
Supergirl in MHA

A girl is reincarnated into My Hero Academia with the powers of a kryptonian

BlooBlooBloo · Komik
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12 Chs

Tournament Start!

As the two weeks of training went by, everyone in class was working on improving. The golden-haired girl, too, was busy refining her skills. She found herself wandering the halls of UA, searching for someone specific. When she reached the teachers' office, she pushed the door open, not entirely sure if he'd be inside, but she called out his name anyway. "All Might!" she exclaimed, stepping further into the room.

"Don't yell," came a tired voice from the corner. She turned to find Aizawa, but her attention was also drawn to a skinny man with blonde hair. "Mr. Aizawa, is All Might here today?" she asked, stepping closer. From the corner of her eye, she noticed the skinny man shrink back.

"Unfortunately, he's not here today," Aizawa replied, meeting her gaze. "What do you need from him?" His appearance was more disheveled than usual. Himari couldn't help but tease, "When was the last time you slept? You look awful." Ms. Midnight, positioned behind Aizawa, interjected, "He's been busy preparing for the festival, as have we all." She smiled and returned to her work.

"Well, I was hoping he could help me with my combat skills," she mentioned, noticing the scrawny man's sudden interest. "Considering we're pretty similar in our approach to fighting, I thought it might be beneficial." Aizawa maintained eye contact. "I see," he responded, rising from his seat. "Follow me," he directed, heading towards the door.

Himari blinked twice before questioning, "Why?" Aizawa paused at the door, glancing back at her. "Because I'll be the one overseeing your training," he stated, stepping through the doorway. "At least for now..." His words trailed off as he left her behind, leaving her with a sense of curiosity and anticipation.

"Uh, ok." she responded, quickly moving to catch up with him.


They walked to an open area outside since Aizawa mentioned all the training grounds were reserved. As she wondered why Aizawa had stepped up to teach her, she speculated, 'It's probably because of All Might's time limit, but he would be a better fit as my teacher,' she contemplated with a slight pout.

As they entered the open area in the forest, Aizawa turned to face her. "Alright, we'll have a quick spar so I can gauge your skill level." Raising an eyebrow, she nodded and adopted a basic boxer's stance. "Let's start," he said, signaling the beginning. Himari rushed in immediately, restraining her power considerably, which made her movements stiff. She aimed a punch at his head, but it never connected; he dodged faster than she expected and landed an uppercut on her chin. 

Jumping back to gain some distance, she scratched her chin, alleviating the itch. "I see," Aizawa said, rubbing his hand. "Let's approach it differently," he suggested, activating his quirk as he advanced toward his golden-haired student. 

Surprised by his use of the quirk during their spar, she didn't let it deter her, instead charging forward. As they closed the distance, Himari attempted to sweep his feet from under him, but Aizawa leaped over the move. Regaining their positions, Himari feinted quickly, causing Aizawa to raise his guard. Recognizing that her quirk wasn't deactivating, Aizawa attempted to close the distance to avoid her incoming strike, but she shifted her body, aiming a kick at him.

Despite her speed, Aizawa's experience granted him an advantage. He swiftly grabbed her open arm and, using his expertise, threw her over his shoulder. As she looked up at the sky from the ground, Aizawa questioned, "Why wasn't your quirk erased?" His tone was more curious than investigative.

As she rose to her feet, she explained, "My body has become naturally stronger." She said as she flexed her arms. "My quirk absorbs sunlight, enhancing my physical capabilities and granting me some abilities. My body is just like this now." She finished her explanation, now fully standing.

"Mhm, i see." he said, as he looked deep in thought. "Your moves are quite predictable and you expose a lot of openings," he critiqued, leaning against a nearby tree. "We'll focus on refining that before the festival," he concluded, eyeing her intently

"Sounds good to me! Let's start!" she exclaimed eagerly, her enthusiasm not just for physical strength, but for overall improvement. 


1-A Waiting Room

"Is everyone ready? We're about to enter!" Iida's voice echoed from the front of the waiting room, trying to rallying the students. As everyone nervously chatted, trying to calm their pre-competition jitters, Todoroki's voice cut through the room. "Midoriya," he said, drawing everyone's attention toward him.

"What's up, Todoroki?" Izuku inquired, rising from his seat with a puzzled expression. As Todoroki approached, he spoke again. "Objectively speaking, I think I'm above you in terms of practical strength. "

"Um, yeah..." Izuku stuttered, caught off guard. "You've caught All Might's attention, but..." Todoroki's words hung heavy in the air. "I'm going to beat you," he declared, the room falling into complete silence. 

"Whoa, what's all this? A declaration of war from one of the strongest in our class?!" Kaminari's voice broke the silence.

