
Supreme Investment System

In the bustling urban jungle of Concordia City, where money talks and ambition reigns supreme, we follow the transformation of Alex Turner, a once-average and weak-willed young man who discovers a unique opportunity to change his life. Armed with financial intelligence, above average looks, and a mysterious cash reward system, he embarks on a journey to become a formidable investor while attracting a harem of admirers, each with their own unique talents and secrets! ___________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/ARC4rWXXdY

Mr_Lomo · perkotaan
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28 Chs

Strategic Plan

As the night sky got darker around the city, Alex revved up his sports car, the engine growling beneath him. He drove away from the auction, he decided to lower his windows and let the cool breeze hit his face.

Thoughts running through in his mind like runners on an Olympic track. Alex knew he had to level up in the wealth game. The auction was an eye opener. Fancy things, like the diamond necklace, were more than just sparkly; they were investments. "Gotta play the system smart," he mumbled to himself. 

The condo came into view, a sleek building when all the lights were on in the night. Alex parked his car and headed to the elevator. As he ascended, he thought about Maria, the lady who helped him with the bidding. She was sharp and knew her stuff. 

Maybe she could be a key importance to him. Reaching his floor, he stepped into his condo, the modern furnishings in his place always gave off the look 'wealth'. The diamond necklace sat on the table, a reminder of his first successful play in this wealthy game. 

Alex wondered about Maria. "She's got the knowledge," he thought. "Maybe I should tap into that. Learn the ropes." He decided to give her a call, and set up the day for their date. After a quick thought he decided to give it a day or two and not look too desperate. Then there was Matilda, his childhood friend. 

They had a one-night stand, but it didn't change their friendship. "Keep it simple," he thought. No need to complicate things. He'd talk to her at their meet up they scheduled, make sure everything was cool. Friendships mattered more than awkwardness. With a plan forming in his mind, Alex leaned back in his plush sofa. Building wealth was a game, and he was ready to play it smart. The next day, after a good night's rest, Alex decided it was time to make some moves. 

The next day, Alex woke up with a clear goal in mind. He needed to make strategic moves to build his wealth

Alex turned his attention to the crucial aspect of his plan the financial side of things. He contacted Emily who is the person in charge of the company's accounts. Alex reached for his phone and dialed Emily's number.

Emily: "Hello?" 

Alex: "Hey, Emily, it's Alex. How's it going?" 

Emily: "Hey, Alex! I'm good, thanks. What can I do for you?" 

Alex: "I was going through some plans for the company, and I wanted to get an update on the funds in our accounts. 

Any chance we can set up a meeting to go over the numbers?" 

Emily: "Sure, Alex. I can provide you with a detailed report. How about we meet later today at the office?" 

Alex: "Sounds perfect. Let's aim for mid-afternoon. Thanks, Emily."

With the financial aspect on course, Alex turned his attention to Maria. A day had passed since the auction, and he felt it was the right time to reach out. He sent her a casual text.

Alex: "Hey Maria, hope you're doing well. I enjoyed the auction, and I was thinking it would be great to catch up. How about dinner this weekend? Let me know if you're free."

As he waited for Maria's response, Alex focused on preparing for the meeting with Emily. He gathered necessary documents and notes, ready to get into into the financial details of the company.

Later that afternoon, Alex met with Emily at the office. They went through the financial report, discussing the current funds, potential investments, and areas for improvement. Emily's insights were valuable, and Alex appreciated her expertise.

As Alex and Emily went deeper into the financial report during their meeting, it became evident that the recent acquisitions of the struggling companies had set them back more than expected. 

Alex sat back, absorbing the numbers on the screen. He realized that building wealth wasn't a sprint but a marathon, and strategic decisions needed time to yield results. The companies they acquired were like puzzle pieces, and Alex needed to figure out how to make them fit seamlessly into the larger picture of success.

After a moment of contemplation, Alex looked at Emily, "We've made some bold moves, Emily. The acquisitions might take time to show returns, but I believe in the potential. However, in the short term, we need to be strategic with our available funds."

Emily nodded, understanding the situation. "I agree, Alex. We might need to tighten our belts for a bit until the acquired companies stabilize and start contributing positively."

Alex then decided to take a step to ensure they had some liquidity. He asked Emily, "How much do we currently have available in the company accounts?"

