
Confrontation part-2

"Aye…you are right." The answer drew surprised reactions from everyone really, showing even Cersei didn't expect Ned to admit to her 'accusations'. "Jason has been my eyes and ears within King's Landing, investigating the late Lord Jon Arryn's last actions before he was assassinated." The new revelation drew gasps from the nobles, showing few knew the full story of the respected former Hand's passing. "Lord Arryn was seeking King Robert's illegitimate children within the capital, comparing them to with royal children."

Cersei paled slightly, shifting slightly where she stood as Ned openly spoke of this. Her eyes though were like daggers, trying hopelessly to silence Eddard as he continued to speak.

"The ancestry of the Baratheon's is long and well recorded. Always the children of that House bared black hair…a trait every one of his bastard children has. A trait which your sons and daughters lack Queen Cersei."

Jason couldn't help but smirk from Eddard's dramatic reveal as the hall burst into a flurry of chatter. The gathered courtiers and nobility was arguing, debating fiercely until drowned to the tolling of the bells. Suddenly, Joffrey stood up from the Iron Throne, yelling out over the many voices in a state of pure anger.


All voices obeyed that command, calm returning to the room, nearly everyone glancing at the false prince. The boy's right hand was red, dripping blood from being cut across the bladed armrest of the throne in his moment of frustration.

"You lie…You lie Eddard Stark…" He growled loudly. "I am the son of Robert Baratheon! I have the right to claim this throne and I will not let your filthy slander disgrace him any further!"

If anything, Jason felt pity at that moment for the screaming boy. He completely adored his 'father', valuing his name over even the Lannister's from the way he spoke. Yet it also showed just how troubled he was, unstable and broken with the lie he had been raised to believe.

"I do this for his honour. You are faultless in this matter Joffrey…yet your mother must pay for her selfish actions and heinous crimes." Ned stated back, calm unwavering as he stared back at Cersei. "Because I know you planned Robert's murder, along with the attack on his hunt." At that point Eddard gripped one fist tightly, holding back anger. "He was your husband for god's sake…and you murdered him for petty power!"

The room remained silent as Eddard listed the final crime Cersei had committed. Joffrey's look of anger faded, seeming unsure of what to react. He was muttering something to himself before glancing down at his mother, who in turn looked up to him.

"That is enough." She coldly muttered. "No more Eddard. We will not accept these false claims, these imagined crimes. You will not steal the right my family has or deny the people it's proper king!" Again, she looked to Joffrey, nodding slightly to him.

At that point the boy seemed to snap to attention, glancing back at Eddard and his gathered men. "King's Guard, Hound and Watch!" He snapped out. "Arrest Lord Stark and his supporters for treason! Kill any who dare resist!"

At that moment the room was filled with the drawing of steel. Jason, Jaime and Barristan the first to have their blades out, while the rest followed suit except for Eddard who didn't even reach for his blade.

"Commander!' Ned looked off to the side at one of the Watch captains, a man with a short white beard. "Take the queen and her son into custody! Escort them to their royal apartments and keep them there under guard!"

"Men of the Watch." The Commander spoke loud yet calmly, the guardsmen giving a short yah as they'd lower their spears towards the Lannister's forces, who shifted back nervously being vastly outnumbered. Yet despite this…Jason sensed something was wrong. It was the look on Cersei's face, she was faintly smiling.

"I want no bloodshed. Tell your men to lay down their weapons and no one needs to die."

There was a short pause, which to Jason felt like a full minute as he saw Cersei's gaze glance to the Watch Commander, their gazes meeting before she gave a short nod. Adrenaline kicked in as the Surgebinder realized the spears weren't pointed at their enemies…but at their very backs.

"EVERYONE MOVE!" He yelled out before the Commander gave out an order, the guardsmen suddenly lunging in to attack.

Four of the Stark men were impaled through the back with spears, howling out as they grasped at the metal tips piercing through their chests. Two others got stabbed into the side, forcing them onto their knees before they were stabbed again, spewing up blood as it filled up their throats and lungs. The other four barely reacted in time, drawn blades swatting the jabbing spears aside, just sparing their lives for a few more moments.

Yet for Jason, Beric and Thoros, they had six guards focus on them. They no doubt knew just how dangerous the trio were, trying to kill them in a coordinated surprise attack. The Surgebinder though was faster, steel blade slashing widely to cut three of the shafts of the spears apart, leaving them useless without their metal tips.

Thoros yelled out fiercely as he'd just dodge the jab, left hand grabbing the spear shaft and yank guardsman forward. The unlucky man got a sword driven into his gut before being kicked off the blade in a bloody fashion.

Beric parried one of the spears stabbing at him, though the other just reached him. He twisted his body as it stabbed at his shoulder, drawing a pained cry as the spear tip just pierced through his chainmail to draw blood. It was a minor wound, which did little to weaken his guard as he'd strike the pommel of his sword into the man's face, breaking the nose and forcing him back.

