neutrality of the city as a Corporation made gangs to push their agendas, A Corporation serves as a Counterbalance, the Crime Statistics did not include the Merc work. It was a Paradise to work in...

Mayor of Night City, Lucius Rhyme wanted to take credit for the Hard work for what Alex did, most of the people in the city, knew that it was the Merc turned Doctor in Heywood that changed their lives for the better... It was the Doctor that Healed the Land that once was inhabitable to live in and you needed a gas mask the moment you were born, unless you had Connections to a higher up...

Organic Food Were Abundant and Cheap making Biotechnica Food Industry be questioned about the Steroid Mealworms for their synthetic meat and they laid off the workers working in the "Meat" Farm only to be hired by Wondertainment for raising Actual Farms, Life Expectancy has risen, and Population have a less chance to go suicide and Cyber psychosis, in a Sense people knew that Dr. Alexander was the Actual Mayor in Night City In the Shadows, since he was found in places that have been addressing the issues with life and slums of Night City, when he not doing Medical Aid at his office or working for Rouge that had her lifespan reversed...

Though in hushed tone, they knew who became the actual Owner of Night City have changed, Arasaka Dominance has been replaced with Wondertainment Benevolence.... And Some Prayed in the newly constructed Gothic Church in Pacifica, whose masses grew daily to worship, that he would live a long life and not change...

Though One of the Priest He recruited, had a Bright Idea of Painting him as an Envoy of a God that Descended To uplift people of Pacifica. And he commissioned Craftsmen and Sculptors behind Alexander Back, to make a Glorified Golden Statue of the Doctor, just beside a Cyberpunk version of Revelation... He didn't kill the priest outright and left him alone in his own devices... In a Sense, he slowly gotten used to the priests antics of making him a Envoy of the God Emperor...

What Come with Light shining on Night City Bringing hope, so does the Darkness grows that dwell beneath its depths...

[In a Underground Arasaka Facility in Arroyo]

There is a Conglomeration of people that dissatisfied with Wondertainment Rise, Scav-doctors that lost their customers, Scavs that lost half of their haunts..., Disgruntled And Corrupt NCPD cops that were laid off, Former CEOs that Survive the Purges.

Practically almost everyone that Alex pissed off is here, heeded the Call of the Shado Arasaka, whose mind is filled with madness of his own...

"Gentleman and Ladies, we are here with one thing only.... Alexander Solair..." Upon hearing that word, many gnashed their teeth and eyes filled with frenzy and madness...

"Calm yourselves, We suffered greatly under his transformation of Night City, But that Ends Now..." Shado Placed a Jar he got from the first on the table.

"What's that Jar got to do with anything defeating him?" A Wraith asked.

"He Have been Slowly Converting the planet, Some even called him a God... You noticed your friends and neighbors on the streets having those fanatical looks?" Shado Gave a Pause for letting that sink in....

Some of them did notice that Some of their peers are now worshipping a Golden Figure that resembles Alexander in a certain way...

"So let's give him a Show, If he is a God that the people claim, Why not become the Demons and Monsters?" Shado Eyes became frenzied...

Some of the Saner ones, realize that something was wrong and silently left the room... While they hated Alexander in a way, they preferred their own humanity intact...

"Behold! This one will be the Downfall of a God!" Shado Ripped the Jar opening and a Pile of corrupted Flesh, it flooded the room in a flash and drowned the room in a flesh tide and Burst out to the facility claiming anyone that was nearby, the Corrupted Flesh crawled their way into the throats of the people and bonded them to the spinal cord and brains, bringing screams of pleading for the pain to stop, Whispers of madness echoing through the minds of the People present, it changed their appearance bones cracking and Molded them, Their Cyberware once was a source of convenience now became a curse as wires and circuitry pierced their brain as if it made mockery of union that combined their cyberware, distorting their human looks to become monsters whose thought became one of desire of destruction...

"This is the Power of the First...." Shado Smiled as he too, wilingly joined the Mass of Flesh and ascend to become beast that will slay a God...

Meanwhile Alexander Was Already Preparing to Attack Arasaka... The world is now in his hands... and nobody will question how He will do the cleansing of Night City, Kang Tao and China Is Under Turmoil of a Massive Riots, Alexander Send several Rebel groups the Same Kang Tao Weapons to defeat their own owners... SovOil is under constant attacks as their Satellite States Rebelled all at once and Russia itself was taken over by a Coup...

