
Summoned (Hotd) highschool of the dead

OC that has seen the anime and is thrown into the highschool of the dead world. Romance will be late in the story, no lemons.

Naier_Serpfire · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs

Outer wall

"Uhhh, I'm not so sure about this..." Shizuka, who was in the driver's seat, mumbles. The Humvee steadily going up the zig-zag road towards the TOP WHERE Saeko's 'house' was at.

"Not much we can do about it now, it's this, or sleep in the car." I respond as I keep looking through the windshield.

"Well, if we huddled up reaaaaly close..."

"We'd get a heat stroke." I cut Shizuka off.

(Not that I'd mind, mind you.)

I glance at the empty passenger's seat as I think that. As both Rika and Saya were on the Humvee's roof. And speaking of the Duo. I lean back and climb through the hatch until half of me was out of the car...

"Saya dear, I appreciate the affection, but you don't have to grab on to me 'this' tight." Rika was laying flat on the left side, facing towards the front part of the car, looking through PSG'S her scope. Saya was on the right side, holding on to Rika with one hand, and the M1, which was set up with the bipod, with the other.

"Shut up! The stupid car is shaking too much!" Saya responds with a grumble.

"You two sure get along." I speak up as I lean on the roof in front of me. Causing the girls to turn towards me, with, vastly different expressions. Rika was casually staring at me, and Saya had her signature frown.

"Well as part of a harem, we do have to get along~" Rika smirks as she narrows her eyes.

"If I didn't need you to hold on to something I'd kick you off!" Saya loudly responds.

"Wrawr. Feisty~" Rika chuckles back.

"Did any of you see the top?" I sigh as I glance at the two.

"I did manage to see the front gate as we took the last turn. Front gate was wide open." Rika responds.

"So at least we'll be able to see how bad things insides are when we get up there." I respond as I nod, turning to look towards the top, part of the towering wall visible from here.

"Just hope we can close it afterward. If it's operated via electronics it might be offline." Saya adds with a now calm voice.

"One step at a time." I nod slightly as I crawl back inside the car.

"Are they alight up there? I think I heard Saya shout a couple of times." Saeko then asks.

"Shakes too much for her liking." I respond.

"Uhh, I'll try to drive a bit slower." Shizuka then mumbles.

"Well, the front gates were open from what Rika saw, so we're in no rush. As now we need a plan. Since we got some info." I nod slightly and turn to look at Saeko, then Khota and Asami.

"Other than you and Saeko going in while we provide fire support?" Khota asks.

"Yes, with the doors open we could think up something safer." I nod.

"Safer? Like?" Asami asks back.

"Hmmm, well for example..." I tap my chin as I think.

"What if we used the car to block most of the gate, then I and Saeko go around the wall from the outer side. I can fire off a couple of shots there, that will draw all the corpses towards one side from the inside, but keep us safe because of the wall, while you can take pot shots. Sure we will first have to check if there are corpses around the perimeter as well before doing that, but it could make clearing the outside safer if we got the ammo for it." I shrug.

"We got the ammo for it, trust me." Khota taps the big wooden box next to him.

"I apologize, but I would prefer if I can take my house back from these things with my own hands." Saeko then speaks up.

"You will, when we'll have to clean the insides." I respond as I look at Saeko. Who nods back.

"I will inform Rika and Saya then." She adds as she gets up, climbing up the hatch without saying anything else.

"Miss Busujima did not seem to like this plan very much..." Asami mumbles.

"Well, considering her father's status, maybe having the 'enemy' squat down at their own house could be considered a disrespect that demands blood. But charging head first into trouble is a good way to lose your head." I answer as I look at Asami, who kept staring at me while making multiple small nods, or was her head just swaying?

(Also the fact that Saeko had not let loose for some time now...)

"Naier." And Saeko leans through the hatch, extending a radio towards me.

"Saya wants you to have this with you if we are to go with this plan." She adds as I take the radio with a small nod.

