
Strongest Existence's Son

This is a story about a special child. So special actually that he is the son of the strongest thing to ever exist. Upon reaching the age his father wanted, he is now put on stage, a world like stage to prove his worth as the sone of the great one himself. Now placed in the world made by his oh great father, a world so complicated only his father could be praised. But of course the start would be simple, as in this vast world, his existence is but a miniscule dust. Watch as the adventure of a man that is to be the strongest lives, as the son of this great ol fat- of the GREAT ONE HIMSELF!!!! *On Hold

KinglessHeaven · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

01. Oh Great Son

Set in a place only one could imagine. Inside the vast area of space laid a gigantic spherical planet at the size of a galaxy. With the perfect upper half made with glass and the bottom half made with land. The entire planet was cut in half like it was a futuristic spaceship. The land was in the middle containing absolutely anything anyone would ever need.

With amusement parks, a grand farm for every species of animals, including fantasy ones. With factories that makes absolutely every component in life. Mansions, houses, schools, forests, resorts, really anything you could name.

At the south edge of this planet, covering almost 10 percent of the entire land, it was a mansion esque castle that was so impractically huge for anyone to even live in.

"Ryu, now that you are 1,200 years old, it's about time I teach you some things."

"I'm going to be late for school dad, can we do this later."

"School can wait."

"What a responsible father~"

"Thank you for the compliment, anyway as I was saying."

At the lawn of the great mansion, at an open land with no grass but just paved dirt, stood two people both at the height of 4'10.

With one man called father(not really his name) wearing absolutely nothing but just white blurs covering his private parts and a small white blur covering his nipples.

And another man called Ryu wearing a multi layered clothing of a very fancy school.

"It is time for me to teach you some things."

"I already learn everything at school, what e-"


"I may be called the strongest being and someone that has only ever fought using brute strength and nothing more."


Father had his hands behind his back and was walking like a military officer talking to his cadets.

"But I know a lot of fighting techniques myself. And today I will teach them to you."



"To me, I would say brute strength pretty much solves everything and to me I don't use fighting techniques because they are for the weak."


"Fighting techniques, as it names puts it are lame excuses to enhance the little power you have. But that doesn't exclude me wanting to teach em to you."


"Heres something I have never told to anyone."

Father was now going to ramble more about some stupid bullshit after rambling on about fighting techniques and completely disregarding them. He was an absolute rambler and a waste of everyone's precious time.

"Really? No one?"

"Shhhhhh!!! It sounds cooler that way."

"I was actually never strong from the beginning. Despite how everyone depicts me as the first thing to ever exist and the creator of everything as I existed even before quarks or for stupid people, atoms even existed."

"And it will now be explained and tell tell by the narrator."

"What narrato-"

From a very young age I was just like any other child. I lived on a planet called earth, and I was just an average child with a slightly above average academic skills.

But that didn't mean I was smart, the school system was just that easy... below senior high school that is.

And in the beginning I had no power. I was not the first thing to exist, or the strongest being ever, I was just a normal obese boy in the 21st century.

But things changed after I died. I lived quite a comfortable life. Nothing much to stand out, it was just bland. Other than some slight hicups and an 8th grade syndrome I was never able to remove even before the day I died.

And so as I closed my eyes and accepted dying because of time at the ripe old age of 102 I opened my eyes once more.

Then would you believe it... of course you would, I was once again a baby, but this time I was a royal baby. More like a noble, but come on man.

The moment I realized I was reborn I set my mind to change completely. In this life I won't be obese. In this life I won't be lazy. In this life with all my riches, I would fuck every woman I see... well come on every boy is like that don't judge me.

And so I lived my life to the fullest, taking on the role as a count, learning magic and the sword, it was a normal life. Not really one filled with much problems like the story of main characters.

So once again as I accepted death at the age of 97, an age actually unheard of at this world, I woke up again as a baby and this time I was actually a royal baby.

I lived a grandious life on my second and thought what I should do in this one. I had more power so I could definitely do more. I was also the crown prince, so I really had everything.

And that life I choose the great hero journey. Luckily there was a demon king in this world, so of course I did what anyone would do, kill it for fun. It was an amazing journey.

And so as I entered my next, my fourth life, I should tell you something... don't you find something off though...

I was not experiencing such a fairy tale life as I foretold. In reality in a endless repeat of life, just two lives would already drive you insane. I mean who could actually realisticly live multiple lives when there are so many things that can happen in a day, how could 200 years even compare.

"So I ask you Ryu, what do you think is important to living multiple lives."

"A great determination and will?"

"Wrong! Your school is shit! It's insanity! I was insane! I was so lucky I was born insane! If not, I would have become an animal!"

"Ok, I really need to go to schoo-"

"SO RYU! Today will start your journey."

"Wait don't tell me..."

The father laughed and raised his hand like he was a disney villain or any actual steriotypical villain.