Fragmenting the Soviet Union into Pieces, Petrochem wanted to take advantage of the chaos, but they were repelled and now what left is the entirety of the Soviet Union now turned into a Religious state that solely answer to Alexander Alone as the Leaders that replaced the Government is people that is loyal to Alexander... and it ended within a Week as surplus of goods and cash flooded in to rebuild the Winter Plains of Russia and uplifted them to the rest of the world standards....

Crystal Palace was Under a State of emergency as all the Rich and Celebrities returned to their home country, After the Evacuation complete, Alexander Space Fleet Departed from Alpha Centuri to Wipe out the Highriders, though it pained Alexander of Butchering the Citizens up in space, he had already had too much assassination plots to give a damm about what they think, he generously gave them several demands to send the Mastermind of sending the Assassination Squads then he would leave them alone...

But since they hidden the Mastermind because of Family Bonds? They will Die like the rest. Morality does not care if Children or women are the civilians, He already Labeled them as Combatants instead of Civilians... As Now His Assassins that hidden themselves as Highrider already inform him that the People are arming the Children with weapons and women are now carrying Explosive Vests... His soldiers is more important to him, than some children that will grow up and Kill those that is close to him just because he went soft... "A War Is won when Every Enemy is dead, A Pacified Enemy is still a Enemy." Is a Apt Description of the Highriders that defy him till now... They turned down his generosity... They will get what Warhammer Universe is feared the most....

[Crystal Palace]

It was silent, the hallways is covered with Robot drones and Highriders in high alert... all the tourist and Celebrities had come down on earth leaving the Highriders to man the station... The Radar detected several signatures from the direction of Mars and what they witness, they regretted of what they done...

Hundreds if not thousands of Acclamator and Venator Arrived Via Warp and more are still coming to finish the job.... They tried to hail the ships only to be met with a single answer...

"Your Time is Up." was the only message given to them...

Several Torpedoes was Launch...

Several Angels of Crystal Palace jumped out of the Space station to meet the incoming explosion... When One Hit them, a Black hole consumed him and made the rest of the defenders wary of the torpedoes.... they managed to dodge some, but they noticed that the Torpedo that took their kind is Homing... and the rest they believe was Duds...

What they were avoiding the Barrage, the duds were in fact Miniaturize Boarding Torpedoes, and Only a human sized Squad could fit in to the shell...

They rammed into the Space Station Modules and Began their cleansing...

The Casinos went in flames, Restaurants were torched, Residential district were Gassed with Chemicals that no modern science in this universe is unable to be cured... Except those that already had the antidote injected into them... Screams and Flames is all that could be heard and seen in the Crystal Palace...

As Per Alexander Request... They were rounded up the survivors and sent to the firing lines...

"You Monsters!" Spat a Woman as She lost her Child to a Chemical Attack now placed to a wall.. facing backwards towards the Emotionless Men in Green... a Commissar Grinned at her bringing her to a still...

"Well, Well, You called us Monster when you been attacking our benefactor since day one? He already provided you a Way out by asking you to hand over the mastermind then we could go and handle our issues... But you refused and intensified the attacks, so in turn you are the ones that brought the downfall to your heads... Sargent would you do the Honors?" The Commissar Said to the Man Beside him, that was eager for blood...

"Guardsmen Ready, Aim, Fire!" Several Bolter guns pierced the people as the Bullet exploded making them unable to be revived if one use sorcery... the woman soul watched as the people tossed her body into a cremation Machine, She wanted to curse and Dammed the People that ruined her home...

She Froze, In front of her was a fully armored Soldier Similar to her Executioners... he had Golden hue embedded around them... As he removed his helmet, she wanted to scream... What was supposed to be a Face was a Gaping maw Filled with teeth... she tried to flee only to be devoured by him and many more showed up and eat her soul.... leaving not even a Glimpse of her spirit to reincarnate.... such was the issue of the rest of the highrider colonies as they were in fact given more brutal ending as they were far away from earth, they were sentence to Human Experimentation, a fate far worse than killed outright...

