
Stuck With The Devil

"As a mistress, you are to satisfy me in bed, as a human you shall satisfy me with your blood. And about your soul, I shall own it henceforth." An ancient blind demon suddenly gains freedom after being incarcerated for a thousand years. Since the body he had possessed had died and begun to rot, he goes around looking for a body to inhabit and begins his revenge in the modern world by killing off every descendant of the people who had locked him in the forbidden dungeon. Until the day, he possessed a young outcast turning him into a blind, ferocious, pathetic child beast whose aim is to regain his sight at all cost. * She has a secret. Never let anyone see your hair. But what happens when this innocent girl disobeys and even trusts an outcast blind boy, who appears to be more than willing to regain his sight? She decided to help him only to discover that she had helped the devil himself. Then many years later, they reunited only to be separated again and become great enemies. For Delilah to kill the possessed man, she is to go into the past, into the 19th century, where demons don't exist so that she would successfully be able to kill him. But unfortunately, life can't be scripted. She is reincarnated as a princess whose father had planned to sell her to a ruthless ruler and never knew she had a past until she is stuck with him. He is a pawn to a demon, she is a pawn to him. *** EXCERPT REWRITTEN BY @BrewingFantasies The destroyed mirrors, locked rooms, split identities, curses, blood, flapping curtains, moonlight, thunder, and him_ the living dead! "You know what happened in the haunted house, right?" The man stared at her neck menacingly, while she was pinned to the wall. "Who are you?" She pushed him with trembling lips and shaking hands. She tried to sound convincing with the hollow threat. "Let me go! I'll have your head wrung off if you don't release me. Do you know who I am?" A nonchalant reply reverberated. "I do. A pampered spoiled brat, who leeches her papa's money." He grinned at her deliberately, knowing that his attention commanded her love. "You know, I love you that way. Ever since the first day we met. Tch, my feisty wild cat." He added, lovingly. "The very first day we met?" She muddled. His cold touch caressed her cheek, sending sparks down her spine. Why did his eyes look so familiar? "The b...lind boy? Is that you?" She clenched her fists together in horror. "Yes. I'm back to take what is mine. I need the eyes you stole." He paused, leaning over the scared woman. She could see the insatiable hunger in his crimson eyes. "And a lot more like your body, since we are not kids anymore." The man licked right below her earlobe, making her crave more for his touch. The book cover doesn't belong to me. All credit to the artist.

Blooddoctor · Fantasi
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183 Chs

Blood Of Twenty-seven Royals

Isadora's eyes widened as a scream erupted from her throat.

Her eyes were filled with confusion and pain. She had never felt this kind of pain before.

Being poisoned was like having a thousand snakes biting and chewing her intestines but what his lordship planned to do or what he already had been doing was worse.

Immediately she felt the loose proximity between the metal rod and her lap, her hands walked their way down to her lap. The sounds of the chain echoing as her struggle to calm herself down increased.

She did not even think he would try to burn her. Her lips were shaking vigorously. White smoke found its way out of the boiling metal rod that had just scorched her lap.

Isadora stared at her glistened lap and at the man she presumed to be more than heartless, her mouth not finding words.

"Could that hurt because I plan to try again at least ten times," he said as he stared blankly at her, his hand holding still onto the metal rod so that he could keep it into the fire again.

Isadora breathed hard, her gaze intensifying as she tried to swallow the pain that resulted from the burning sensation.

"You will regret this." Isadora roared as she couldn't hold on to the pain anymore before another boiling metal rod touched her lap again. Her skin immediately turned red, followed by a large horrifying scream that made one of the skeletons fall. She had no idea and she wasn't even concerned about what the dungeon looked like. All she prayed for was to free herself from the chains and squeeze the life out of this heartless man who raped Irene and who had tortured her more than she could explain.

She shook her body and the heavy chains on her body kept clasping together, her breathing was rough and fast. She moaned in pain as she felt warm blood sipped smoothly out of the burn she had now.

He stared at her quizzically before he decided to wait a moment, "Tell me, how was that for a warm-up? Little?" He paused, "Oh It did not affect a thing, did it? Could have known. You are Delilah after all, you never gave up even at your very last breath."

Isadora stared at the crazy man. She could see that his hand was holding the metal rod and he would dip it into the fire without hesitation, she furrowed her eyebrows and planned for whatever she could do to stop the mess right now. The most important thing she needed to do was to save her childhood friend.

Before she knew it her fingers curled up with the heavy chain boldly placed in them, he stared at her, completely dazed as she grabbed the chain on her body and gritted her teeth. Her groan was loud followed by the loud-tough sound of breaking chains.

The dungeon walls echoed and all the skeletons that were hanged on the fleshy walls fell, parts of the skeleton chattering while all the skulls of each skeleton were in place denying being forcibly pulled away from its spinal cord.

When he found out that the dungeons were going against his rules, his eyes opened widely and his hand made its way to her neck. Anger filled up his system. He had no idea this woman would be able to break the chains. His claws dug themselves in her throat as he sensed that the firewood had immediately gone off, the cage that was some meters before where she was standing had disappeared also. The flesh that was on the walls shedding off a little. His red-violet eyes pointed deeply into hers, "Look here, there is a certain urge building in me and the urge is much lesser than the urge to tear your flesh apart." His eyes were still fixed on her as she continued to struggle. "The dungeon needs human flesh and you seem to be the only one available. So, I am going-to-tear-of-your-flesh by the by."

His last words were soft but at the same time cold.

Isadora could not breathe anymore. Her lungs were tired, her blood drying off her and seeping throughout her opened wound. "So this is what you do, you bloody monster! You take off women for mistresses and feed them to your dungeon?" Her eyes and voice were teary but still, the words were flowing out of her without restrictions, "How could a dead man like you rule a whole town? Venesia!" She shook her head, her head swinging from right to left, she breathed as if unable to believe what she was about to say, "so...the welfare of the denizens of Venesia have been kept with a careless man. A heartless man whose sole purpose is to feed the gods. Why do I have a feeling that the forbidden Oracle is with you and you are a step closer to being requested to use the blood of twenty-seven royals?"

The Forbidden Oracle was infamously known as the carven wood that held the written words of the devil. If one gets hold of the Oracle and reads the written words in a very dark place, the demons would possess him and he would have to go through heavy tasks to fulfill the devil's wish before gaining the power to control the earth.

One of the heavy tasks was using the blood of twenty-seven royals.

The number twenty-seven was rumored to be the devil's number as the words on the forbidden Oracle were just in twenty-seven letters. No one knew if it was true because no one ever tried finding the forbidden Oracle.

The Forbidden Oracle was just a portal to making a deal with the devil itself.

When Isadora uttered those words everywhere became still. She had no idea someone else was already in the room, helping her escape death.

Not that you asked but the reason I had not uploaded any chapters for the past few days was that I lost mum. It has been very traumatic for me and the fact that I am very emotional makes it harder. Please, pray for me:'(

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