
Supreme Investment System

In the bustling urban jungle of Concordia City, where money talks and ambition reigns supreme, we follow the transformation of Alex Turner, a once-average and weak-willed young man who discovers a unique opportunity to change his life. Armed with financial intelligence, above average looks, and a mysterious cash reward system, he embarks on a journey to become a formidable investor while attracting a harem of admirers, each with their own unique talents and secrets! ___________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/ARC4rWXXdY

Mr_Lomo · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Morning After

Alex: You're really amazing, you know.

Matilda, blushing: You're not too bad yourself.

Alex: No, I mean it. The way you move, the sounds you make, it's incredible.

Matilda, giggling: Stop it, you're making me blush.

Alex: I'm serious. I could listen to you forever.

Matilda: That's very sweet of you.

Alex: I'm not just saying it, Matilda. I mean every word.

Matilda, looking into his eyes: And I believe you.

He smiles and pulls her into his arms. She nuzzles her head against his chest, her breath tickling his skin.

Matilda, looking up at him: I can't tell you how much I appreciate this.

Alex: It's the least I could do.

Matilda, with her head against his chest: What are you thinking about?

Alex: Just how lucky I am to have you in my life.

Matilda, chuckling: Oh, stop it. You're making me blush.

Alex, stroking her hair: I mean it. You're the best thing that's happened to me for a very long time now.

Matilda, smiling: And here I thought you were talking about the sex.

Alex, laughing: That too. But you're the whole package.

He pulls her closer, holding her tightly.

Matilda: You're not so bad yourself, Alex. I've never felt this comfortable and... satisfied before.

Alex, caressing her cheek: I'm glad I could make you feel that way.

Matilda, with a playful smirk: So, was that your secret plan all along? To sweep me off my feet?

Alex, grinning: Maybe. But it seems like it worked.

Matilda, leaning in for a kiss: Well, consider me swept.

They share a passionate kiss, savoring the closeness and the intimacy they've just experienced. After a moment, Matilda looks at Alex with a mischievous look in her eyes.

Matilda: You know, this doesn't mean you get to brag about it to your friends.

Alex, chuckling: I promise, our little secret.

Matilda, moving closer: Good. I wouldn't want everyone knowing my secrets.

The next morning as bright sun reflects into the room Alex wakes up and he gently untangles himself from Matilda's embrace, careful not to disturb her peaceful sleep. He glances at the clock and notices the missed calls on his phone. As he heads to the bathroom to answer the calls, he realizes they're from Maria.

Alex (whispering into the phone): Hey, Maria. Sorry about last night. Something came up, and I couldn't make it back home. I crashed at a friend's place.

Maria: Alex, are you okay? I tried calling so many times. I was worried.

Alex: Yeah, I'm fine. Just lost track of time. I didn't want to disturb you by calling late. Did you get home okay?

Maria: Yes, I'm home. But next time, at least let me know if you get home. I was really concerned.

Alex: I know, Maria. I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Thanks for checking up on me.

Maria: Of course. Just take care of yourself, okay? Call me when you can.

Alex: I will, Maria. I'll talk to you soon.

Alex ends the call and takes a moment to collect his thoughts. He doesn't want to wake Matilda, so he decides to slip back into the bedroom quietly. As he gets back into bed, Matilda stirs.

Matilda, half-asleep: Everything okay?

Alex, caressing her hair: Yeah, just had to take a call. Go back to sleep.

Matilda, cuddling closer: Mmm, it didn't take too long.

Alex, : Nope, just a quick one.

Matilda, kissing against his neck: Good, because I was hoping for another round before breakfast.

Alex, chuckling: I thought you had a meeting this morning.

Matilda, grinning: Oh, I do. But I'm sure we can manage a quickie.

Alex: Sounds good to me.

They waste no time in picking up where they left off last night, enjoying in each other's touch and exploring every inch of each other's bodies. Their passion is energetic, and it's clear that there's more than just lust between them. 

Alex can't get enough of Matilda, and she's eager to please. They make love like it's their last day on earth, and when they finally reach their climax, it's like they have both been drained of their life force.

Matilda, with a contented smile: This was... amazing.

Alex, smiling back: I'm glad you enjoyed it. You're incredible, Matilda.

Matilda, teasingly: Well, I do aim to please.

Alex, kissing her forehead: You certainly succeeded.

They both try to catch their breaths. As Matilda watches the clock and realizes she might be late if she does not rush to work. Alex decides to head to the kitchen and make breakfast.