"Protect Lord Stark!" Jason yelled out as he glanced about, seeing the four remaining Stark guards get picked off one by one before they could regroup with the others. However, what really caught the Surgebinder's off guard the was the sight of Littlefinger grappling Ned from behind, a familiar curved dagger pressed at the Northern lord's throat. It was the missing twin of the Valyrian dagger that Jason had strapped to the side of his hip. "You bastard…"

Baelish had a sly grin across his face, making sure that sharp blade pressed closely to Eddard's neck to force him back towards the line of Guardsmen. "Don't be angry Surgebinder. The game was set against you since the beginning." He answered back. Ned tried to struggle free, his movements making the blade lightly draw blood. "Now Ned, you wouldn't like to slit your own throat…" The backstabbing noble chuckled.

At this point, the Watch along with the King's Guard and Hound slowly closed in towards Jason, Beric and Thoros. The trio soon were back to back, protecting each other's blindside. Barristan neared the Surgebinder, his calm eyes looking directly into the Surgebinder's feline-like gaze. The Lord Commander said nothing, yet in the truth that sharp gaze spoke much.

"Heh well done Lord Baelish! Your loyalty is true as expected." Joffrey chuckled out as Littlefinger soon had Eddard grabbed by three Guardsmen, who quickly disarmed and shackled him.

Baelish simply bowed back, almost as if to mock Ned and Jason. "It was the right thing to do your grace. I couldn't simply let such treason be ignored."

"Damn you to the Seven Hells Baelish!" Ned snapped out before getting punched across the face by one of the guards, silencing him before he could curse out any further.

Cersei smirked in sadistic glee seeing Eddard beaten before her, yet she didn't let it distract her for too long as her gaze focused on surviving members. "So 'Whitethorne'…where is your fighting spirit?" Her tone mocking, making the Surgebinder growl in anger. "Thoros. It is a shame you were deluded joining their side. Then again you are a lowly drunkard, a man of weak faith."

"Piss off you bitch!" He snapped back, giving a quite evil grin at her.

"Hound cut out his tongue once he is captured. He just said his last words." Joffrey ordered out, the armoured man only nodding slightly at the command. "The three of you deserve to suffer for your transgressions. My father trusted all of you and now you betray it after his death. Especially you Surgebinder. I looked up to you…adored you even after seeing what you could do." The boy paused, eyes gleaming with a sudden idea. "That is why I give you a choice. Bend the knee and admit that I am the rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms. Do what Lord Stark refused. In turn…I may show mercy. Exile for you while the rest are sent to the Wall for the rest of their days."

Jason gripped his steel blade tightly in both hands, staring up at the boy with a cold look. He'd glance to Beric and Thoros beside him, both men tense yet knowing very well the odds were very much against them.

"Do what he says Jason." Jaime suddenly spoke up, making the Surgebinder look forward to see the blond-haired knight standing beside Barristan. He would have expected a smug look across the man's face yet instead it was one of pleading. "Don't throw your life away like this. It's not worth it."

Again, Jason remained silent as his mind was rapidly thinking over possible escapes. Even with his skills, he couldn't outmatch so many at once, not with the mass of spearmen surrounding him. It all came down to one person.

"Ser Barristan." He calmly muttered, though the aged knight hardly moved when spoken to. "Remember what I said after the hunt, about the choice between duty and doing what is right?"

"What are you blathering about Surgebinder?' Cersei questioned, yet Jason continues to speak.

"Yes." The knight answered back in a calm voice.

"Time to decide on which you value more." With that, the Surgebinder dropped his sword at his feet, the steel blade's clanging echoing through the throne room.

"Jason! What in the hell are you thinking?!" Thoros whispered in shock.

"Stalling." He muttered back.

"For what?' Beric questioned.

"For the right moment. When it comes, grab the bombs on my belt. Pull the pins and throw them. Cover your faces as soon as you do else you'll be stunned."

"Are you just going to stand there Jason?' Joffrey spoke up, interrupting their whispering. "You are doing well so far. All you need to do is kneel and admit my right to rule."

For a moment Jason gazed about the hall, noticing how Varys had disappeared during the conflict. It was a small detail, yet one he felt was important. Slowly he'd start to shift down onto one knee while he glanced over to Eddard, the man's face having such ashamed look seeing his friend submitting in such a way. However, the Surgebinder gave a small smile at Ned, making a confused look across the man's face.

He'd stop halfway to kneeling as he'd look back up at Joffrey, an odd look showing across the boy's face. "You know what…fuck you. I'd rather be dead then grovel to a pasty spoiled brat like you." Standing up straight, he'd see the prince trembling in brewing anger while Cersei stared in complete shock. The woman tried to speak up, wanting to warn her son yet the prince reacted first.


Jaime and his fellow brothers in arms were too shocked to react to the command while the Hound seemed to be…laughing out loud at what he had just witnessed. Barristan though didn't hesitate, the old knight rushing in with shocking speed, swinging his sword down at the Surgebinder. Jason reacted just as fast as he'd swipe his wolf sigil bracer out, timing it perfectly to deflect the attack. Both men were up close, nearly face to face for a split second.


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