
Struggles and Balances introduction

Hey I'm y/n y/l/n I struggle just like every 16 year old girl on this planet I struggle. Many days I don't even know what I struggle with. It's ideal to just go with "I struggle because of past trauma." That's the better option to go with instead of "Today I'm struggling with life because I just woke up like this" every single day it's the same thing maybe those are the struggles, maybe it's something else like social media or society. Whatever it is it's making me not want to get up from bed not because I'm lazy but I have lost all motivation to even get up to use the toilet so here I am struggling.

Balancing is something I like to do, for example today I'll lay in bed all day and tomorrow I'll get up still unmotivated to do anything but I'll hop in the shower and dress up even if I stay home and lay in bed once more but I dress up and feel pretty if it makes me feel balanced or I'll not eat at all this week and the next week I'll eat normally. Sometimes I balance myself by doing something the first half of the day and something completely for the next half of my day.

Maybe balancing makes me struggle.

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