"Don't worry, I won't put you in such a painful journey. I will only put you in a vast world that contains the most stupidest plot ever!"

"That is not even english."

"Don't worry about anyone disturbing, your first uncle is getting chased by your aunt as usual, your second uncle and third aunt are on vacation. Your first aunt and S(e)D(e)N are at work, and your mom is also at work. For the next 2 quadrillion years I am free, and so would you!"

"Dad... please... can I at least get a pass on this one..."

Ryu laid on the ground like a dog and did the classic puppy eyes with even his entire body being a dog itself for the added effect.

"I liked tigers more anyway."

The father's entire insane persona disappeared and was changed into a serious tone. And so as he waves his hands and turns back on his son, Ryu felt dizzy and fainted.



Where in the fuck am I. I can't see anything. My hands and feet, I can feel them but they won't move at all.

Shit! This fucking father of mine. I would have rathered be born as a mortal than be this insane man's son. When mother hears of this she- nevermind they are both insane.

Now what am I going to do. I am in a pure black space and my entire body won't move. If only I didn't talk with my father today and just went to school, just, just maybe, on the off chance I would have gotten away.


[The Doting Father System Has Been Activated]

What do you mean doting, that man- ok why the fuck is he actually doting with that personality. That shitting existence of a man.

As I wallow in sadness and vented anger at my father. The system that appeared in front of my eyes in this vast plane of darkness. 'Ahhh!!! It hurts my eyes! Who in the right mind flashes a bright colore in this middle of the dark! Ahhhhh!!!!'

A screen that had the same and only messeged then disappeared. And what appeared next was a bigger screen at the size of a box.

It was none other than my father sitting in the middle of an empty theatre eating popcorn.

"Ughhhh! Popcorn, I still hate them!"

"Oh I didn't see you there! Hello my son! How does it feel being a fetus."

Fetus... so I was a fetus... that means I'll get birthed won't I... Fuck!

"Correct, but don't worry, it won't be painful, you were trained to handle pain in school right?"

I almost forgot he can read my mind.

"So then... Hmmmm... why am I here again?"

I don't know, to bother me I guess. Can I just get out of here. Why are you even doing this to me.

"Ahh! I remember!"

And please stop ignoring me! This senile old man.

"Eyyy! I'm not old! Despite being the oldest thing alive... I'm not old."

He leaned his head slowly to the back with his eyes squinted and was staring at me with contempt.

It wasn't funny, not at all.

"Anyway enough with the jokes, I forgot to tell you about the world you would be in."

"It's a vast world, that you would first start in a fantasy one then as you conquer that place you could explore other lands with different plots at them."


"Oh did I forget to say why you were out in here? Of course its to take over the entire world!"

What the fuck! I haven't gotten to that school course yet.


He waves his hands like a woman and laughed.

"I conquered multiple realms and worlds then got caught up with some mess with the Multiverse Safety and Secure Life Management (MSSLM), till I gained enough power to rewrite the entire plane of existence making me the first thing to ever exist."

"So then you would too."

Fuck! I'm not insane you mother fucker. There is absolutely no way I would do any of that bullshit.

"Oh and last thing, it will probably take you on average a million years, so as my other test on you..."

A million fucking years! What the fuck I'm not even that old yet!

"You are born as a human so find a way to extend your lifespan, if you die... Eng! Eng! You lose, gotta restart brother!"

Oh my fucking God! I don't want to waste my time on this bullshit test, I prefer school life God Dammit!"

"Eyy, I don't permit the use of my name."

Suddenly another man with a full white beard appeared as a side joke of his name and status.

"Anyway, let's get started now, bye bye!"

Wait a second! I have more questions!

And as usual he didn't listen. The screen that had the face of my father disappeared completely and was later then replaced by a screen showing options for the start of my life.




There was also a timer on the upper right corner. At the same time I was hearing the sound of my "mother" birthing me, it seems like I was at the verge of being born.


There were three difficulty options I assume. I mean what would having the hard difficulty even bring me. Choosing the easy was the obvious answer.

[The Harder The Difficulty The More Praise You Would Get From Your Father]

The fuck would I care about his praises. Easy difficulty it is.

[Father Has Taken Emotional Damage]

As I chose the easy difficulty I waited for the timer to run out. And I feared the feeling of being birthed. Of course I have already went through this, but I was not concious at that time. This time I am. I just wish the paint would be that much, I have been trained to withstand pain ever since I was young so it probably wont hinder me too much.

And so time went by and I could here the doctors voice and my mother's cry and screeching voice.

Then... I was popped out. I laid my eyes on a wonderful castle interior, it seems like the easy difficulty was being born a noble or maybe even a crown prince.

There were 2 servants at the far off and my mother carrying my body. And a single female doctor that birthed me.

I do not see my father so that puts me on a slight edge. There are many reasons a father wouldn't be there at the birth of their child, I just hope it wouldn't be a tiring one.

And now that I am here already, I should probably try something and see if it works...