

As I awoke, I felt a vague pain in the palm of my hand. Quickly sitting up and looking at it, I noticed that my hand, as well as the rest of my body, had significantly shrunk. Even the part that counted.

Seems he wasn't lying about reverting me to being a child.

Well, no matter! Once I gather my strength, I'll go and defeat that hero, his stupid harem of catgirls, that smug asshole Sato-

Hey hey, just what were you thinking about just now?

Surprised, I spun around, but I couldn't identify the source of the voice.

I'm in your head, dumbass. I'll add an S in front whenever I speak to make it easier for you.


S: Yeah.

What do you want? Why give that cryptic warning before leaving me here if you can just show up in my head whenever you want?

S: Oh, I just always wanted to use that line. You'll find out what I mean later.


S: Anyways, I'd recommend taking a look around. I'm really proud of this spawn point.

This what?

S: Nothing. Anyways, just look around.

Obliging his commands, I took a look around my surroundings. It was dark and damp, and it seemed I was inside of a prison cell. The cells to the left and right of me were empty, although I could see bones in one of them. They didn't look humanoid.

S: So, whaddaya think?

….I think I really want to punch you right now.

S: Ah, no respect. This generation has no hope after all.


S: Nothing. Anyways, this is your spawn point. If you'll look around a bit, you'll find a starting weapon. It's really cool!

I knelt over and searched the floor, looking for what he could mean. All I found was a rusty sword hilt, with most of the blade broken off.

S: You Acquired Rusty Sword Hilt!

You jackass, what am I supposed to do with this?

S: What, never played D*rk Souls? Were you expecting Excalibur or something?

You're an asshole.

S: You got one-shot.

I'm ignoring you.

S: :)

Forgetting about Satou for the moment, I took inventory before walking to the cell door. It seemed I was wearing an old tunic, with an old rope tied as a makeshift belt. It was certainly a far cry away from the badass demonic robes I was used to. Slipping the hilt into my 'belt', I pushed the cell door to see if it would open. Surprisingly enough, The cell door not only opened, it fell off its hinges to the floor with a loud *clang*. Stepping outside of my cell, I celebrated my newfound freedom.

To my right there was a long hallway, seemingly filled with identical cells to mine. To my left was a staircase leading upwards. Briefly considering my options, I decided to head up the stairs, whatever was in the cells probably wasn't worth the time to take to loot them.

S: Hey, you might get an achievement for looking!

A what?

S: Nothing.

While you're here, mind explaining what this place is? Where am I?

S: I'm not here for exposition, figure it out.

You could at least be useful for something.

S: I'll have you know you should be honored to be in my presence, I am a very busy man.

Okay, what do you do all day?

S: Run over japanese teenagers with a truck and send them to other worlds.


S: Don't judge me.

What the hell is a truck?

As my pointless conversation with Satou (S: Hey!) continued, I finally arrived at the top of the stairs. In front of me there was a large set of double doors, which would hopefully take me outside. To my right there was a large ornate greatsword stabbed into the ground, slightly taller than I was. Feeling my palm tingling, I reached up and grabbed the sword's hilt, and attempted to pull it out.

Suddenly, the mark on my palm burst into a blue flame, enveloping my hand and igniting the greatsword. Surprised, I stumbled back and fell. As I watched, three strange runes appeared on the surface of the blade, emanating light. The fire eventually traveled down and formed a ring of flames around the sword, showing no signs of disappearing. I didn't want to risk touching it again.

S: {Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.} Pretty cool huh?

Loathe as I am to admit it, that was pretty cool. What was that?

S: Do you honestly think I'm gonna answer that?

Go fuck yourself.

S: :(

I walked away from the sword towards the double doors, I took a small breath before pushing them open. Surprisingly, it was fairly easy. Hand on my sword hilt, I walked through the doors, ready for what was next to come.


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