
Sunshine between Rays of Darkness

what will you do when you unexpectedly cross paths with a person trying to end his or her life? act as if they don't exist? call help? calm them down? call them crazy?! yes, most of us would do one of those things. however, the case here is different. Ezra Jacobson decides to blurt out the first thing that comes to his mind to Viola Celeste. but you know what they say 'desperate times call for desperate measures'. that was exactly the case here. or was it? read to find out because it's either they save each other or drive each other into further oblivion. as I said read to find out :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sneak peak: "you have 2 months" I found myself saying without looking him in the eye "what?" he asked "you said nothing ever deserves what I was going to do but do you really think that this life is worth living?" I ask raising my head to meet his eyes now "do you," I start slowly, "really believe that?" I wait for his answer and scan his face for any ungenuine emotions. "yes" he declares in determination and I ,for a moment, believe him He came closer and I stood my ground not wanting to show that he affects me in anyway. He stood directly in front of me his chest touching my arms which are wrapped around my own chest. He put one finger under my chin and raised my head to meet his eyes. He lowered his head toward mine and I tensed and was a bout to push him away but he tilted and breathed gently in my ear. "yes I do believe so viola the world is so much more than you think" he said with caution and took one of my the hands that are now beside me and placed it on my heart "can you feel it?" he asked and I nodded "That is called purpose. You're alive for a reason so don't ever give up" he coaxed and right then and there I wanted to know if I can really believe him. He backed away from me "I accept your challenge Viola" he said in a low voice and I loved the way my name rolled of his tongue.

Gannah_Yasser · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

chapter 11

Viola's POV

I got the job. Although it wasn't the best job out there, it was still better than nothing. Taking in account I was just out of school and didn't even have a proper resume. Why am I even thinking like that? I am taking a job as a waitress. nothing big.

It was also a good pay except that more than half of it will go to Ezra. But I am not complaining, I am living in a freaking mansion for two freaking months.

The day passed fairly quickly and in no time, it was time to leave. My shift was over, and it was almost 7 now. I wasn't sure if Ezra or George will pick me up so I decided I will wait around five minutes and if no one appeared I would take a cab.

I mumble to myself for the hundredth time how stupid I am for not taking anyone's phone number. I am shifting my weight from one leg to the other and look around for Ezra's porch.

"waiting for someone?" jack's voice come from behind me. He was my coworker a pretty nice guy in my opinion. He was almost the same age as me. He was tall lean and fit with light brown hair and caramel eyes which were mesmerizing to look at. Although he was cute, he was nothing compared to Ezra. Ezra is hot and sexy in his unique manly way. Jack was cute and a nice guy you would want to be around and friends with.

Why am I even comparing? I face palm myself mentally.

"umm..I was but it seems he wouldn't appear" I pursue my lips.

"your boyfriend?" he asks, and I look at him

"no" I say, and he doesn't say anything

"oh..umm...it's...complicated" I say my face heating when I realize he's waiting for a reply.

Why oh why do I have to blush over anything?!!!

"oh okay," he says "well I can give you a ride" he suggests

"that won't be necessary" a husky voice that I became accustomed with says from behind me. I swirl around and see Ezra standing behind me too close for my liking.

His car still isn't here. He must've parked behind the building. Why the hell he does that? I have no idea, it's his thing it seems.

"let's go" he says putting a possessive arm on my lower back and staring at jack with a stone face. I swat his hand away and give him don't you dare look and he puts it again.


"it was very nice of you to offer me a ride but" I glare at Ezra "he's here now" jack looks at us in a weird way and then suddenly a look of realization hits him.

"um..yea..yea..it's okay...bye now" he stammers clearly freaked out about something

I look after him puzzled by his reaction. I swat Ezra's hand again when I turn to him.

"don't do that" I say as we walk to his car and he raises his eyebrows in question

"stalk your claim on me like that-"

"he was checking you out"

"that's so not true and what's your problem if he is?" I get in the car and he closes the door for me. If I wasn't angry, I would've melted by his sweet gesture.

"it's true" he mumbles not answering my last question and starting the car.

"so?" I ask and he doesn't answer only stares ahead his jaw clenching. His grip on the wheel is also so hard that his knuckles are white. Poor wheel.

I decide to drop it and reach to open the radio. Locked away by maroon five is playing and it's my favorite song ever.

"if I got locked away and we lost it all today tell me honestly would you still love me the same. If I showed, you with my flaws if I couldn't be strong tell me honestly would you still love me the same-" I sing at the top of my lungs with every emotion I have forgetting that someone is beside me. After the song finishes Ezra lowers the radio again.


I just sang as if he wasn't here. And I know very well my voice sucks. Really really sucks. I would choke myself right now if I wasn't so embarrassed.

"sorry.." I mutter in embarrassment he looks at me. He was trying not to laugh. Great. Could this ride become anymore embarrassing?

"why do you love this song?" he asks his face serious shinning with genuine interest.

"I find it really beautiful and that whoever has a love like that is really lucky...my foster dad," I start sighing "four years ago he became a drug addict...but my mother never left him she kept helping him and she's trying her very best to help him get back on track and happy" I say. Ezra is listening intently as if it's the most important thing in the world right now. And I want to stop just to tell him I will forever appreciate that he listened when I am sure he has other important things to do.

"I always favored my dad over her...I love them both nonetheless but I was devastated for what happened to him.." I stop and close my eyes to remove the image of my foster dad almost going in an overdose. I feel a warm hand settle on mine and rubbing softly.

"I loved him very much and he does too, but I felt it was a bit of my fault" my breath hitches

I am not going to cry but the soft sad music playing in the background isn't exactly helping.

"you see," I look at him smiling softly "I wasn't exactly a happy kid and I knew I worried them a lot but they loved me a lot and tried to make-" I decide to stop talking about that part and sum it up

"he started drinking and after a while started doing drugs. He went into rehab and things between my mom and me went downhill from there on...I know she blames me for what happened to him and I can't blame her really..." I stop and see that we reached the house

We get out of the car and Ezra immediately comes in front of trapping me between his body and the car.

"it's not your fault...don't ever say that" he says taking my chin and raising it to meet his eyes.

I feel myself really emotional right now so I decide to stay quiet and look down.

"look at me fluffy" his nickname for me makes me smile and I look up feeling my eyes burn

"he could've handled it like man not draw you to the bottom more" his voice somehow calms me and I simply nod. I fight myself against defended my dad because I know it's useless.

What happened.

I feel his strong arms come around me and wrap me in a hug. I take a moment before wrapping my arms around him too. I put my face in his chest and sigh at his warmness and engulf his delicious aroma that's wrapping around my senses.

This was a much-needed hug I realize feeling the warmness and happiness for the first time really fill my heart.

My heart flutters and the feeling is beautiful.

The way he doesn't want to let go is even more beautiful.

I never knew a petty little hug would do such wonders.

And for the first time since I came here, I thank god that I agreed to come.


I hope you liked this chapter :)

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