
Sunless World

Is life difficult for you? Do you feel unlucky? Maybe, in your head you answered yes, and then maybe you felt uncomfortable with your answer, because deep down you know you have so much. Ever since I remember, my world was made of rocks. My father was a miner and was exploited, I was born a miner and I will be exploited until my death. Despite all this, I did not mind this life, I had my father and the other miners, I had "a family", I never really felt unlucky, so why...

M_Sini · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

12 Velch's school of magic


My walk was finally over, I had arrived in front of the entrance of the apartment building where I lived, and I had just discovered that I had Alizée right behind me.

"What is it you should tell me?"

This was really the work of chance, arriving perfectly at the same time.

"Well, maybe it's better if we go in first ... you've been drinking, right?"

"How do you know?"

" Well, when you have been working in a club for some time it is normal to understand certain things ... "

'Ah ...'

Having said that, I took the keys and with a little more effort than usual, opened the door, led the way to our apartment which was on the second floor, and then opened the front door.

Alizée put some water in a saucepan and went to change while I sat on the sofa.

Alizée came out of her room, dressed in pajamas, which consisted of a light pink T-shirt with a white rabbit face embroidered in the front, and pants, equally pink and somewhat short, which made me a little nervous. Finally, she wore fluffy white slippers on her feet.


She went into the kitchen and took the saucepan off the heat and turned off the magic stove *.

(* A magic cooker, when lit, creates a magic circle with a heating effect. Its shape is like that of our induction cookers)

She then put an herbal tea filter with lemongrass leaves inside in the hot water and, after a few minutes, poured the herbal tea into two cups.

She walked over to the sofa I was on and sat down next to me, but cross-legged and facing me, which made me a little uncomfortable.

She gave me the herbal tea.

"It's strange, isn't it? We have been living in the same house for weeks now but we hardly ever spoke ... "

These words of his calmed me, I smiled slightly.

" Yeah, it's true, after all, we are almost always away from home ... however, in the future we would probably see each other more often ..."

"Mmh? What do you mean by this? "

Now was the right time to talk to her about my intention to enroll in the school she attended.

"You know, in February, when enrollment opens at the Velch school of magic, I'll try to enroll in it ..."

(*Velch reads Velk)

She was baffled by my words, and a little saddened, although I didn't know why.

When she noticed that I was watching her intrigued by her reaction, she tried to hide her mood.

"Are you sure? It is really complicated as a school, especially for someone who does not come from a noble family ... "

I had thought this too. From what I understood most of the students, about 80% of the total 120 students, were from noble families, while the others were from rich families anyway.

For someone like me, who had neither an important surname nor was he rich, it would have been really difficult to get into it.

However, now, with the help of the "Crescent Moon" maybe I had more possibilities...

"I'm sure, you know, these days I've been thinking really seriously about my future, and the thing that attracts me most is the magic"

'And then by going in there I could have found the information I'm looking for.'

"Well, alright ... I guess we'll see each other more often" she blushed slightly "and if there's anything I can help you with, just let me know ..."

I still didn't understand her reaction from earlier. But for now I let it go.

"About this…"

I asked her in detail what I would have to do to register and the tests I would have to face.

"Well, about that… is it okay with you if we talk about it tomorrow? Now it's late, and I'm really tired ... "

So, we said goodnight and went to sleep, me in the comfortable sofa, she in her room.


The next morning, which was Tuesday, the day I don't work, I had breakfast with Alizée, took a shower and got ready to go out with her.

We had decided to talk about the school while she made me visit it.

I was actually a little nervous and happy about it at the same time, I knew it wasn't a date, but still… spending time with her…

I dressed in the best clothes I could and left the house with Al.

On the way to school, we were almost always silent ...


I was mesmerized by the vision in front of me. It was the School of Magic.

First of all, the structure rested on a large square open space, with circular fountains at the four vertices, one different from the other.

From the bottom, it started with a Renaissance style with a prevalence of white and light blue colors, with columns, Corinthian capitals, and trabeations with floral bas-reliefs. This, however, only made-up part of the building.

The second floor and the structures on the sides had a completely different style, much closer to the Gothic, with the use of darker materials, with pinnacles, flying buttresses and, sometimes, with gargoyle statues.

While the Renaissance part gave you the impression of stability, solidity and purity, the Gothic part gave you a feeling of momentum and lightness but also of darkness and restlessness.

In all of this, what caught my attention more than anything else, was a ... a girl intent on picking up something that had fallen from her thus showing "her qualities", of which my childish mind remained as if bewitched.

When Alizée realized where my gaze was directed, she inexplicably changed her expression and her behavior.

Her face scared me.

"Come on, let's go," she said crossly as she pushed me forward.

We resumed walking towards the entrance.

First, she explained to me how the school was structured.

The structure consisted of five main blocks, three of which each used for one of the three years of teaching.

Each of these three blocks had a rectangular plan, with a ratio between the sides of about 3 to 4, and was two very high floors. Each floor had several classrooms, used for different lessons. In addition, there were also classrooms for "private lessons".

One block was a park used as a "common area", for recreation, in which students could chat, it was located within the other four blocks, had a square plan, and was covered by a huge circular glass dome.

Finally, the last block, the one farthest from the entrance from which Alizée and I had entered, was used as a library, a library, as told by Al, huge, with interiors almost entirely in wood, also two floors high.

(Building plants in the comments -->)

"Wow, is it really ..."

"Gorgeous, huh?"

I could not have found a better word to describe the interior of the building.

In reality, we could not visit the building in its entirety, for visitors, even if accompanied by a student from the school itself, could not roam freely.

For example, the library, and the second and third-year blocks, were off-limits to me.

The block we had entered was that of the early years, the corridors were decorated with statues and sometimes painted, the very high ceilings were white with very sumptuous magic chandeliers, the floor was, instead, of dark wood and covered almost entirely with a huge predominantly red carpet. The classroom doors were made of wood and had tags saying what the classroom was about.

As we walked, however, I noticed one thing.

The other students present in the corridor in which we were walking, seeing us, made fun of us, or to be more precise, of Alizée.

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