Being transported into the body of a weird anthropomorphic animal is one thing. But the world I was transported into has to be even weirder, where strange phenomena is common. I have no idea what is happening, but at least the body I found myself is strong. I was lazy with the cover, I might make another one eventually, but I essentially just stole a panel and put sonic font on it.
A blur of blue shot past the gray-steel walls of an underground complex. He passed through doors in the hallway in a flash, entering for only enough time to allow the afterimage of his blue visage to enter before he was already back out of the door.
Very quickly, he came to a split in his path, two hallways going opposite directions. He tapped his foot at speeds akin to his rush to this point as he looked down both hallways, trying to decide on which way to go.
"Sonic!" A voice came from behind him, a feminine voice with an elegant flair.
Sonic, said blue blur, turned to look to the voice, seeing a chipmunk with red hair, wearing a blue jacket and black pants, "Sal!" He said happily, ready to have her help out.
"How'd you get here so fast?" He asked.
"After you ran off, I took my bike from Rotor. Did you find Bunnie yet?" Sally switched topics quickly, just as nervous as Sonic.
"Not yet, I don't know which hallway she's down. So you go right, I got the left side!" Without a word more, Sonic raced down the right hallway.
"Wait!" She reached her hand out, hoping to make a better plan, but then she sighed and facepalmed, "That's the right side." She sighed even harder and ran down the left path.
Sonic raced through the hallway once again, eventually making his way to the room at the very end of the hall.
"It's always the last room you check!" He growled as he bowled into a room, machinery whirring loudly enough to have heard from the outside.
His eyes darted around the room, glancing over the white flamboyant platypus man manning some sort of controls and directly to his friend, trapped in a tube. He didn't know what the machine was, but it was clearly bad.
Bunnie is a yellow rabbit girl wearing a short dress. She was captured by Eggman on a recent mission, and he could see the results of his mistakes in the form of her legs and an arm becoming a purple clunky steel.
"Bunnie! Don't worry I'll get you out of there!" He shouted and crouched down into a ball, starting to spin at high speeds.
Before he could dash at the machine, the aforementioned flamboyant platypus yelled, "Oh no you don't! I have been entrusted by the fine Dr. Eggman for this task! As well as use of his prototype Roboticizer!" He stretched his hand out, a strange yellow gem with orange swirls glowed on the back of it.
Just as Sonic launched himself toward the machine, now known to him as a Roboticizer, while expecting his speed to outdo anything the man had prepared, a yellow portal appeared in front of him, and he was flung directly into a wall instead of his intended target. Not expecting the sudden shift in scenery, he unceremoniously crashed into the wall, bouncing off of it and onto his back.
"Careful sugar!" Bunnie called, "His gloves do weird stuff!"
"Shut it!" The platypus man growled, "I am Dr. Starline! Dr. Eggman's greatest mind!" He introduced with a dramatic tone that seemed practiced.
"Ha! I beat Egghead all the time, so if you think that intimidates me..." Sonic trailed off as a trail of blue suddenly exploded from his position.
Starline's other glove glowed with a red light that covered his body, "Not so fast!" He managed to catch Sonic by the leg, who was halfway through a kick when Starline threw him against the far wall.
Sonic reacted to the toss with slight surprise, but with a practiced ease, he used the wall as a landing pad before jumping off of it, spinning into a ball in the process.
"That won't work!" He held his gloved hand up towards Sonic when Sonic suddenly dropped and spun off to Starline's side, toward the Roboticizer.
"Stop!" Starline reached out with his portal hand, a portal opening in front of Sonic, but Sonic veered off immediately, barely drifting around the portal and smashing right through the Roboticizer. The glass and even steel being no match for his spines.
"Bunnie, are you okay?" Sonic helped up the friend that he freed.
"Mah legs... and Mah arm..." She muttered, staring haplessly at her robotic limbs. One arm and below her waist was all metallic, gears and wires replacing tendons and veins.
"We'll... we'll fix this. Just let me take care of fancy pants over there." Sonic spun around, hurriedly parrying a punch from said crazy platypus.
Sonic dashed into the stomach of Starline pushing him back, while Bunnie got up on shaking legs. She could control them normally, but her sense of touch was dulled in her robotic limbs compared to how it used to be.
She stumbled and flicked her arm, and the robot arm transformed into an arm cannon. Before she could even comprehend it, the arm cannon started charging energy, so she hurriedly lifted it and pointed it toward Starline.
"Dodge, Blue!" She called and braced herself for the recoil.
Sonic taking a quick glance back hurriedly flipped through the air as the energy blast shot under him and smashed through the control panel, and further toward Starline.
An alarm sounded through the facility almost simultaneous to the machine getting destroyed leading the two to think it was a sort of failsafe.
Starline raised his hand again, the one with the yellow and orange gem and made a portal that fired the energy attack right at Sonic, who had just landed.
Sonic was blasted by the unexpected attack and crashed into the Roboticizer, getting up immediately to backflip dodge a red colored empowered punch from Starline.
"Tch. It seems this place has been compromised." Starline stared at the blaring alarm in the corner of the room.
"You alright, sugar?." Bunnie asked trying to stay steady with limbs she wasn't used to.
"This guy's a little tricky. Nothing I can't handle though." Sonic brushed himself off and readied himself to fight against Starline again.
Starline, however, covered himself in a blue aura and sprinted off at a speed comparable to Sonic and smashed his fist against a red button.
"Self-Destruct Initiated." A robotic voice echoed over the speakers.
"What the-?" Sonic questioned briefly.
Starline created another yellow portal next to him, the destination of said portal being unclear, as the other end was nowhere in the room.
"I apologize, but I must be going. It's just a shame about my experiments... Oh well, not like I can't just do it again!" Starline shrugged, and stepped through the portal.
Sonic didn't want to waste time chasing him though, Sally was still in here!
"Bunnie, get on my back, we gotta grab Sal and go!" He motioned and Bunnie slumped onto his back, still not sure how to properly control her limbs. Or maybe, preferring to block out the idea of her limbs being robotic at all.
Sonic sped off through the facility, with Bunnie on his back.
A few minutes before...
"There are so many doors in this place..." Sally opened another door in the hall, peeking in, and seeing it was just another sleeping quarters. Not every room in this hallway was a sleeping quarters, and frankly the lack of organization was giving her a headache just thinking about it.
She got to the end of the hallway fairly quickly, despite her multiple stops.
"It's always the last place you check." She sighed, opening the door at the end of the hall, she expected to see her friends, and to have to fight off some unknown enemy, but she was surprised, even shocked.
A green tenrec lady sat floating in some sort of test tube, breathing with an oxygen mask while whatever fluid was in the tank was cycled out constantly. A blue fox boy floated similarly in the other tube.
"What... is this?"