

After traveling far away from crowds of people, All Might landed near the Takoba Municipal Beach Park with a laughing Kaito and a horrified green haired boy. All Might quickly put down the two before coughing up blood and suddenly shrinking down into a skinny, almost corpse like state.

Izuku was a bit worried about Kaito seeing All Might in that state but his worries were slightly lessened when Kaito just asked ''Wow you look horrible Uncle Might! How do you even walk with a wound that big?!''

All Might slightly smiled at this. He wasn't worried about Kaito telling anyone his secret since he knew Kaito could tell what kind of effect it would have on others. All Might opened his mouth to say something but was stopped when a thought popped up into his mind. He stood still for a brief second before asking ''How do you know I'm wounded and that Young Midoriya is Quirkless? If I'm correct your Quirk only gives you a rubber body.''

Kaito just smiled before saying ''I was wondering when one of you would ask me that!''

No one really knew what Kaito's Quirk was beside Kaito himself, not even Nezu could figure it out since Kaito displayed such a large variety of abilities that he couldn't group them under a single ability.

Kaito saw that Izuku also became slightly curious about his Quirk so he decided to explain a bit about his Haki. ''Well my Quirk does give me a rubber body but it also gives me 3 other abilities! One is a kind of sixth sense that lets me 'see' large distances, people's emotions, intents, strength and also the presence of a Quirk. I call it Kenbunshoku Haki and it's what I used to 'see' whether Izuku had a Quirk or not and also your wound. The others are an invisible barrier of energy and willpower but they're not as good as my Kenbunshoku Haki.''

Izuku and All Might couldn't help but go wide-eyed when they heard this. To them, having a Quirk like that was the same as having 4 separate Quirks mixed into one. This made All Might a bit concerned so he asked ''And they're all a part of your Quirk...? If you don't mind could you tell me what exactly your Quirk is Young Kaito?'' All Might knew there was no way Kaito had come into contact with All For One but he decided to be careful.

''Well...I would tell you guys...but it's a secret! If I told you guys what it was then you'd probably never look at me the same way. My Quirk is a bit special so my Dad told me to never tell anyone what my Quirk actually was.'' Kaito knew he could trust All Might and Izuku with his secret but...It's pretty fun looking at their faces when they think about what kind of horrifyingly powerful Quirk his Quirk is.

All Might was a bit weary at first but relaxed when Kaito brought up Nezu. All Might trusted Nezu enough to stop himself from doubting Kaito, if Nezu told him to keep it a secret then he probably had a good reason...or so All Might thought while in reality Nezu just wanted to be the first to know what his son's Quirk was...He wasn't petty or anything, it's just that he really wanted to have all his son's firsts-

Alright ignore that last line.

All Might put aside his thoughts for a while and instead said ''Alright, let's move on to the reason why I brought you two here. My Quirk is also very special in the sense that it can be passed down. And as you can see, I don't have too many years to live...which is why I needed to find a successor. And that is why I brought you two here. I can see a lot of potential in the two of you but most importantly I see the spirit of a true Hero in you two! I believe one of you can become my successor and receive my Quir-''

Just as All Might was about to state his request he was interrupted by Izuku who said ''I really appreciate your faith in me All Might...it means a lot to me that you think I can be your successor...But I think Kaito-kun would be a better choice than me. So I would like to refuse.''

All Might was a bit stunned by Izuku's words. He was about to respond but he was interrupted again when Kaito said ''I refuse your refusal!''

This time Izuku was stunned and All Might was wondering how it was possible to refuse someone's refusal.

But his thoughts were interrupted AGAIN when Kaito continued ''I want to be a Hero that brings smiles to people that need it but I want to do it without taking shortcuts to power! Besides, I think Izuku deserves it more. He tried to help even when he didn't have a Quirk so I think he could become a great Hero if he got your Quirk!''

In reality though Kaito just didn't want to deal with One For All. It was a nice Quirk and all but the drawbacks were way too big. Plus he already had a better Quirk.

Now you might be thinking 'Then why didn't he just avoid the Sludge Villain Incident?' Well...He forgot!

And now he's desperately trying to make a case for a Quirkless guy who cried 3 times already to get One For All instead of a guy with a powerful Quirk who handled a Villain better than the Pro Heroes that were there.

Kaito isn't doing this because he favors Izuku or anything. He likes the guy enough to get along with him, sure, but not enough to make sure he gets One For All.

He's just doing this so he doesn't end up changing the few events that he knew would happen.

Anyways, All Might felt happy when he heard what Kaito said since you can't find too many people that would stick to their ideals this much and Izuku was basically crying buckets thanking Kaito.

After that All Might told Izuku to come back to that beach every afternoon for his training before leaving. Kaito and Izuku talked for a bit before they reached a crossroad.

Kaito was about to bid his farewell but was stopped when Izuku nervously asked ''Wait Kaito-kun! W-would you like to...uhm...become f-friends with me?''

Kaito looked a bit confused before smiling and saying ''Sure! Let's be friends. Though, I already thought we were friends...Eh, at least we both know we're friends now! Shishishishi~''

Izuku's face immediately brightened up when he heard this. He was expecting to get rejected so this was a nice surprise for him. The two talked for a bit before exchanging numbers and heading their ways.

On the way home Kaito couldn't help but smile at himself. He made his first friend ever...in both lives!


Thanks for reading!

I'm getting a bit comfortable with writing so I might start different character POVs later. I've been avoiding them since it's kinda hard to think of what those specific characters would say.

Also another 9 month timeskip is coming.

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