Like Alexander said total extermination he meant it in body, mind and soul... Revelation personality in the Shard within is slowly merging with Alexander, causing him to have certain personality traits from the Old Emperor himself... Cold... Calculating, Merciless and Emotionless at times like this... Causing some of his actions to be more pragmatic at times than his own will... Alex realizes this and he desperately trying to retain his personality...and he halted the spread... How Long? He needed to return to his home universe to recuperate...

Right now, he is conversing with the Shard at his office.

"I suggest that we should immediately invade Arasaka and be over with this universe..." A Man Glowing in Gold stood next to Alexander desk as if he was giving orders....

"And Make the Rats flee and make them hide deeper? Pass..."

"You remind me of Lorgar, slowly converting the planets to the Imperium with religion..."

"But till this day, they remained faithful to the Imperium?"

"If You were just like my Efficient So..." Revelation Trailed off

"I am Not Guilleman, nor Rogal or Lion, I am Alexander Solair and I have a Moral code to follow. I Build what I could to Make a Everlasting change!"

"Moral Code? Don't Give me those mere fallacies, Because of MORAL CODE THEY BETRAYED ME! Religion is the reason why chaos exist!"

"And Ignoring them, makes the people seek out for answers joining them in the first place! ironically my version of you is using it to defend the Imperium with Faith..."

"He was Weak." Snarled the Avatar

"And he is the Emperor I follow, not you, whose thought are always right and keeping Secrets."

"If you treated them like Sons instead of Tools, not planning to kill them off like the Thunder Warriors when the Great Crusade was over and helped with their insecurities, even if you knew they would betray you, they would still have a chance to return to the Imperium if you treated them nicely...Its been 10k years since your version sat on that throne... He reflected on the choices he had made... Not you that dwell on the Golden Glory, you never tasted defeat to change your point of view."

"I read your Mind, Guilleman Allying with Xenos? He is a traitor..."

"I hated him at the start... But he is doing the best of his abilities to help the Imperium, and Unlike your Glory days of Human Supremacy where you faced Rangdan Empire, Orks and the Dark Eldar, the Imperium is Split in half, besieged on all sides, Demons are rising, Your Imperium Truth is a Mere Lie you spoon fed to your sons... and Half of them Joined Chaos except Alpha Legion...We need all the help we can get to turn the tide, lest the Tyranids eat my version of you... The Imperium was built on a Foundation of Lies, we tried to make it better... "

The man in gold Scoffed with his Champion antics...

"If this is the Chosen, I am very disappointed in my future self."

"At least I would make a Better Father than you, Who blatantly neglected the supposed "Traitors" with their insecurities, I have Daughters to take care of...Oh Mr. You are so right with a bolter in people skulls and acted like a Worst Father in the Galaxy." Alex Jabbed.

"I had no choice..."

"There are some Civilizations that were well aware about Chaos long before the Great Crusade and Have a Working Relationship with the Eldar that taught them about the dangers of the warp, and you butchered them instead of making a safer integration with the Imperium making us more prepared against the Chaos gods, You kept the Information needed to know what the fck the people supposed to do, Didn't you heard the Phrase, the "Temptation is sweeter committing in the dark than knowing it?", You Banned Psykers in the Council of Nikea, Shaming Magnus that wanted to gain your affection as a father with his works, the one weapon that we could defend against Chaos...You killed Potential Allies that would aid us, when we get our chance to retain Humanity glory, Burned down Monarchia to act as if Religion toward you was a bad thing, when they directed the powers of faith away from Chaos...And I am here to help your Sons to clean up your glorified Mess.

Even if there is One Imperium of Man saved from the madness of the Multiverse of your CHOICES, we would help the rest of the Parallel version of you...No Choice is not a Bloody Excuse REVELATION!" Alex yelled as he Smashed the Adamantine Table forming cracks.

"Even If you knew the truth, that you had the foresight, you had the chance to save them before they turned traitor... You raised weapons of war that betrayed you on purpose, but all I see in the Traitors is Children that wanted affection, your encouragement...Your support... You casted them aside like tools... Kept them in the Dark... My Emperor have given me orders to save them, Not you...You who gave up on them, when they go beyond their purpose, You that allowed Fate to be chained you, to play your part on the stage... The moment you lost your Humanity and Emotions to the Primarchs... You lost the ability to defy fate... You Piled Secrets behind them...Why should I trust you?"