And so, the car climbed up the hill, untill...

We reached the top...

A wide-open field, the place felt like a mountain with its top cut off. And in the center of that field, at about a hundred meters or more. A tall, thick-looking wall, and in a straight path from where we were, a giant wide open gate, revealing the insides.

"Damn this place is huuuuuuge!" Khota exclaims as he keeps staring through the windshield, wide-eyed.

"Ok, the gate is way too big for the car to cover it whole, even when put sideways, you could probably fit a bus through it..." I sigh slightly as I narrow my eyes.

"Too many..." I add as I shake my head.

"Way too many corpses. Looks like a damn horde in there. No way we are walking in as is." I continue.

Essentially, just through the open gate, I could see a congregation of corpses, twenty? Thirty? Fifty?

I take a deep breath and climb up through the hatch. To end up meeting Saeko's back.

"...Penetration, we could probably take two or three of them with each bullet, these guns use high caliber bullets." Rika points at the corpses as she makes a finger gun at them.

"I would rather we do not fill my the house with bullet holes though." Saeko responds.

"If we gather them towards the wall, it's the wall that will probably look like a kitchen strainer. But it seems to be pretty sturdy to take that much punishment." Rika shrugs slightly as she turns to Saeko.

"Well, it better be, since we'll be behind that wall." I then speak up, causing the trio to turn towards me.

"Are we set?" I ask, Rika nods back, and Saya also slowly nods.

"Saeko?" I ask right after. Saeko just nods at me. Then gets up.

"Let's go?" She then asks as she turns to me.

"Alright, we will go check the side of the outer wall. Go and check how bad the insides are, use the car if need be since we intend to draw them away by gunfire anyway." I nod back as I also climb out the hatch.

"Be careful." Saya mumbles as she glances away, then turns to look towards the gate through the M1's scope.

"I'm always careful." I respond as I jump down.

"Except when I'm not..." I add in a low tone as I start walking.

Glancing behind me I find Saeko silently following me.

And so, we walked to the edge of the wall until the side became visible.

A long field, with the wall extending down in the distance to our right. To our left, after about, fifty, or sixty meters, a rather steep downhill drop leading to the forest.

(Corpses can't go up slopes right? Or was it down slopes? I remember in the anime they did not like slopes. Barreling down when they stepped on one. But uhhh, I can't remember if they could walk up on one...)

I fold my arms as I walk up to the edge of the hill. And stay there, thinking...

"Naier?" Saeko then speaks up, looking at me, then towards the forest which I was staring at.

"Do corpses go up slopes?" I ask as I turn to her.

"I do not know." Saeko responds flatly as she glances towards the forest again.

"Well the path here seems hard to traverse, hopefully, they're bad at climbing..." I add as I take a few steps back, then turn to look at the wall.

"I don't see any corpses around. This means that the wall has not been breached, from this side at least." I nod slightly as I walk up to the wall, then bring the radio to my mouth.

"Place is empty here. Ready on our end." I speak up as I check my Scar-H.

"Alright. We drive up to the gate with the car, Rika and I will shoot from there. I will tell you when to shoot to draw them away." And Saya's voice responds.

And, after a few seconds passed.

"We are by the gate. Shoot, they are attracted to the car." The radio speaks up again.

I nod, put the radio on my chest pocket and lift my Scar-H, aiming towards one of the tree tops in the distance.



A single shot and the edge of the tree top flies off and disappears into the foliage below.

"Alright, it's working, they are all going towards the wall." The radio speaks up.

"Just try not to miss too much ah? I prefer the house I'm staying at to be not full of holes." I respond with a chuckle as I press the talk button on my radio. The only response I got was 'stupid'

And so, I let my Scar hang on my side, and lean against the wall.

Only for a single shot to echo shortly after, then another, and another...

"Guess we'll wait now." I sigh as I take a deep breath.

