
Sunless World

Is life difficult for you? Do you feel unlucky? Maybe, in your head you answered yes, and then maybe you felt uncomfortable with your answer, because deep down you know you have so much. Ever since I remember, my world was made of rocks. My father was a miner and was exploited, I was born a miner and I will be exploited until my death. Despite all this, I did not mind this life, I had my father and the other miners, I had "a family", I never really felt unlucky, so why...

M_Sini · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

03.5 Info

The Mine – Tom – Bjorn

The mine is located east of the city (in chapter 3), it is large, although the miners who work there are few, and it's rather gloomy.

The lighting in the quarry tunnels is mostly low, with a few torches on either side. The atrium, the main area of ​​the mine, is the only area that is well lit, thanks to numerous torches.

The atrium you could imagine as a space enclosed in the rock, very large and elliptical in shape, with, from time to time, wooden planks that held the ceiling.

The atrium is divided into two zones:

- From the main collection point, where the stones collected by all the miners were poured and then sorted, climbing a small circular ramp, you can reach a narrow-raised path, without parapet and circular from which the various mining tunnels open, while the tunnel leading to the miners' dormitories was on the same floor as the assembly point.

-The control center, an old iron hut where two guards control the atrium and the exit/entrance of the mine.

The entrance / exit from the mine is the most controlled area. Here, there are 3 guards (in addition to the two in the hut) above the double and massive rectangular dark wooden door, which left some space above it below the rocky exit tunnel.

The dormitory was large enough but low, with wooden posts and beams supporting the ceiling from time to time. The air was of low quality, almost like that of the excavation tunnels.

The miners lived in small huts of wood and straw, incredibly old and decadent, awfully close to each other.

The average age in the mine was thirty-five, however, from the appearance of the miners you would not tell at all: worn hands, hollow faces, and curved backs.

The miners are exploited to the maximum, poorly fed, and often punished, even for no reason, by the guards. Thirty-four miners work there.

The guards wear armor of old and rusty iron, without helmets, some with spears, others with swords; those above the door at the exit also with bows and arrows.

In total there are fifteen guards in control of the mine.

Tom (end of chapter 3)

Age: 12 years, almost 13.

Gender: Male.

Race: Human (¼ elf).

Height :149cm.

Hair: dark-brown, wavy.

Eyes: brown/dark green.

Build: skinny with some musculature given by the circulation of mana.

Magic: circulation to three centers of mana, the three centers have three different tasks, the one at the base of the neck generates mana that circulates in the head, increasing the mental and sensory capacity; the one near the heart improves the circulatory and respiratory system, greatly increasing the stamina; the one above the pubis, the largest, generates mana that circulates almost throughout the body, up to the peripheries, and which improves bones and muscles, as well as resistance to shocks.

Bjorn (end of chapter 3)

Age: 32 years.

Gender: Male.

Race: Human.

Height: 171 cm.

Hair: light brown/blond, wavy.

Eyes: grey/blue.

Build: tough, lean physique.

Short story: Ever since he saw the first light, he has always been a slave, born into a family of slaves. At the age of 10 he was taken with his father to the mine where he has worked until now (chapter 3); he never met his mother.