
Genesis 1:1


There I was, just sitting in my room doing nothing but watching Netflix and Anime. Just a below average guy with motivational issues sitting on my fat arse, and perfectly content at wasting my life away.

But...that voice chose me for some ridiculous reason. And it is thanks to that reason that it changed my life. It gave me a new purpose. A way to resolve my laziness. A goal for me to live my life.

I am going to kill that damned voice for dropping me into this godforsaken world.

I looked into the dark eyes of my only companion, my most trusted friend, the one I hold close to my heart. "Well Roary, do you have any idea as to whose voice it was that ruined me?"

Roary's inanimate eyes seemed to shine with light for a moment, almost like it was responding to my question.

"Yes...Yes...That thought has cross my mind a few thousand times. But your explanation holds some truth." The man in the cage got up, pacing back and forth in his confined space. Stroking his inanimate friend on the head, while mumbling incoherently.

As the man revealed his figure from the confines of the darkness, his bony stature began to show. The rags he calls his clothes barely holding onto his skeletal frame. His long black hair flowing past his buttocks, while his long scruffy dark beard covered most of his face.

But the most glaring feature that the man had was his bright golden yellow eyes. They shined like flashlights in the dark, uncovering untold mysteries that dared to hide in front of them.

The man soon stopped pacing and sat down on the hard stone floor. Holding a small chocolate brown bear made of cotton, with fur so soft that it would make the Angels swoon.

"Right let's get on with the rest of the story shall we Roary." Laying on a comfortable position, the man placed the bear on the floor and spoke as one would to a child during bedtime.



Falling, or more like flailing, through the sky would have been a sobering experience for most people. But what I experienced next would have required me to be drunk and high at the same time.

Staring at the fast approaching ground I resigned to my fate, taking a short breath I exhaled slowly. Letting go of my body, closing my eyes, and going limp to prepare for death.


The ground roared alerting the nonexistent wildlife, while the small projectile continued its descent into the earth, carving out the land before stopping.

After a few moments, amongst the 10 mile man-made crater. There was a twitch of life, and one by one my shattered bones reconnected themselves with a snap. Forming a man of 5'11 ft (1.80 meters) with an overweight body, and short spiky black hair blended onto a tanned skin.

Gasping for air, my eyelids fluttered open showing disbelief across dark brown eyes. Sitting up I roam my hands across my body to account for all my parts.

"What the hell."

Looking around at the crater, I hold my head in pain as I try to recollect any memory of what caused the free fall. Only to remember the voice screaming in my head moments before the incident.

"....Did I cross over into another world?"

Breathing in the brisk cold air, I began to focus on the problem in front of me first. Standing up and climbing out of the 10 mile crater proved to be an enlightening challenge. As an unathletic person it surprised me at how easy it was to walk out of the massive crater.

I took a look around and saw nothing but grasslands as far as the eye can see. Towards the sky there were the familiar stars and the lonesome moon still hanging.

Along the way I couldn't help but worry about what I should do. 'I didn't meet a ROB so no wishes, but how did I survive the fall? Did I receive super regeneration? Or was it a one time thing? And what world am I in now? Anime?'

Many thoughts and questions came to my mind, but as I stood there on the edge of the crater a single thought stopped me.

"My family..." I was not the best son, becoming emotionally and conversationally distant from my parents and sister ever since discovering the internet. But they loved me nevertheless, throughout all my failures of college and unemployment; I was blessed with a caring and loving family.

Looking up toward the starry night sky I prayed to the one God my family believes in, "Please let them be happy and safe...and tell them I am sorry."

Focusing on my own pressing problems I have found something odd with my body. Flexing my hands and arms I felt massive power flowing throughout my body, covering my entire figure in what appears to be a holy aura of light. The power ran rampant throughout my body with no control. My former black eyes became a bright golden yellow, lighting up with power, blazing in all of its glory.

But that glory soon came to an end when a massive sword stabbed the ground in front of me. Snapping me out of my power crazed muse, all the light and fire retreated back into my body, as if afraid.

"Mortal, how do you possess that power?" A rather loud and domineering voice bellowed from the once peaceful sky.