Saeko then leans against the wall next to me, before sliding down and sitting on the grassy floor, folding her legs and hugging them, her sight focused towards the forest...


"Saeko? Everything alright?" I ask I turn towards her.

"Of course. I, just feel a bit useless right now." She smiles at me, then looks down towards the forest again.

"Soon, we will be safe. Right?" she asks after a few seconds.

"Uhh, that's the idea, yea." I respond with a slight nod. Saeko just kept staring at the forest.

"So the need to fight will be reduced..." She mumbled...

"Saeko, what's bothering you?" I ask as I crouch down next to her and take off my helmet, lifting my mask afterward.

"Are you, going to have any use of me after we are safe?..." Saeko whispered as she lowered her head.

"All I can do is fight. And even that seems to become, obsolete..." She continues.

"You know this is definitely 'not' all you can do, it's just something you excel at. And we both know that even if we might end up safer than say, staying in a random ass house, we will still be in more danger compared to before the outbreak. Besides." I sit next to her as I speak.

"You have another, very important skill." I add as I put my hand on her shoulder, causing her to turn and stare at me...

"You cook." I add with a deadpan tone...

Saeko stares at me for a few seconds, before trying to hold herself from chuckling as she glances away.

"Plus, you keep talking about how you might not have enough to offer 'me'. You do realize that you are speaking to the guy that might end up spending a whole day playing video games if he gets the chance right?" I ask as I tilt my head.

"How, do these two connect?" Saeko asks back as she tilts her head.

"If you didn't realize it while the world was not up in flames, gamers were not held in very high, regard, by other 'normal' people. I mean, clearly, going to a bar, getting shitfaced, and passing out in a dumpster after getting married to a lampost is a far more respectable way to spend your time..." I respond as I glance sideways. Saeko this time actually starts chuckling as she covers her mouth.

"What I mean by this is. Don't think that you have to break records to deserve what you currently have. On my end at least. Now, if you are useless to the group..." I lift my arm and tap the wall.

"This is your fucking house sweetheart." I add with a chuckle.

"Naier, shoot." And the radio speaks.

"And on that note." I take off my Scar-H and get up, then turn to the still sitting Saeko.

"Think it's about time you fire the big guns." I add as I extend my arm. Saeko glances at me and takes my hand as she gets up.

"You only used the handgun at the cinema, so." I flip the safety on the Scar-H, and give it to her.

"Naier? What's taking you so long? Fire already!" The radio shouts.

"Uhh, right, we gonna do this under pressure..." I walk up behind Sakeo as she stops looking at the gun, turning her head to follow me until I was behind her.

"Put the gun's butt on your shoulder, firmly, this thing kicks way more than the pea shooter you used before." I add as I tap the scar's stock.

Saeko nods and does as I asked.

"Now place your cheek here, and aim anywhere. Use the scope on the gun, the dot is where the bullet will go." I continued as I tap the middle of the stock.

"I know this is rushed, but the rest of the group's gonna get swarmed if we spend too much time, pull the trigger." I add as I point ahead.

Saeko pulls the trigger and...

"EEP!" With a short yelp, she stumbles back, or more like gets pushed against me. Ending with me holding her over her waist.

"This kicks, a lot..." She mumbled as she stabilizes herself.

"Yea and your posture was plainly put, epically bad. To the point that the recoil actually caused you to lose your footing." I chuckle.

"Hmm, actually, this reminds me. Do you not still owe me a favor from the cinema?" Saeko then turns to look at me with a slight smirk.

"...Uhh, I don't, remember?" I respond as I frown slightly and glance away.

"I am pretty sure you do." Saeko then tilts her head as she starts staring at me...

"If it'll fix your mood, then shoot." I fold my arms as I chuckle.

"Hmmm..." Saeko glances at the gun for a few seconds.

"I want you to. Pamper me, when I'm feeling down." She adds as she lifts her head to look at me.

