
Chapter One










By, Legends Goal a.k.a Mariam

Chapter One

Belle sat in the taxi she boarded with her hands clasped together, she brought it towards her jaw in anticipation, wishing the traffic could ease up to free her from the hurdles of getting to work late.

When the light turned green and their automobile moved, she closed her eyes and sighed gently.

What a relief!

She turned to her side and found the other two passengers that were seated besides her giving her a questioning face.

"Any problem? She voiced out but they kept mute.

When they refused to face their front, she revealed a weird grin and relaxed back onto the seat as she smiled throughout the ride.

They finally reached the bus-stop and Belle was the first to get off board.

She paid the driver, shaked her head and began walking hastily to the coffee shop she worked at; dressed in a blue crazy jean, with a jean jacket and a white crop top on, added with a white sneakers to blend her outfit.

Her curly golden hair bounced away without care.

She looked cool but her face didn't carry the same demeanor.

She was on afternoon shift to avoid her boss tongue lashes on her.

Belle glanced at her watch and exhaled; she was right just on time.

Her tainted cheeks made her look younger than her age.

"Have mercy Christ" She bellowed when she reached.

Again, she was at the shop looking all worked up.

She was on chic mode. But a boring one because she had black bags under her eyes.

She took menial late night jobs and had loads of books to read after.

She was bent on going to the prestigious Barbs high school where everything had been set as standardized for their students.

" Waoh, careful" a tall, cute chocolate guy almost clashed into her at the door way of the shop.

He paused to stare at her.

He got mesmerized by her average height and passed a flirty look at her, his eyes caught sight of her bare flat tummy thereby giving her the chance to see him wetting his bottom lip with his tongue.

"ewwwwww!!" Belle scrunched up her face at his actions.

She get that she's 'hot' but when boys do such it irritated her; they might as well unclad her with their eyes poring holes into her.

"Hey pretty" he hailed her and she turned at him only to receive a wink from the dude.

The audacity!

She rolled her eyes and showed her middle finger which went unnoticed by the lad.

He was already away from her as Belle could only see his back while he jogged to the other side of the road.

She proceeded to grab the door open when realization dawned on her making her to halt.

That guy...was putting on!!

The uniform!


Belle immediately glared dramatically at the direction he went through and couldn't find his figure in view before she gawk back at the shop.

She gritted her teeth and stamped her feet on the ground as anxiety took a bite on her being.

Her head went blank on what next to do but then it won't hurt if she chased her dream a little; with that in mind she suddenly found her legs running.

To hell with the coffee shop!


"Please be there, please be there" she chanted the prayer in her mind as she kept running with her slender long legs to the major road; searching left and right, whilst colliding into people who forced her to pass them a plea.

"Sorry ma'am" she beseeched lastly to an obese woman who snorted after her.

By the time she made to cross the major road, she grew tired and short of breath.

She withdrew back, bent her back and placed her hands on her knees - panting while trying to catch some breath.

How tiring could today be?

"My dear child, please help me with some money" an old dirty beggar who was seated near where she stood requested from her.

"A minute" belle said and looked forward to see the guy from earlier in his car...with some other people, parked at a corner of the road.

Satisfied with what she saw, she gladly searched her purse and dropped two coins for the beggar.

"Thank you child" the beggar appreciated her.

Just when she positioned her head opposite the road to stare again, she discovered it was empty.

No car...No people.

"No...this can't be" She began shaking.

"They were right here" Belle screamed as she received attention from onlookers.

"Beep, beep" the notification sound on her phone snatched her unawares as she fret around.

"Is anything the problem, child?" The beggar inquired.

" No...I mean yes, infact never mind" She reassured.

She ransacked her purse for the phone, as she scrolled through it her eyes bulged out of it sockets when she actualize it was a message from her dream school.

She folded her left palm into a fist, lifted it to the sky and brought it down back in victory before she began heading back to her workplace.

" Congratulations Belle, you did it" She whimpered to herself.

She took out her phone, dialled a number as she walked.

"Mum" She shouted happily into it as soon as the receiver swiped the answer icon.

"Stop the screams, would you?" Her mother scolded.

"You must have woken the whole neighborhood by now" She continued.

"Guess what mum?" Belle said so thrilled without minding her comment.

Silence reigned.

Then her mother sighed gently from the other end.

"Your boss just increase your pay? " She asked.

"No" Belle answered bawling her face into a scowl.

"Then what's it that makes you so excited? Your smiles are touching me over here" Tessa teased her daughter on the line.

Belle pouted her lips cutely that she giggled and inhaled heavily.

"Barbs high chose me mum, I have been offered a scholarship" she disclosed and gushed.

"Oh my goodness, dearie" Her mother was now screaming in jubilation.

"This is good news" her mother rendered.

"Yes it is" Belle said as she cleaned a tear from her face.

"You crying? Tessa realized the cracking tone from her daughter's actual voice.

"Never mind, they are tears of joy" She said and they both laughed.

"Now be a good girl and come back home after work" Tessa said.

"Mummmmmm" Belle moaned.

"C'mon this calls for celebration, now be good and do as I say" Tessa ordered her.

"Okay mum" Belle finally dropped her defense.

"Bye, see you later " Tessa remarked.

"Bye mum" Belle retorted as she ended the call.

She touched her red cheeks and could feel it warm from happiness.