There was silence between the two...

"Leave and Don't Influence Me again...you caused enough problem, using me to order the Extermination of the Highriders...It leave a bad taste in my mouth..." Alex Dismiss the Shard

A Skitarii approached the door with the news he needed to hear the most...

"++Shado Arasaka has started movement in Arroyo...++"

"Good, prepare countermeasures..."

"++Monsters are flooding out from where he entered...++"

"A Pain in the ass to the bitter end... Alright send in all nearby troops and help with the evacuation of the district..."

"++How will we tell the public?++"

"There is a Chemical weapon in Arroyo and It mutates citizens within close approximate distance... Alert the Fixers and Rouge about the new threat...I will deal with the threat; Inform Johnny the Plan is a Go."

"++Will do...++"


Screams were heard in the district as Monsters flooded out of the Arasaka Underground Facility.... Monster Ripped apart civilians, Netrunners tried to hack them to stop them only to froth and became Data Zombies... Whose mind was Chained in the datascape of the monsters, but their real body attacked the people nearby... NCPD blockaded the district off as the Wondertainment Security help the escapees and place them in a medical zone where a Yggdrasil branch is to scan for the Taint or so the Doctor told them...

"There is the Doctor!" As a Child pointed out the Man in Merc outfit...

Alex Gave a Wave to the escapees and He joined the cleansing group...

Skitarii's cleansed the Streets with Lightning and Flames, Houses was Barged inside to help the civilians to escape... and checked if they were tainted...

"I expected to have your neck cleaned Shado... But you went to the worse way to die..." Alex Muttered.

He watched a 8 feet of a pile of Flesh and metal, with multitude of arms holding several corpse and he is slowly chewing the torso of a Woman, its head barely resembles the face of Shado Arasaka... it held no semblance of Identity as all it could think of was food...

"As Promised, I will be your Executioner and I will Give you a clean death... Not that you have any mind left to answer..." Alex brought out the Faithblazer... A sword he only used when he found a Foe that deserves to be dispatched...

It sensed the danger and Snarled at Alex, and threw a cluster of Rotted arms and Claws rushed toward him to kill the threat...

Alex dodged the flurry of flesh and metal and charged toward the beast... chopping the Arms as he passed by and setting Shado limbs on Fire...

"KILL..." Screamed Shado

"Seems that you do have a brain after all!" Alex Said as he dodges another set of fists headed towards his way...

"You have taken everything from me!" Shado slowly regaining his consciousness.

"Huh? You joined the Numbers to fight against the Emperor of Mankind and you became a beast Shado! Look at your hands, Is that a hands of a Righteous? Whose blood is on your hands!?"

"No Price is worth enough for defeating you! I will kill what is necessary, even if it's my family blood is on my hands! I will get my Father blood in my hands to do so!"

"Did you hear that Hanako? Your Brother Real thoughts on you?" Alex send a video call to Hanako as they fought...

Hanako, Yorinobu and Michiko managed to get their Faction out from Night City and returned to Japan leaving Saburo and Shado loyalists in America...

"That thing is no longer my brother... Alex...Do what you must..." Hanako wept as her own brother wanted to kill her Father as well... Yorinobu and Michiko comforted her with Takemura stood nearby in silence...

"I will end it all!" Alex once more charged towards Shado...

He rammed the Sword into the Flesh and Cooking Shado from inside....

Shado wanted to pull the threat away from his body and his hands froze... In the Corner of a Building a Man in Gold stared sternly at him...

"You disappoint me" The Man Clenched his hands and with Psyker force crumpled all the hands of Shado, he melted by the flames...

"So, Alexander... You better know what you are doing...Let me see how far your morals goes..." Muttered the man as he turns into motes of light...

After the burning of the beast, it left what remained of Shado Torso on the ground, tears fell as he saw Death Approached him... He had nothing more to say...as he already showed his true intentions with his desire to even kill his family just to kill Alexander...

Both Spent several moments silence until Alex Pierced his head and Killing him Entirely...Ending the Reason why he was here in the first place...

"Skitarii commence with the Cleanup in Arroyo and the Underground facility, I have a meeting with a Warrior..." Alex barked orders as he run towards the Arasaka tower...