"Huh, wonder who'll believe me if I told em that 'the' Saeko Busujima used her last favor to get pampered." I chuckle as I ruffle her hair.

"I am still a woman Naier, I do wish to curl up and feel safe in a certain 'someone's' arms when I become anxious." Saeko lowers her head and brings it closer to my chest as she speaks.

"Actually, now that you put it that way, there is something I've been meaning to ask you. You keep mentioning how you are a woman before admitting that you want to show weakness to somebody. Does that mean that you believe guys should chalk up everything the world throws at them without budging or leaning on anybody?" I ask as I lift an eyebrow.

"My father did have a rather, strict view on how a man should carry himself." Saeko answers as she lifts her head.

"You know that's a very good way to make a person 'stop' being a person once they have been weighted down with more than they can carry." I respond as I bring my hand to the temple of my head with a finger gun motion, and 'shoot'.

"You among others should know how it feels to bottle up and carry everything yourself, a man ain't built any deferent in a psychological level. " I continue. Saeko just lowered her sight again.

"No man is an island, and I definitely ain't even a damn hill if that's what you expect of me." I chuckle as I fold my arms.

Saeko closes her eyes for a few seconds, before lifting her head to look at me.

"This, is something my father would definitely not agree with." She responds as she glances away.

"And normally, it would be something I would not agree with either. But now, it would actually make me very happy, to know that I could be your support when you need it..." She adds as she presses herself, and gun, against me. Keeping her head lowered.

"Well, these things 'do' work better on a give and take situation." I responds as I ran my finger over her ear. Pulling a few stray strands behind her ear.

"I have already told you, that I am willing to give you everything you ask of me. As you have already given me more than I thought I could ever have." She whispers as she nuzzles her face against my neck.

"Everybody has something that keeps them going. You are that something for me." She continues as she closes her eyes, and...


A loud gunshot, and Saeko jumped back like a cat that just got jump-scared, her eyes wide open in surprise. Gunpowder smoke trailing from the Scar's barrel.

"Oi Idiot! Why did you shoot! You ruined my shot!" And an angry voice speaks up from my radio.

"...Well, that, was a rude wake-up call..." I scratch the back of my neck as I keep looking at the rifle in Saeko's arms.

"Uhh, maybe I am not ready for the big guns yet. " Saeko takes her hand off the handle, holding the gun by the stock and barrel, before extending it to me.

"Well, we both got carried away a bit too much with a loaded gun between us. Let's just be glad we got lucky and nobody lost an arm, or leg." I take the gun and flip the safety.

(Good thing my past life drill instructor was not here to see that. I don't even want to think what he'd think up as punishment for misfiring a loaded gun...)

"Hey! Answer me! Did something happen?!" And the radio speaks up again.

"Uhh, my bad, everything's fine." I respond to the radio. Hearing a sigh/groan through it.

"Sorry for causing trouble." Saeko then speaks up as she folds her arms, glancing sideways.

"And, thank you..." She continues as she smiles slightly.

"Ehh, gotta be useful for something." I chuckle back as I shrug, sitting down on the grass with the wall to my back.

"So, question..." I tap my forehead as I speak up.

"Say we clean all these corpses..." I fold my arms as I turn to look at Saeko, who proceeded to sit next to me.

"How are we going to drag them out of the premise?" I ask as I tilt my head.

"Hmm, that is a good question, for the ones inside the building, I do not know. For the ones outside, maybe we can use the snow plower we have in the building on the Humvee?" Saeko asks back.

"You got a snow plower?" I ask again.

"We are in the middle of a forest at a relatively high altitude Naier. This place gets snow up to the knee in the winter." Saeko chuckles.

"Hmm, yea that could work then. And if we dig a hole and start a bonfire in there we could burn the corpses and bury them." I nod slightly.

"Though having to dig a mass grave does not sound very fun..." I add as I sigh.

"Too grim?" Saeko asks back.

"Too deep." I respond with a chuckle.

