
Sugary Onyx

(Book 1 of the Taste and Color of Love Series) Xavier Morreti does not like people with brown skins, not because of their color or race... But because of what one did to him two years ago. The pain and anguish one caused his two years ago... His slight dislike for black people doesn't make him go running around pursuing them with pitchforks and knives and it doesn't make him foolish, either. Obviously, he knows he needs them if he wants his million dollar company to grow. So you know what he did? He tolerates them; puts on a 'everything is okay just go back to work' facade anytime he sees his racial employees. He acts like the face of any black person he sees doesn't take the form of the woman of two years ago. Except one. Meet Natalie Deserue, a depressed woman that doesn't only know how to work the hips but the heart too. She craves one thing she never had. Love. After surviving an abusive relationship, she goes bankrupt then resort into stripping... Where she meets the billionaire racist who takes her home one night and licks the melanin off her skin. But good things don't come easy, right? Right. All it takes for her momentary happiness to shatter is just a crazy psychotic ex and her naive mind.

Vara_ · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

3: Greg's proposal

Natalie finally fell ill.

It happened the next morning. Natalie felt immobile on the heap of blankets and pillows but that didn't change the fact that she still slept on a tiled floor.

It was funny how Natalie expected kisses and care when she told Joel—her oh so loving boyfriend—she wasn't feeling too good.

He'd responded; "Okay?" with a genuinely confused look on his face, then he continued buttoning up his suit.

At least she didn't get a beating.

She practically dragged herself to work today. She didn't stay too long because she begged Mr. O'Connor to take the day off, which he agreed to because, according to his words, he "...doesn't want a dead employee on his freshly polished tiles. No offense..."

So here she is, swaying in dizziness as she clutches her bicycle very close to her. This is her chance. The only thing she needs to do is to just take two steps forward and leave the rest to a drunken driver who'd—hopefully—bash her brai-

"HEY!!" A sober driver yells from his car. Nat jumps in shock as she realizes she was standing in the middle of the road with her bicycle beside her.

The man alights from his car that was now parked at a safe distance from the road. He drags her away from the road in an un-gentleman manner.

"What the hell?" the man raises an eyebrow. Natalie slowly wishes to sink into herself and hide away from the rest of humanity.

"H-hello?" Nat stutters.

The man chuckles in disbelief and ran his hand through his jet-black hair. "What were you doing!?"

Natalie opens her mouth to reply but she was cut off...rudely.

"...I could have killed you!!"

The nervous woman waits for some minutes for the man to cool off before she replied.

"But...but you didn't. I was just crossing the road." her voice was small and insecure.

The man scoffs, throwing his heavy ringed hands in the air like he gave up.

"You call that crossing?! Hell, you were just standing there like you were waiting for Barry Allen to come save you from the moving taxi that was about to turn your brain into jam!"

Natalie flinches. His angry face reminded her of an angry Joel. She is terrified. She takes a cautious step backwards.

"Errm..." she clears her throat. "I-I'm sorry, I have to...I have to go!" She takes another step backwards.

The man's face softens. The worry lines on his forehead clearing immediately. Honestly, stress didn't look good on him. He'd never been the one to stop and say 'that old lady might fall, let me give her a piggyback'. But here he is, trying to coax an apparent suicide victim to not do whatever it is she is planning to do—which is crossing the freaking road.

It's obvious he's terrifying the short lady. He raises his hand out like he was trying to magically steady her ragged breathing. Natalie firmly grips the handle of her bicycle, she was gripping it so tight that any tighter, two things will happen; she breaks the handle or the handle breaks her, and the latter sounded more convincing in her situation.

"Okay. Look, I'm sorry I snapped. I didn't mean to startle you or terrify you. I'm sorry..." he trails off and bites his lip like he is holding himself from saying something else. His cheeks puffs dramatically like the words were foaming in his mouth and ready to spill. And spill it did. "...but you aren't fucking Kara Zor-El who nothing can touch but guess what, a freaking truck can send her flying through the next continent!"

Natalie didn't know when it happened. Or how it happened. But the giggle that fell off her lips sure wasn't forced. Surely he was exaggerating but this felt nice for a change; to laugh, heartily.

Greg's grin is magical. It literally lit up his whole face. He is so happy he got what he wanted from her. Relief. Few minutes ago, she looked like she wanted Burj Khalifa¹ to fall 'mistakenly' on her, but now, if a passer-by sees them now, they'd think she just met David Strassman² and they've been best buddies since forever.

Natalie calms down few moments later. Her dull grey eyes squinting suggestively as she stared the mystery man down.

"I'm Greg."

Natalie feels relief when the mystery man...Greg didn't add the 'and you?' It really didn't sit right with her to tell an entertaining stranger her name. Greg notices this but doesn't speak. He looks down at his wristwatch when it lets out a beep. A low curse leaves his lips.

"Miss, I don't know what's wrong but if you need someone to talk to..." he pulls out his contact card and she slowly takes it.

"Okay! Bye!"

"Bye," Nat mutters and her hand shoots up in a small wave, but Greg was already off before he could see the reaction.

She stands there for some time. Maybe minutes or hours, depending on the judging looks she got from nosy mothers that passed back and forth. Her bicycle falling from her grip snaps her out of her reverie. Her fingers wraps around the handle once again before she continues walking.

...and for once, no suicidal thought crossed her mind.

Only a certain guy's grin and high pitched voice.


Foot notes.

¹Burj Khalifa: tallest building in the world located in Dubai.

²David Strassman: A YouTuber and a ventriloquist.

I'm sorry my updates are slow. I have low power supply

Vara_creators' thoughts