

“Stuck!” unfolds in a dystopian future where war, global warming, pollution, and destruction have ravaged humanity, leaving Earth a scorched wasteland. In a desperate bid for survival, nations unite to send all children to space under professional care, forsaking most parents to their fate on the dying planet. However, a scientific mishap leads to the creation of a deadly monster that decimates the adult crew, leaving the children to fend for themselves. Amidst chaos, the cleverest child takes control, steering the spaceship to an emergency landing on an alien world. As they explore this new planet, they encounter other survivors from their ship. Faced with the ruins of their past and the uncertainty of their future, the children stand at a crossroads: return to the remnants of Earth or forge a new existence on this enigmatic planet. “Stuck!” is a tale of resilience, leadership, and the indomitable spirit of youth facing the unknown. Welcome to: "Stuck!" MK_The_Writer's most popular story!

MK_The_Writer · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Jungle-Play (2)

After fixing up Leo's bashed nose, he decided to help me out.

"Wait here!" Leo said, before jumping up into the trees.


I heard a big crash in the forest, and a tree fell.

I got back onto my big drone and flew towards the center of the forest.


Leo got punched in the stomach and blasted back, burying his back mildly in a tree!

And there he was, Vincent, in a fighting stance.

I knew I had no chance of winning in fighting Vincent.

And he charged at me before I had time to think.


In a flash, I was right behind Vincent.

It seems like I instinctively teleported behind Vincent without noticing it myself.

But right as I came to deliver a punch, a blade of ice shot right at me. I thankfully dodged it without needing to teleport.

What happened next I can't even recall but Leo, who was watching it all saw it.

My eyes started to glow light blue, and Vincent's eyes did too.

He covered his body in ice and charged towards me, ready to attack.

But I teleported right behind him and sent a kick, shocking him.

He then raised his hands, and water surrounded me, stopping me from teleporting, but an electrical current started, and the bubble blew up.

We didn't talk during this whole ordeal, it was like we were monsters.

Until Leo took my first aid kit and the tranquilizer gun I made for monsters.

Leo shot us both.

He took my syringes and took our blood samples.

I had gotten the 2nd and 3rd blood samples, even though he did it for me.

Hiyaaaaaaaaa~ (uncle rodger refrence?!) This chapter was crazy and hard to write! So please do everything you can to support me!!

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