"I mean, Khota can't dig, Alice can't either because she is too small to efficiently do it, Saya does not exactly have a knack for physically taxing things, neither is Shizuka, plus with how clumsy the latter one is, I would not be surprised if she accidentally demolished part of the outer wall by digging under it or something. That leaves me, you and Rika and Asami." I continue as I look towards the field to our left, the direction the Humvee and the rest of the group were at.

"Hmm, thinking of physically taxing things. I actually can not wait to finally relax with an actual bath. The airport's baths felt weird to relax in. They didn't feel, safe." Saeko sighs slightly as she closes her eyes.

"Right, your father did mention that this place has an underground lake plummed into it. Which means we should have clean water if we can get electricity for the pumps to work." I respond.

"Yes, though we could also check the pumps that draw water from the river too." Saeko answers as she opens her eyes.

"Wait, what river pumps? And, I thought it would be Illegal to pump water from rivers with how tightly Japan regulates water." I fold my arms as I tilt my head.

"It was. But my father is a stubborn man. He considered the river to be 'part' of his land, thus why he built the infrastructure regardless. He later found out about the underground lake that was fully in his patch of land and managed to legally pump from it, so the river pumps got abandoned. But, I don't think he ever got them dismantled, so they should still function if we just find how to operate them, and where they are. The reason he did not mention it, I do not know, he might have intended to tell you about it via the radio after we take back the location." Saeko responds as she shrugs slightly.

"Naier, shoot." And the radio speaks up.

"Want to try again?" I ask as I tap the Scar. Saeko looks at the gun for a bit...

"I think I will leave this one to you." She responds as she smiles slightly. I just nod, flip the safety, take aim, and fire a single shot.

"So, where were we?" I ask as I flip the safety again.

"The river pump?" Saeko responds.

"Right, do you think they have plans of it in the house? To find the location?" I ask. Saeko shakes her head.

"They were built quite some time ago, I do not think so. I do know they are over that direction though." She points ahead and to the right. In other words, the opposite direction in which we came from.

"I just would rather not use the lake's water for bathing and cleaning for example, since it's filtered and ready to drink." Saeko continues as she lowers her hand.

"Hmm, if we go that way we should find a river sooner or later then, we can follow it till we find some infrastructure after that." I nod slightly.

"Though I'm more worried about electricity, a generator itself is fine, but not efficient enough long term, too much fuel." I sigh.

"Actually, I was meaning to ask, are solar panels these blue panes that you latch on the roof of a house?" Saeko then asks as she turns to me.

"Roof, floor, but yea, blue panes is about right." I nod.

"I think this house has some..." Saeko then adds plainly...

"...Whut..." I frown as my mouth is left slightly agape.

"I was not sure if they were what you were talking about, but. You can probably see the building's top if you walk towards the edge of the field. The house always had blue roof tiles. But my father did install some new ones not long ago. I was, not exactly at my best at that time, so I did not bother to find what he did..." Saeko then continiues.

"Not at your best? Sick?" I ask as I turn to look at her.

"You called it self-loathing. I think, that term would fit the best..." Saeko answers as she lowers her head slightly.

"...They say everything happens for a reason. And from the looks of it, this outbreak did have at least one thing you're glad about huh?" I say as I get up.

"Like you would not believe." Saeko chuckles as she also gets up.

"I would dare say that I like my life now more than before the outbreak." She continues as she walks up next to me...

And so, we walk to the edge of the field and turn around.

Sure enough, the top part of the building was now visible, and...

"Why, am I learning just now, that this house has solar panels installed..." I mumble as I keep looking at the roof.

"Umm, surprise?" Saeko lifts her arms to shoulder height as she makes an apologetic frown.

"Suprise indeed. If these do work, then ohh boy." I lift an eyebrow as I fold my arms.

"Naier, shoot." And the radio butts in.

Without saying anything I turn around, aim toward the forest, and fire a single shot again.