[Arasaka Tower]

"Whew, Arasaka Tower we meet again." Johnny Whistled as he led the charge...

He was informed that the ones inside is all combatants, and he will have no remorse... and Saburo is in the top of the tower. And Alexander will be coming shortly...

And Adam Smasher Stayed, Despite Yorinobu orders to follow him... He refused to move away from the tower....

Adam Smasher Stood in the Lobby waiting for the Invaders...

"Well if its isn't a Dead Johnny Silverhand, It will bring me pleasure of putting a bullet to your skull once more."

"You looked more Borg than I am, Ready for round 2? I am Ready for it!" Johnny shouted.

"Oh, But I am waiting for someone else in mind, right doctor?" Adam Pointed the entrance of the lobby...

"Oh, I thought you two have a tearful reunion? And ignore the little old me?"

"That's a Good Bloodlust you had since I last sensed you... Come let's see if you have the capacity for such feats..." Adam activated his Sandy and Disappeared from View...

"Johnny! Go ahead while I handle Adam!" Alex Yelled to Johnny as he Parried the Subsonic Rounds launched by Adam...

Johnny nodded as he reached the Elevators and Followed by Skitarii forces as they climbed the Stairs... Explosions and Bullets was heard in the Lobby...

"*Whistle* That's Some Warm Welcome waiting for me..." Johnny looked through the Glasses Alex Gave and saw Several Arasaka Elites aiming their Guns at the Elevator Door...

"Let's see if this Gun works better than my old gun..." Johnny Raised his Gauss pistol as he took aimed at the door...

[Upper Atrium]

Several Squads of Arasaka Agents aiming their guns at the Elevators, As it opened Several, Bullets was pumped into the elevator.

"Stop!" as the Captain of the Fireteam halted the fire...

The rest was baffled as there was no one there.... Johnny popped from the Emergency hatch and Shot several Homing rounds at the stunned Arasaka... It pierced several as the bullets hit in the necks or skulls of the Arasaka Elites... And Johnny tossed a Smoke grenade to be covered by the smoke that blinded both Cyberware and Organics and Slide to the Left to a Pillar and Shot Several more Homing Rounds eliminating the Agents....

He hummed as he rushed towards where Saburo is located...

He met with Saburo Cyborg Bodyguards whose body and mind had been modified by Shado before Alexander arrived in this world... They opened fire causing Johnny to take cover...

"Holy hell, those Borgs are like Tin cans!" Johnny yelled as he changed his weapon to the Shotgun...

"Try this for size!" Johnny aimed the shotgun at the center of the group and a Miniaturized Black Hole enveloped and consumed the group causing the Air pressure to be consumed and bodies of dead Corpos were dragged to the hole and it ripped pieces of the tower apart... Johnny Held to the Pillar for a few seconds until the place became still... He managed to get an Oxygen mask in case and he was grateful for it...

"Hell, Alfred was right...Now time to Find Saburo..." He patted his pants as he rushed to Saburo Office... and end the grievances...


"HAHAHA, You really are a Warrior!" Adam Dodge a swing and Gave Alex a Uppercut with the force that would send him to a wall...

He already ran out of Munitions and his Sandy was overheated beyond repair, Parts of his Armor suit was damaged by Alex Sword...

"Well, I should give a proper greeting to you Adam!" A Bloodied Alex Punched Adam with a force that would rip a man apart... Adam Force Dampeners lowered the blows...

What devolved from a Gun shootout now turned into a Slugging match, Flesh meets metal...

Alex would have slain him immediately, But something in him wanted to give the Man before him a Sense of "Honor" which he obliges and devolved into a bloody melee...

Now they were standing in the makeshift ring of bullets Holes and craters and one hit will end it all...

Both stood still for a moment, and One Disappeared from sight, and he was met with a Flaming sword in his chest... Adam Smiled as Synthetic Blood Dripped from his mouth... A Warrior End... Perfect for a Guy like him that came from slums of New York, to die in a hand of a warrior...

Alex stood still for a moment to pay respects for a warrior like Adam Smasher... While he knew Adam was Insane, he still had some sense of dignity of a Streetkid...

Alex takes one last look at the Cyborg of an old era as he stepped on the Elevator, He didn't go up to see the ending of Saburo... But downwards to the Secret labs where Mikoshi is kept...