"Everytime you come late and think I can't sack you? Mr Gilbert, Belle's boss fired at her over his desk of paper works in his mini office.

Her cover up had been blown away.

"I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again" She entreated pitifully.

The way his nose flared up and down warned Belle that he was extremely angry at her.

"That's what I hear everytime, I better get the best anyway" he said and stood up before walking out.

" I'm sorry sir, I will do my very best" she said after him as she bowed continuously.

"I'm sorry Belle, I really did my best in covering for you but he somehow found out" Genevieve, who was Belle assistant pressed on as soon as she walked over the counter.

" I get it ok" Belle resonate as she tied the robe of her red apron at her back and tied her hair into a bun.

" It's neither your fault " she added rolling her eyes as she dispatched new recyclable cups to their position over the counter.

When she saw the girl was still uncomfortable with her, she held her shoulders high and passed her a gummy smile.

"There dearie, we are good to go" she tried to relief the atmosphere.

"Really? Genevieve asked and got a nod from Belle.

In appreciation, she gave her a bear hug which was returned gladly.

"Two cups of hot coffee, please" a gentleman and a lady walked in on them.

Quickly, they disengaged from their hug and started brewing.

"Okay, coming" they both chorused.

"Oh gosh, it hurt as hell" She just finished her shift and was outside pulling off her sneakers.

She intend to walk barefooted to her house.

It was a hot day and she need to submerge herself in any chilled whatever.

She closed her eyes and let the night breeze swirl around her like a tornado.

"Tin tin" her cellphone rang disrupting her attention.

'"Helloooo" she picked it up drawled the word without checking the identity of the caller as she could feel the tiredness swimming in and out of her.

"How was your work today,uhn? Her mother's voice jolted her.

"Fine, don't worry about me, I'm on my way" she muttered and yawned before wearing her shoes.

"Good, don't be a second late or I will place a curfew on you " Tessa voice rang as she disconnected the line.

"Ahhh, coming " she professed and moved to get a taxi home.

"Home sweet home" she spoke after the taxi dropped her across her house and Belle walked to her doorstep.

"I'm home" Belle pressed the doorbell without rest but got no answer.

She held the knob of the door and it went ajar, startled she adjusted back with already clear eyes.

"Mum" she shouted enough for the neighbors to hear.

They lived in a two room apartment where they had neighbors downstairs although it was located in a poor site, Tessa makes sure they don't lack anything in their home.

"Mum, are you okay? She asked no one in particular as she moved further into the room.

She noticed the lights were switched off and she took out her phone trying to locate the switch when the door banged close.

Her scream followed after as she landed her butt on the ground with her phone still in her grip.

"You are unbelievably funny" her mother said throating a laughter.

"That's not funny, you scared me" she frowned at her mother before the lights turned on.

"I'm sorry" Tessa said as she grabbed her hand to pull her up; she drew Belle cheeks before using her hand to present the already set table.

"Congratulations dear, this is for you" her mother said as she watched her going round their little dining table.

" This is for me? " She inquired with twinkling eyes and her mother smiled at her.

Her eyes bulged when she saw what she haven't taken for weeks.

"Is that marinated chicken? She requested as she licked her lips going for a grab.

But her happy face soon dropped when Tessa pushed afar the grill ware she placed the chicken on.

"I can't smell the chicken, go take a shower" Tessa turned her back and insisted she takes a bath before she can join the feast.

"Okay, mum" she agreed reluctantly moving her legs but she turned quickly towards the chicken, pointing a finger at it.

"I will be back for you" Belle stated and giggled at her mum who shook her head in disbelief.

Belle got to her room and strolled to the bathroom, stripped naked and got into the jacuzzi that was filled with cold water containing a mint liquid bathing soap and scented rose flesh which was floating atop.

"Hmmm" she moaned as the cold tugged at her body after she settled into the water.

She began giggling and splashing the water every where.

Belle placed her head rested on the board of the jacuzzi while her body was submerged in water.

She closed her eyes thinking of the day she went for the exams.

" Please why's everyone running? She could vividly remember herself trying to catch up with the other people who came for the exam.

"The exam is about to kick off" the person stated.

"What? But it's not yet 10" Belle retorted but the person giggled at her.

" The rich rarely give opportunities, let's go in there and grab unto this one" the person spoke as the pace increased leaving Belle alone.

"Your ID please" the lady in charge of invigilating the class spoke and Belle brought it out.

The woman looked at the card before looking up at her.

"Miss Belle Alfenso?" She said and Belle nodded.

Your sit is over there" she informed, pointing to a two seater classroom furniture set, it was plenty that was arranged in the class which a side had been occupied by a girl with blonde hair.

"Thank you" she said and went to sit with her partner.

They both exchange pleasantries before the exams begun.

She opened her eyes and smiled.

It was worth it.

Just then the blind went opened, and she quickly pushed her upper body into the soapy water leaving only her head to surface.

" Mummmmmm" she moaned realizing who it was, before she went back to her previous position.

" You are taking longer than expected" Tessa said and smirk.

"Yeah, I need this cold water" she told Tessa.

" Hmmph, someone's eyeing my daughter for her to take her time in bathing" she starts to tease.

But Belle gave her a bewildered look before sighing gently.

Of course, she was right...a jerk did wink at her.

"Make haste before your food gets cold" she disclosed and went back to their living room.

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