Alex, slipping out of bed: I'll whip up something quick in the kitchen. You go get ready for work.

Matilda, stretching lazily: Mmm, you're a lifesaver. I owe you one.

Alex, grinning: Breakfast is the least I can do after such a memorable night and morning.

Matilda gathers her clothes and heads to the bathroom, leaving Alex alone in the bedroom. He quickly puts on a shirt and heads to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. As he moves around the kitchen, the events of the past few days replay in his mind.

The sound of sizzling in the pan fills the air as Alex prepares eggs and bacon. The aroma flows through the house, enticing Matilda out of the bathroom.

Matilda, entering the kitchen: Smells amazing in here. You sure know your way around a kitchen.

Alex, flipping an omelette: Well, I can handle more than just business meetings.

They share a laugh as Alex finishes up the breakfast. They sit at the small dining table, enjoying a quiet meal together. The atmosphere is relaxed, and they exchange glances filled with unspoken understanding.

Matilda, sipping her coffee: Thanks for this. It's the perfect way to start my day.

Alex, smiling: Anytime.You can always call me when you need a good breakfast.

Matilda, teasing: And what if I need more than just breakfast?

Alex, chuckling: We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

After breakfast, Matilda gets ready for work, and Alex helps clean up the kitchen. 

Alex then dresses up and heads out first. He says his goodbye and heads towards his car.

Once home,after taking a cold shower Alex takes a moment to reflect on the recent events over the course of the following weeks. 

Meanwhile, Matilda rushes through the morning routine, glancing at the clock from time to time. She's energized by the memories of the night but equally focused on the responsibilities of the day. As she drives to work, the cityscape view rushes by, a blur of buildings and streets.

The meeting gets close, and Matilda's mind shifts to the tasks awaiting her at the office. She sends a quick text to Alex, expressing her gratitude for the morning and apologizing for the quick departure. Alex responds with understanding, assuring her that he values the time they spent together.

Alex realizes the importance of addressing certain issues within the company. He decides to call Emily, to discuss the possibility of setting up a meeting to address these matters and plan the way forward.

Alex picks up his phone and dials Emily's number. After a few rings, she answers with her usual professional tone.

Emily: Hello, Alex. What can I do for you?

Alex: Hey, Emily. I've been thinking about some issues within the company that we need to address. I was wondering if we could set up a meeting with everyone to discuss and find a way forward.

Emily: Of course, Alex. I appreciate your direct approach. What specific issues are you thinking of?

Alex outlines the goals he has for the future and his dream of expansion.

Emily: I agree, Alex. It's time to address these issues head-on. A meeting would be a great idea. We can gather everyone, share ideas transparently, and brainstorm solutions.

Alex: Exactly. I believe open communication is key, and we need everyone's input to move forward effectively.

Emily: I'll start working on scheduling the meeting. How about later this week? That should give us enough time to prepare and ensure everyone can attend.

Alex: Sounds good, Emily. Let's aim for Thursday afternoon. And maybe we can organize it in a way that encourages open dialogue and collaboration.

Emily: Agreed. I'll send out a calendar invite and include an agenda so everyone knows what to expect.

Alex: Perfect. Thanks, Emily. Your help with this is much appreciated.

After ending the call with Emily, Alex finds himself alone with his thoughts. The recent developments in his personal life have brought two remarkable women into his world – Maria, the enchanting woman he met at the auction, and Matilda, his childhood friend with whom he's shared both history and newfound intimacy.

As he thinks the complex nature of these relationships, he decides to think out loud, weighing the pros and cons of each option.

Alex: (muttering to himself) Maria and Matilda, two incredible women. Each with her own unique charm and allure.

Maria – stunning, intriguing, a woman of mystery. Our connection at the auction was undeniable. The way she carries herself, her intelligence, and that captivating beauty – it's something out of a dream. Our casual date left me wanting to know more, to explore more of her personality. 

On the other hand, there's Matilda – a friend from childhood who's become more than that. Our shared history adds a bit of comfort and familiarity. The intimacy we've discovered together feels natural, as if it's been waiting to happen. But is there a risk of complicating a long-standing friendship?

(heaves a sigh) Both women bring something into my life. The prospect of a relationship with either of them is both exciting and daunting.

Maybe it's too early to make a decision. Perhaps I need more time to explore these connections, to understand my own feelings better. Committing to a relationship right now might complicate things, and I don't want to hurt either of them.