Several Shado affiliated Factions Aimed at the Gun as the elevator was opened and they had the advanced tech that Shado had to offer... and they didn't notice the man that casually strolled past them as they didn't realize... they were already dead...

Moment later, Squads of Techpriest flooded the basement levels with the intent to copy the research of Arasaka and implemented it for the eternal war ahead and tasked to erase Lucy information so that his little Godson girlfriend wouldn't be hunted by Arasaka...

He went deeper and met with a Bipedal Mecha...

"Even till now you still annoy me Shado!" Alex Swarmed the Mecha Firewall with the Data Soldiers and Overloaded the engine core to achieve a meltdown...

He walked past the destroyed mecha and enter the sanctuary of Mikoshi

"So, we meet face to face... Dr Alexander... You done a Great deal of butchering my followers..."

"If its the Voodo boys, they deserved it, I would like to offer a deal with you..."

"Did you know the truth about Johnny Past?"

"Yeah, Militech was the one that Nuked Arasaka to start the war..."

"I am surprised that you know about it..."

"I keep a eye on my Employees and Do you wished to be free?"

Alex approached the Mikoshi... Whatever deal he had made with Alt Cunningham is now behind closed doors...

[Saburo Office]

A Man that was the emperor in this world... Now deluded himself that he is still on the top... he didn't realize that his children are gone to Japan and his favorite child is dead in Arroyo... He believed that Arasaka stood strong despite Wondertainment Already got a Armed Space faring military and already held the key to immortality...

"Saburo!" A Stranger came in... Someone he somehow, he knew from the past...

"So you must be Johnny... How did you gain your own body?"

"Let's say we both know a person that have a common person that have a grudge against you."

"Pity... If only I held Shado reins..." Saburo Sighed

"Too Late for Regrets..." Johnny pulled the Trigger and Ended the Emperor of the World...

[Cyberpunk Interlude]

"Johnny you better get ready for a RIde!" Rouge yelled as she dragged Johnny to a Theme Park...

"Rouge, we already had the roller coaster for the Third time!" Johnny Moaned...

Upon the Global one-week strife

Wondertainment have absorbed Arasaka and Made it number one corporation in the world..

They absorbed the Infrastructure of Arasaka and left the Arasaka Family alone, Yorinobu became best friends with Johnny and had a couple of drinks in the Afterlife... Hanako grieved her father and her Brother that died against Alex... She Resumed her work as she accepted her father fate working as Wondertainment Head Research Division... Saburo Engram was mysteriously destroyed and was unable to activated making her believe that Shado had a hand in the death of her Father...

Lucy was given the greatest gift that her Boyfriend Guardian that she will no longer be hunted by Arasaka and her Information was deleted from the Arasaka Servers.... For the first time she felt freedom...

The rest of the world is slowly Coverting to the Golden Light of the Emperor bringing the Compliance to this universe to his will.

Crystal Palace was replaced with a Star fort, Bigger and more accessible to the public...

Mining Fleets was sent out by fledging Corporations that wanted to fuel the industry with star maps provided by Alexander, Wars may be ended on earth, Space became the new Battleground for Resources as Mercs now fight in space for riches and glory....

Petrochem and Militech is the only contender of Wondertainment... they knew how destructive Alexander can be.... and Militech wouldn't dare goes against Alex as the Population around the world listened to Alex than the Government around the world...

NUSA president Rosalind Myers knew the Man is more dangerous as she saw the endless fleet that launched the attack to the Crystal Palace... and Committed a Coup to the Two Largest continent that now obeys him... She held down her Ambitions to unify America since there was a Man that Unified Most of the world under his banner within a Week? And there was no news about the Highriders death as the Media Covered the missing disappearance of them joining Alex Intergalactic survey.

As Johnny was Dragged around by Rouge, a woman passed by him and into the mass of people that wanted to join the theme park...

"Johnny what's wrong?"

"I could have sworn... Never mind let's go..."

Alt Cunningham now in flesh turned around and looked at Johnny for the Last time and Smile as she gave a final goodbye as she delved into the crowd...

Alex made a Deal to give the Engrams trapped in Mikoshi, a Body to inhabit in exchange for their allegiance to him... they will not be controlled as they worked with false identities since they perished long ago....