"How come you are not shooting in the air? They tend to do that a lot in the movies." Saeko then asks as she looks towards the forest.

"Because they don't record the part where those bullets come falling back down with a vengeance." I chuckle as I respond.

"I see, makes sense now that you tell me about it." Saeko nods slightly.

"Now, I do hope you do have a usb stick with movies somewhere in that giant ass house of yours." I say as I push the Scar-H to my back.

" A Usb stick with movies? You want to watch movies once we have free time?" Saeko asks as she tilts her head.

"Saeko, huddling up to a couch and watching horror movies all night long is dating one-o-one." I respond as I laugh through my nose with a one-sided smirk.

"Oh, that, does indeed sound nice." Saeko blinks at me a few times, before nodding with a smile.

"Though, something tells me somebody else will demand your attention first once we clear the house." She continues as she turns to look towards the wall.

"Uhh yea, guilty as charged, I guess..." I lift both arms in a surrendering motion.

"Do not worry though, I will push through my loneliness and wait for you while you are cuddling with Saya." Saeko then adds as she folds her arms, turning to stare at me with her eyes slightly narrowed and a smirk on her lips.

"You know I have nothing to say back on that matter, other than, I warned you about it?" I make an apologetic 'ehh' motion as I bring both my hands to shoulder height. Saeko just chuckles as she brings her knuckles to her lips.

"Who would think that the person that would save me from myself, would turn out to be such a playboy. Luckily for you, I do not really care, as long as you keep your promise to me." She adds as she folds her arms. She then walks up to me, and leans next to my ear.

"I would not even mind if you wanted me to, hold down Saya for you~" She whispers...

(Oh holy shit she just shot this into overdrive...)

I lean back and stare at Saeko's visibly flushed face.

"Sometimes I forget that you're an, uhh, hardcore physical interactions enjoyer..." I clear my throat as I keep staring at Saeko, who just chuckles at me as she leans back.

"I am doing my very best not to let my issues be a burden to you." She responds with a now calm smile.

"I just sometimes, slip up a bit, when I am alone with you." She adds as she puts her arms behind her back, tilting her upper body slightly.

(Slip up my ass, you know very were where you're stepping on...)

"For now, keep that energy for the corpses in the house. We are the ones that will have to deal with them." I respond as I fold my arms. Saeko just nods back...

(Well, better than being depressed I guess...)

"Uhh, Naier? I think we are done here..." And the radio speaks up.

"And speaking of the devil, I think this means it's our turn." I motion with my head as I start walking.

(Time to clean house...)

And so, after I grabbed my helmet, which I had left next to the wall, and re-wearing my gear. We headed back to the car, which we found parked a little further from the gate, with 'dead' corpses scattered all around the gate...

"That's a lot of re-deads..." I mumble as I close in to the car, looking at the corpses on the grassy floor.

"Hummf, obviously, what did you expect?" Saya lifts the M1 over her shoulder as she tries to strike a pose? I think?

"Good job you two." I nod slightly as I fold my arms.

"You're, uhh, welcome." Saya stops posing and glances away...

(Wait, did she just blush?...)

"Hmm? Miss Bususjima seems to be in a much better mood now." Asami blurts out as she pops out through the back door.

"Ohh, you're right~ She was all sulky before, now she looks, filled up~" Rika adds with a grin.

"F, filled up?!" And Saya turns to stare at Saeko.

(Please don't...)

I turn to glance at Saeko.

"He took care of my needs." Saeko responds flatly.

"Needs?!" Saya shouts again.

"I did nothing weird." I respond as I lift my hands.

"I also agreed to hold down Saya next time the three of us are alone." She adds, an everslight smirk on her face...

"HOLD DOWN?!" And Saya's voice reached new decibels.

"Oh my, sounds like fun~" Rika just started chuckling, while Asami, and Khota, turned beet red. Shizuka was covering Alice's ears while staring at me with a weird, blushing, surprised, yet grinning expression.

(Kill me...)