

" YOU BETTER PRAY TO YOUR CREATOR THAT I DON'T GET OUT OF THESE CHAINS . BECAUSE IF I DO , I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU. I AM TO SKIN YOU ALIVE. YOU WILL WISH YOU NEVER KNEW ABOUT MY EXISTENCE. YOU WILL WISH YOU NEVER CROSSED MY PATH . FAMILY OR NOT ,YOUR DEATH WILL BE ON BY MY HAND ,MANOV " Being an orphan that never got a chance to experience a family's love for a longer time, kicked out of the orphanage at the age of eleven, her anger grew even more. Anger, cruelty, hatred and thirst for revenge were what ran through her veins . Only because everything she ever cherished was snatched from her. Athena had to do whatever it took to survive ,not even realise she was slowly being addicted and being consumed by a darkness of evil. Becoming an unstoppable monster.

DaoistvLAdeg · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 1


Children were playing in the backyard of the orphanage . They were all energetic except Athena. She was sitting further from them , looking down at the necklace around her neck . It was the only thing she inherited from the person who deserted her on the orphanage doorstep when she was only three weeks old .

She kept wondering why she was never loved. First it was her biological parents since they abandoned her. Then her adoptive families that had been returning her back to the orphanage. In all her eleven years of existence,she was always abandoned.

She wondered if she was cursed or had bad aroma . Even in the orphanage , no one wanted to play with her . They would claim that she was too rough , that she was like a ticking boom .


Four girls squealed and ran inside . Athena was also eleven but she didn't bother getting up from the grass she was sitting on . She couldn't bare another rejection.

Since Ester didn't notice athena,she went back to the office .

She opened the door for the girls that were waiting for her outside the office . They are all very jubilant ..but that feeling popped when they laid their eyes on the adopting couple.

The man wasn't wearing any shirt, showing his inked skin. Every inch was inked with scary tattoos. Then the lady who also was in tattoos. She looked less scary compared to her partner but still scary.

"Hello everyone " the lady greeted getting up from her seat.

In a flash, the girls ran out the door like they were running for their lives

Their actions hurt the lady so much she couldn't hide her tears .

"Mark..how am supposed to be a mother if children can't even stay in the same room as us huh??"she cried as he hugged her to console her.

"Maybe this was a bad idea my love.. we have went to all the orphanages in the city ..." He smoothly rubbed her back

"But I want to be a mother..I can't even have my own .." she sobbed even harder.

"Um ....there might be another girl that you may want ...she might fit your..... family perfectly" Ester said clearing her throat

"No..no..no.. Athena is way too troublesome..we were almost sued because of that girl..so no..." Rebecca ,the head mistress said shaking her head.

"But ..this could be her only chance of getting her a family that she would fit in right"Ester convinced

"No ..Ester.."

"Who is athena ?? If she one of the orphans ,I want to see her" the lady said pulling back from her partner to look at the head mistress.

" Ma'am..that girl is way too troublesome. She had been returned a couple of times . She will only cause you trouble ..." She explained.

"I will take a risk ...bring her in "

"Babe..??" Mark tried to change her mind

" I want a baby mark, this might be my only chance ..and maybe they just didn't know how to treat her .." she argued.

Rebecca sighed and removed her glasses .

"You won't come back and insult us right??"

"Positive..I won't even bring her back "

Rebecca let out another long sigh and told Ester to go and get Athena.

Ester left.

"Are you sure about this Rosie..??" Mark asked

"I am dead serious .."

"I will support you babe.." he kissed her Hair

They sat in a comfortable silence.

The door opened , a little girl entered followed by Ester.

"Sorry I took so long , she didn't want to come .." she reported

"Athena , this is Mr and Mrs Branson, they are here to adopt you . " Rebecca said

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Branson..I am athena " she introduced

"I am Rosie and this is Mark ..." She was excited since she didn't run away like the other girls or cry.

Mark was shocked at Athena's expression. She looked calm.

Rebecca gave them the Papers to sign . They signed.

"Athena... please behave" Rebecca pleaded

" I always do head mistress.."

Ester scoffed at Athena's response.

Mark scooped athena in his arms as they went out the door ..she giggled

"You just made my Rosie happy.." he said

"I can walk ... put me down." She giggled

"Okay then your majesty...here you go " putting her down .

They left the orphanage with a very excited Rosie ..she didn't even take the front seat talking to her .

The car stopped at a fancy but not big house .

" Welcome home sweetie...you are going to love it here ,it very peaceful" Rosie said RF

They got out of the car , athena just marveled at the house.

"You live here ? "

"Yes honey...this is your new home " Rosie informed

They went inside the house . It was even beautiful that outside . They showed her around , from the kitchen , living room, the backyard ,the Flim room ,game room, the guest rooms , their bedroom and lastly her bedroom.

"And here is your bedroom ..." They open the door . It was all pink ,it was like a princess's bedroom.

They were expecting a squeal but she just twisted her face in disgust.

" You don't like it ?? But its all pink ..I decorated it myself " Rosie panicked because she wanted everything to be perfect

"The room is well decorated and beautiful but the colour is what I hate ...I love red and hate pink " she clarified

"Phew...I almost had a heart attack, " she sighed out

" We will decorate it tomorrow..the three of us ...what do you say kiddo?" Mark asked


They went back to the living room to get to know each other .

" So baby..tell us about your likes and dislikes. " Rosie said

" Food , everything is okay . I just don't like lying and abuse " she answered

" Were you abused at the orphanage ??"

" Physical no....but emotionally , every chance they got."

" Nice necklace, it looks familiar but I can't remember where I have seen it " mark said

" Oh yeah , it is the only thing I inherited from the one that abandoned me " she looked at it

" Do you still remember your parents??"

" I wish ...head mistress said that I was left when I was just three three weeks old ...the orphanage is the only real home I know since other families never kept me for a longer time" she explained

"That will never happen with us ..you will me my baby girl ..."Rosie hugged her

"Group hug "

They made a group hug , sandwiching athena

"Now ,let's go and great our own memories . Who wants to make homemade pizza with me ?"

Mark smiled at them

"Me "


They ran to the kitchen.

Athena knew that she was going to love it there. She could feel that they love her and they were good people.