
Successors of the Gods

I will continue writing the novel on Royal Road: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/495832 I hope you will continue to read it there thank you.

JesstheCook · Seni bela diri
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14 Chs

Unexpected Visitor

"Yes, my lord!" said the strange voice. "I have found out his location Mordred! He has traveled to Shizuoka. I'll get him to you alive!"

"Very good. Bring it to me and my idea of a perfect world will finally be within reach," Mordred said through a mirror.

Meanwhile, Kenta and the others are busy training. They practise their techniques. Especially Kenta, who needs to improve his handling of his god aura.

Kenta shoots with his lava balls, Shiori channels god aura into her weapons, Suzume tries to summon animals and Jin...yeah he's there with sword and shield.

"I don't think it's fair to exclude Jin, girls," said Kenta.

"The lecher can train alone" Shiori said with a pout.

"Right." said Suzume.

"But that's not the point of friendship, you know that, right?" said Kenta.

"You're right, but he's still a lecher, Kenta!" Shiori said angrily.

"Everyone does their own thing. If you think Jin is a lecher, that's up to you, but remember that he's entertaining the group and we're important to him," Kenta said in a calm voice.

"Wow, Kenta, you've grown up since Kyouya died, can it be?" asked Shiori.

"You could say that. I just try not to get involved in arguments so easily anymore. She taught me that last time. To overpower and defeat the opponent with calm and reason." Kenta replies.

"Okay, that makes sense, Kenta. Before that, you just rushed off to save everyone directly, regardless of your own loss. I like your attitude." Suzume says with a smile.

"Yes, exactly Kenta! You're the head of us all. Since we're all dumb as a post, someone has to have the brains!" says Jin from a distant seat.

"Shut the fuck up Jin! I'm not stupid!" Shiori shouted at Jin.

"And that's why you're the best. You always keep my spirits up," Kenta said with a laugh.

When they were all arguing a bit amongst themselves and all happy with each other they didn't know that danger was on the way.

"Not much longer then I'll have him boss!" said the unknown voice through the mirror to Mordred.

"It's about time. As long as I haven't fully manifested my power, I can't and won't fight Hephaestus' successor. I would be superior to him, but as long as I don't have the god absorption, winning against him won't do me any good," Mordred said carefully.

"Don't worry boss! I'll kill his companions and hand him over to you!" said the unknown voice with full conviction and put the mirror away.

Our friends are still training. Kenta can use the lava balls in moderation with almost no problems. Shiori can seduce her god aura better and Suzume can summon small animals and Jin....yeah he can now fight better with the sword.

The next day they wanted to train again so that they could master their techniques without any problems. But they were unexpectedly disturbed.

"At last we meet Hephaestus' successor," said the unknown voice that suddenly appeared in front of them.

When the stranger appeared, Kenta felt the pain in his chest again and fell to his knees.

"Oh, is someone already intimidated by my presence? How disappointing successor." said the unknown man.

"Perhaps I should introduce myself. How rude of me. Kiyotaka Shiojin very pleased." said Kiyotaka.

He is a relatively tall man, black hair, lots of muscles, a quick-witted face. He wears a leather jacket with a black t-shirt and short black trousers.

He looked at everyone and noticed Shiori.

"Oh, there's a beauty here too? Would you be interested in going out with me?" Kiyotaka asked Shiori in a completely slimy voice.

"Go die." Shiori said in disgust.

"Oh man, it was worth a try, but it won't be a defeat today, following gods." Kiyotaka said with a disappointing but threatening voice.

"Then I'll make it easy to talk to you little one," said Kiyotaka with a flattering face.

Kiyotaka clapped his hand once and pushed his arms outwards.

Suddenly, sand came out of the ground and pressed together to form walls, breaking up Shiori's group and sending them flying kilometers away because of the impact.

"Sand?" Kenta asked himself as he flew away.

"Shiori!" shouted Suzume.

Kiyotaka has managed to separate the group for the time being so that he can talk to Shiori alone. What a simp.

"Shit! What are we supposed to do now! We can't leave Shiori there, especially not with that guy!" Jin said angrily.

"Relax, Jin. He has no intention of killing or hurting Shiori right now...as you can see." Kenta said in a calm voice.

"That's right Jin. He's just like you," said Suzume.

"What are you trying to say Suzume?" Jin said angrily.

"You two are Simps. That's why he won't do anything to her for now." Suzume said provocatively.

"Oh come on, shut up Suzume." Jin said, annoyed.

While Kenta is amused by their conversation, he thinks carefully about what they can do to find Shiori again and rescue her from the hands of Kiyotaka.

"When he flung us away, we flew west. So we should just head east as fast as we can and get back to Shiori," Kenta said, pondering.

"And that's why you're our head Kenta!" said Jin smiling and giving Kenta a pat on the back.

"Now let's stop fooling around and quickly rescue Suzume." Kenta said as he started to sprint back.

"Someone must be enthusiastic." Suzume said with a smile and ran after him.

"You always have to leave me out! That's not fair." Jin said sulkily and ran after the two of them.

While the three of them are on their way back to Shiori, Kiyotaka makes repeated attempts on Shiori.

Kiyotaka and Shiori are surrounded by walls the size of an apartment building.

"I told you to go die!" said Shiori, annoyed.

"Oh gosh, come on, let's make an agreement. You go out with me and I won't turn your buddy over to Mordred." Kiyotaka said temptingly.

"How do you hand over to Mordred?" asks Shiori.

"Isn't it a bit obvious? So please. First Seda and then me? Doesn't it seem a bit strange?" said Kiyotaka.

"You sound more like a weird stalker troupe." said Shiori.

"Well, to get back to the point. You go out with me and Kenta won't suffer. Is that a deal? Because if Kenta is really important to you, then you certainly won't just drop him like that," said Kiyotaka with real conviction.

Shiori has to make a decision.

Kiyotaka continues to put Shiori in a quandary.

When Kenta will arrives He will do anything to save his childhood friend.

I'm sorry that I haven't published a chapter in the last few weeks, I've been sick a lot and was under a lot of stress which unfortunately forced me to take a break. I hope you don't take offense and continue to support my work. I will also upload the next few chapters at shorter intervals. So you'll have Chapter 15 by about Sunday.

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