"You too, Charlotte," Todoroki said as he glanced in her direction, prompting the rest of the class to do the same. However, their expressions turned blank when they noticed her asleep, her head resting on the table with a trail of drool escaping her mouth.

"Hu-huh?" she mumbled groggily as she stirred. Blinking in confusion at the attention, she misinterpreted the situation. "That's right!" she exclaimed loudly. "Everyone, let's give it our all!" Her words echoed with genuine enthusiasm, accompanied by an unwittingly cheerful smile.

As everyone sweatdropped at their classmate's antics, Izuku had a response for Todoroki. "I'm not sure what you're getting at by saying that," he began, meeting Todoroki's gaze squarely. "Objectively speaking, you're definitely stronger than me." Himari shot him a quizzical glance, curious about what was going on.

"Come on, Midoriya, don't be so hard on yourself," Kirishima attempted to intervene. "Even so!" Midoriya exclaimed, his determination unwavering. "Everyone, even kids from other departments, is striving for the top with all their might," he continued, meeting Todoroki's intense gaze. "So, not even I can afford to lag behind. I'm going all in, giving it my all too!"

"...ooh," "...hnn," Todoroki and Bakugo uttered in unison, their expressions showing a mix of determination and acknowledgment. 




"THE DEPARTMENT OF HEROICS FRESHAMN CLASS!!!" He yelled as class 1-A made their way onto the field. "YOU'RE HERE FOR CLASS 1-A RIGHT!!?" 

As Himari gazed out over the sea of faces, an irrepressible smile unfurled across her lips. Glancing to her left, Himari caught Kirishima's remark, "Wow, they're really giving us some high praise... starting to feel those nerves, Bakugo?" "Stage fright's your problem, not mine. I'm not breaking a sweat," Bakugo retorted with a feral grin.

"Silence!" Ms. Midnight's authoritative voice echoed across the arena, swiftly quieting the buzzing chatter. "Now, for the 1st year's representative speech, Katsuki Bakugo!" she declared, signaling Bakugo to step onto the stage amidst the hushed anticipation of the audience.

"EHHH!? Our rep is Kacchan!?" Izuku exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise. "He did top the entrance exam," Sero interjected, reminding him. Turning to his right, Izuku inquired of his golden-haired classmate, "So, you didn't come in first in the exams?"

Turning to meet his gaze, Himari responded, "Oh, did I forget to mention? I made it in through recommendations," she revealed before returning her attention to the stage. Her words settled in among those nearby, piecing together a clearer picture.

"O-oh, I s-" Izuku began, but before he could finish, Bakugo commandeered the mic. "I just wanna say..." His voice, usually filled with fire, held a resolute determination as he declared, "I'm going to win." The absence of his usual spunk only emphasized his unwavering determination.

Amidst the clamor of protesting students, Himari stood serene and composed, a bright smile gracing her features. Her anticipation for the challenges that lay ahead only fueled her excitement further, undeterred by the uproar around her.

"Alright, with that, we can move directly onto our first event!" Midnight's voice droned on as Himari, lost in her thoughts, mentally rehearsed, 'First is the race,' her smile radiating excitement and confidence. 'Time to shine a little,' she resolved as Midnight's words faded into the background. "So let's get cracking!... On your marks."

"BEGIN!" Midnight's command echoed through the air, triggering a surge of movement as students dashed towards the tunnel. Himari gracefully ascended, watching as her classmates hurried past. With a quiet murmur to herself, "Don't blink," she propelled herself forward, soaring above the others, and swiftly shot into the tunnel, leaving a trail of determination in her wake.


Navigating through the tunnel, Todoroki strategically froze the pathway, obstructing many attempting to pass through. 'This should impede most of them,' he assessed, continuing his journey. 'Charlotte might pose a challenge, but with my ice—' Before he could finish his thoughts, a figure bolted past him in the sky, streaking through the course with astonishing speed, catching him off guard and interrupting his contemplation.

His eyes narrowed in realization. 'It's her!' Todoroki's brows furrowed, determination etched on his face as he quickened his pace, swiftly adapting to surf on his own ice, aiming for greater speed. 'I can't allow her to win!' The urgency in his thoughts matched the announcement blaring from Present Mic, making him stumble.

"UNREAL!" Present Mic's booming voice reverberated across the arena. "Class 1-A's Himari Charlotte has finished the race in less than 20 seconds!!!" His excitement overflowed. "This might just be a record! What do you think of that, Aizawa?" he prodded his co-commentator in the booth.

