
The Successor Survival Struggle 000

It was silent, deafening silence rings across my ears. The crowd seems to be saying something...or shouting rather. Commoners that don't know their place. Yapping their heads off with no end to it and wasting good food to throw on a dead man.

The stinking stench of metal and blood dances around the execution site. Nauseating, disgusting and revolting. I miss the smell of wine, something that's similar in color but different in everything else. Heh, I doubt a peasant would understand. All these poor people could afford to drink are piss colored drinks. I bet it wouldn't taste good at all, yet they enjoy it as if it's gold.

I do wish I have a glass of wine with me right now. This ruins my mood.

The sky...it's rather dark. Quite ominous, but I do say it is fitting. How else would an execution go without darkness and gloom? Why are these lowly beings happy about such an occasion? Are they barbarians or what?

Their smiles and cheer can be seen. It is as if they're the happiest there is. I suppose, the other nobles fit it in such crowd. Taking interest and joy over someones' demise. Speaking of, I could simply stare at their figures from afar. Having a feast with such reviling view. Such monsters. To think they have an appetite with this smell and sight.

A sight of a criminal's lifeless figure, with his blood dripping on the bucket. It makes me sick just to look. So this is what those soldiers feel huh, they certainly have bodies of steel. I could not fathom this is how much a disgusting scene they have to endure. Much less, inflict themselves. They've all gone mad if they don't feel anything.

Suddenly, the rain pours out. The clouds finally let out, and the crowd, even having getting wet shows no sign of stopping. As if they're hypnotized by magic. Having said that, I can sense their free will. Too much in fact.

"Proceed with the execution."

A certain imposing man seats on the throne, expressionless but unlike that dead criminal, he is full of life and vigor. He lifts his finger to signal the executioner. Nodding, the tall figure followed that man's orders. So the cruel judgement begins.

Holding a giant axe, the tall figure lines himself beside me. Having knelt for hours, enduring this humiliation from these bastards. I don't deserve this! I'm the anointed Emperor! Commoners shouldn't look down on me, nobles should follow me and that man shouldn't be sitting on my throne! They must all admire me!!

"Former Emperor Lucean Coreolis Aurarion, due to having used your imperial powers for debauchery and betraying the people that serve and trust you, the Empire's Will punishes you with death. Begin the beheading!"

So that scoundrel of a speaker declared! Funny, as he was the one who spend most of his authority to invite women to his quarters so they could get an audience with me. I look back to the man sitting on my throne. My own little brother...my own blood and kin, plotting to overthrow my rule.

The Executioner raises his axe, and my final moments drawing nigh. I did not close my eyes and stared straight at my brother. As I feel my head become weightless, I see sight fall down.

Ah, I'm so tired of this...