"Will we meet again Johnny?" Rouge asked Johnny as he prepared his car as he about to leave Night City.

"Of course... I better take a look around the world and see the changes when I was trapped by Arasaka... My time has ended a long time ago Rouge... Our meeting is short, but we will call some other time." Johnny Smiled as he drove off... He passed by the Grave that held the real remains of Johnny Silverhand that is under a oak tree... As he journeyed to America and around the world...

While Crime has lessened in Night city, there are still jobs that Mercs still do in Night City that have the darkness still remained in the city...

"Valerie! Drive properly! You really are getting good the driving in Night City." Jackie yelled as they were chased by scavs in the Streets.

"I am on it, Vincent you manage to Hack them!?"

"On it, Valerie! Done!" as Vincent Manage a Quickhack the Vehicle of the scavs as it crashed into a pillar of the highway...

"Haha, Hombre good job! Let's inform the fixer of the job well done. Then we have a Chow in El Cayote Cajo, Mama newest dish is ready for us." As Jackie Laughed as they drove off to El Cayote Cajo...

Alex mission is done and left the place, He implemented a system that works well without his interference and regain control when needed...

He left a Heartfelt Goodbyes to the Trio of women...

"Don't Go" Rebecca Smiled sadly...

"Will we meet again?" Sasha understood the reasons of him leaving...

"You brought my Grandparents to Night City and even make them younger, but you are leaving? Please don't go...."

"I would love to stay with you... But this is something that is bigger than Arasaka... Bigger than the world against me..." Alex Smiled Sadly...

"But I promised I will return..."

"You betcha return or I will come to you and fill you full of holes for breaking my heart!" Rebecca threaten him...

"I will, my adorable gremlin..." Alex patted Rebecca head

"I hope my fears are unfounded Alex... Please return safe okay?" Sasha Smiled...

"I make miracles Sasha... And that is one miracle that I will make it a reality..." Alex hugged her calming her fears...

"I just don't believe it you just go and leave like this?"

"I hope you understand Judy... But I... Have a more important mission..." Alex glowed and grew Flaming wings...

"You are a Angel? That would explain much about you..."

"Perhaps... Perhaps not? I will always be your Guardian Angel. Here take this... It will let you know that I am always alive..." As a single Flap three flaming feathers landed on the hands of the women...

"My Mission has ended here... I will return to where I belonged to...But know this... I will return...Farewell..." Alexander slowly faded away...

All three rushed towards him and hugged him as he slowly faded away... Giving him the last comfort that there was someone that will remember him...

They stood silently and look at the place where he disappeared. And the remaining evidence that he existed was the feathers he left behind...

They somehow knew that he would return one day...

[Ark Mechanicus: Armegeddon]

Alex Stepped on the Ship he remembered and saw the Apple pie his mother sent him...

He silently eaten the meal and headed to his office...

He placed the Album of the friends and family he made in Cyberpunk, next to the Urn of the Rimworlder that was loyal to him to the bitter end... Placed a picture frame next to his desk of a Picture of the Three with a Wedding dresses in front of the Church in Pacifica and their friends and family... He took one last look at the wedding ring on his hand and sighed....

"Partner, Status report"

<I would have thought that you would asked about them?>

"The sooner I am done with the Numbers, the Faster I will return to them... Even if you assured me, they will be safe, what guarantee they will not be kidnapped?"

<Fair point....>

"Thanks Partner..." Alexander Sat and Resumed his duties as a Director of M.A.Rs...


A/N: Sorry I am Late, Work Hours is a pain sure why do i get stuck with a job?

Well Most of the Entry Level Jobs has absurd requirements... And This job is more or less the lesser harsher standards that some of my relatives helped me in and learn the ropes, pays enough for me to stroll in College and easy working hours... How do I get a 20 years' worth of experience when I just got Graduated from High School? And planning to join college... I could lie in my interview but that does make me really feel like a liar in a sense... And I couldn't quit as I knew that finding jobs nowadays is harder to find as people had high requirements.

Enough of my IRL Problems

Alex has returned to the Starship troopers universe...

You won't see him much in the upcoming Starship trooper Terran Command...

As Promised, Ignis corps will be the Main Characters?

I had a Chat with them during my workdays and I gather permission from them...

Reject Sanity of Author Morality and Embrace Insanity of Ignis...