Aizawa's voice remained flat, devoid of emotion as he replied, "Charlotte is undeniably formidable. If there were a favorite for this tournament, it would undoubtedly be her." He observed the golden-haired girl, who had effortlessly crossed the finish line, his gaze betraying a sense of acknowledgment for her exceptional ability.

"She's like a mini All Might!" Present Mic's voice boomed with admiration as he continued to extol the prowess of the current frontrunner. Todoroki glanced at the now-frozen zero-point robots, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his mind. 'She's already done with the race.' The sense of doubt lingered briefly before he pressed on. 'Truly formidable,' he acknowledged inwardly, refocusing on the ongoing challenges of the course.


Amidst the thunderous applause for the race winner, Himari scanned the crowd, her gaze searching for a specific person. "Ah! There she is!" Her voice carried a note of delight as she spotted her cousin standing amidst the seats in the stadium, a warmth enveloping her heart. With a fond wave directed at her cousin, she felt a surge of connection.

Returning her attention to the central screen in the stadium, she observed with keen interest as the remaining students continued to navigate the challenges of the race, her anticipation building for their performances.

Not surprisingly, Himari observed Izuku, Todoroki, and Bakugo vying for the top three positions, their intense competition driving them forward through the course. Neck and neck, they approached the tunnel leading to the finish line, where Himari stood awaiting their arrival. In a split-second glance through the tunnel, she witnessed Izuku, in a last-minute surge, dial up his power just a notch, securing himself a close second place finish.

As Present Mic fervently praised the three who just finished, Himari made her way over to her green-haired classmate. "I knew you could do it! All that training paid off," she exclaimed joyfully, offering her congratulations to Izuku, who looked up from catching his breath, hands on knees, breathing heavily. His gaze shifted from her to the roaring crowd, tears beginning to well up in his eyes. "Y-yeah, I made it," he stuttered out before realizing to whom he was speaking. Quickly turning back to her, he exclaimed, "You were incredible, Charlotte! I had no idea you could fly that fast!"

Bakugo and Todoroki glanced over at them, their expressions somewhat inscrutable, as they observed the exchange between Himari and Izuku.

Sensing the weight of their gazes, Himari turned to Bakugo and Todoroki with a playful spark in her eyes. "Come on, guys! If you don't step up, grabbing first place will be a breeze!" Her words, meant in good spirit, might have struck a different chord with the two.

"Like hell! I'm gonna win!" Bakugo's retort crackled with evident frustration at landing in fourth place. Meanwhile, Todoroki diverted his attention briefly to his left hand, his expression thoughtful before he gazed up at the crowd, a mixture of emotions subtly playing across his face.

"And that concludes it! Now, everyone, here are the results!" Midnight announced, gesturing toward the screen displaying the 42 competitors who would advance. The students gathered around, anticipation hanging thick in the air as they awaited the verdict of the next event. 

"The top 42 have earned the right to advance!!!" Midnight's voice reverberated across the stage, the excitement palpable in her tone. "And now, onto today's heart-pounding second event!!" She paused, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "I already know what it is, but the suspense is killing me... What could it be!!? Well, I'll tell you!" The screen behind her flickered to life, revealing the eagerly anticipated details of the upcoming second event, heightening the anticipation among the gathered students.

"Behold!" Her voice soared with excitement as she gestured grandly to the screen, illuminating the words in bold: "Cavalry Battle." The announcement electrified the crowd, sparking a wave of anticipation and strategic contemplation among the participants.

"Human cavalry..?" Kaminari mused aloud, his confusion evident in his tone. "But that's not a game for individuals. How's it supposed to work?" Asui's inquiry cut through the uncertainty, reflecting the collective puzzlement among the students.

"You can all freely form teams of 2 to 4 people and create a human horseback configuration!" Midnight clarified, her voice resonating through the arena. "It's akin to a traditional cavalry battle: snatch opponents' headbands while protecting your own, with one exception..." Her explanation was interrupted by a flurry of questions from the intrigued students.

"Everyone's performance from the previous trial will factor into this," Shoji pointed out, drawing a connection. "If it's anything like the entrance exam points system, then it should be straightforward," Sato added, seeking clarity in the known parameters. "So, the point value of each human horse will fluctuate based on the individuals within it," Tokoyami concluded, shedding light on the potential dynamics of the point structure within the teams.

"Don't say what I was gonna say before I can!!!" Midnight complained out at the students. "But yes, that's correct," she confirmed. "The points you're worth will start at 5 if you're placed 42nd, then 10 for 41st, 15 for 40th, and so forth... However!" Her pause built suspense.

"With the exception of 1st place, whose head is worth..." she emphasized, drawing out the moment for dramatic effect.

"Ten million!!!"