Craning my head up towards the question, I witnessed what Christians would call Holy Light showering upon a massive person. The man was so large that he could cradle 3 grown men in his palms, with long golden hair flowing beneath the shiny war helmet he wore. His glowing golden eyes, with no pupils or whites, bore through my very soul, as if he was judging me at this very moment.

The large pure white wings behind his back allowed him to stand on the air above me, looking down on the world as if beneath him.

"Answer me!" The Holy Light around him seemed to catch on fire from his impatience.

"S-s-sorry." I replied meekly, "I just got here falling from the sky."

He narrowed his burning gold eyes at my answer and thought deeply about my arrival. Wondering if my arrival on this island was a premonition of a war to come.

While his gears turned, so did mine. Thinking of what my situation might be, a brilliant idea came forth in my head. Looking nervously at the massive figure in front of me, I steeled my nerves and asked him my most burning question.

"Are you GOD!?!?" I shouted with nervous excitement.

With my question snapping him out his thoughts, he seemed to have come to a decision as he looked upon me once again.

A growing smile graced my average looking face, "You are, aren't you!?! My name is Adam and I—"

The sound of my voice was cut off, because somehow the massive sword that was in front of me found its way into my chest, impaling me to the ground.

Looking down at my chest in horror, blood began to flow through my wound. Trying to speak, blood came forth instead of words. And soon the life in my eyes came to an end.

The massive figure looked down at my impaled body and nodded his head at his decision. Not caring that he just ended a life. No guilt. No remorse. Only the sound of his usual domineering voice echoed through out the land.

"Problem solved."


"The end."

Adam looked towards his friend for some constructive criticism for his story. The brown bear just looked deadpanned at Adam's smiling face. Continuing the stare down, they both remained unmoved and unblinking for hours, until Adam's gold eyes started to redden and tears fell from his eyes.

"Arrghh!! Fine! You win!" Adam squatted and started rubbing his sore eyes, "I never could beat you in a staring contest Roary!"

With a sigh he grabbed his bear and gently placed him on the bed, and tucked the little toy inside the blanket making it comfortable.

"Yeah....yeah....I know thats not the end of the story, otherwise how would I still be here right?" Adam gently kissed the bear on the forehead. Adam slowly turned around, and let out a sly smirk at the familiar figure on the other side of the bars.

"Isn't that right, Michael?"

The man in gold battle armor stood stoic at Adam's rhetorical question and raised a pair of large handcuffs.

"Half-breed. It is time." The usual domineering voice echoed in my cage.

With a sly smile Adam swaggers forward and held his hands out in a victimized manner, pouting at the stoic Angel. "Harsh tone, brother."

Michael exhales deeply as he puts the large cuffs on Adam's hands, connecting both arms together and covering his fingers to his forearms. As Michael opened the cage, Adam steps forth confidently and walks forward not bothering to look back at his captor.

"Well come along now brother. Much to do, don't want to keep our family waiting."

Michael growls in frustration and quickly catches up and moves in front of Adam, keeping distance with the half-breed. His frustration only grows as the abomination continues to poke and make fun of him.

"Where are your chicken wings brother? Too big to fit in the dungeons of Heaven's Prison? Or did you finally try the recipe I told you?"

"How has Jophiel, the Angel of Beauty, been? Keeping up her figure? Is she dating anyone? Oh wait, would that be considered incest?"

"Why the glum look brother? Do you need to brush your hair a few more times? I'd love to donate mine, but sadly black is not your color."

Michael tried to tune out all of the nonsense drivel that came out of the half-breed's mouth. But no matter what he always found a way to get under his glorious skin.

Quickly arriving at their destination, Michael unfurled his large hidden wings and floated up to take his seat at the top of the large judiciary table.

Looking around, Adam is still amazed every time he has to come to this part of Heaven. Large arches that seemed fit for giants, with endless golden clouds rolling about. A forever clear and starry sky up above the celing. The scent in the air fresh, minty and judgmental.

Glancing about the two stands on Adam's left and right sides, filled with countless Angels whose names couldn't be bothered. Adam's eyes zoned in on the large judiciary table in front, holding the seven Archangel's that will decide his fate. With a smile on his face, Adam clambered up the stairs and stood on top of the raised platform.

"Well, let's get started then."

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