Emily checked her records. "After the recent transactions, we have slightly over half a million left in the accounts."

"Alright," Alex said, "I think it's best to transfer that to my personal account. We need to be nimble and have some flexibility in case unexpected opportunities or challenges arise."

Emily agreed, "I'll get that process started, Alex."

Emily discreetly excused herself to make the necessary arrangements. She stepped out of the conference room and dialed the bank's number. As she waited for the call to connect, she couldn't help but wonder about Alex's plan. He had shared very little about his strategic moves, leaving her curious about the direction he intended to take.

After a few minutes on the call with the bank, Emily provided the details for the fund transfer. The process was initiated promptly, and she returned to the meeting room where Alex was reviewing market trends and potential opportunities.

"Alex," Emily said as she entered, "the funds transfer is underway. It should be in your personal account shortly."

"Great, thanks, Emily," Alex replied, his attention still focused on the data in front of him.

Emily couldn't shake off her curiosity. "Alex, may I ask about your plan moving forward? Transferring the funds to your personal account—what's the strategy?"

Alex looked up from the documents, his expression thoughtful. I have some things lined up and looking to increase our capital, don't worry much about it.

Emily nodded, even though she felt there was the need for flexibility in their business. "I trust your judgment, Alex. Just let me know if there's anything specific you'd like me to focus on."

"Will do, Emily. For now, let's keep a close eye on the performance of the acquired companies. We need to navigate the challenges and ensure they start contributing positively."

Alex wrapped up his work at the office and decided to head home. He looked at his watch and realized it was getting late. Before leaving, he decided to check in with Emily about Kathleen, the new addition to their team.

"Hey, Emily," Alex called from his office, "how's Kathleen settling in? Has she started working on the projects we discussed?"

Emily, managing a cheerful tone, responded, "Yes, Alex, Kathleen has settled in well. She's already started working on our systems, and I'm sure her fresh perspective will help build a system that cannot be hacked easily or easily crash."

"That's great to hear," Alex said, appreciating the quick integration of their new team member. "Thanks for taking care of that, Emily. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Sure thing, Alex. Have a good evening," Emily replied, masking her envy behind a professional demeanor.

 Alex decided to make his way to Kathleen's office. He knocked on the slightly ajar door and saw her engrossed in work, typing away on her computer.

"Hey, Kathleen," Alex greeted with a friendly smile. "Busy day?"

Kathleen looked up, momentarily surprised. "Oh, hi, Alex! Yeah, it's been quite busy, getting familiar with everything. But I love the challenge."

"I'm glad to hear that," Alex said, stepping into her office. "Settling in well?"

Kathleen nodded, "Yes, the Emily has been really welcoming. She has been fantastic in helping me get up to speed."

"That's Emily for you," Alex chuckled. "She's been through thick and thin of the company. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out to her."

Kathleen smiled, appreciating the guidance. "I will, thanks, Alex. I'm excited to contribute and be a part of this team."

"That's the spirit," Alex encouraged. "We're all here to support each other. If you have any questions or need assistance navigating the ropes, just let us know. We're like a family here."

Upon arriving home, Alex headed straight to his home office. He settled into his chair, opened his laptop, and logged into his banking system. His focus was clear: the first course of action was to make the payment for the diamond necklace he had won at the auction.

As he initiated the transfer, he couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. The auction had been a game-changer, a glimpse into the world of wealth and investments. The diamond necklace, now in his possession, represented more than just a luxurious accessory; it was a tangible asset, a step towards building his financial portfolio.

With the payment processed, Alex leaned back in his chair, contemplating the journey ahead. He recognized that building wealth required patience, strategy, and a keen understanding of the financial landscape. The two struggling companies he had acquired earlier set them back a bit, but he saw them as long-term investments.

"I'll build this up," Alex affirmed to himself. "One step at a time."

His attention then turned to the remaining funds. They were not as substantial as he would have liked, given the recent acquisitions. . The system would be his help in growing that amount into a more significant figure.

As he picked up his phone to check on the system, he realized he had got received a response from Maria.

Maria: "Hi Alex! I'm glad you enjoyed the auction. Dinner sounds great. How about Saturday night? Looking forward to catching up!"