
Strongest Assassin Squad

This is a story of a particular young man who wants to be an assassin and create the strongest assassin squad but sadly he is just an ordinary man you can find everywhere and anywhere. No talents and all he just do is read novel, manga and watch anime. However one day he found himself in the body of a baby.... What will he do? Now heaven give him a second chance to start anew in different world. Note: The photo is not mine

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2 Chs

Power Level

1st Grade - (100 years) - Level 0-9

2nd Grade - (150 years) - Level 10-19

3rd Grade - (200 years) - Level 20-29

4th Grade - (400 years) - Level 30-39

5th Grade - (600 years) - Level 40-49

6th Grade - (800 years) - Level 50-59

7th Grade - (1,000 years) - Level 60-69

8TH Grade - (1,300 years) - Level 70-79

9th Grade - (1,600 years) - Level 80-89

10th Grade - (2,000 years) - Level 90-99



Talent (Weakest to Strongest)

1) Red

2) Orange

3) Yellow

4) Violet

5) Indigo

6) White (Strongest talent that has been recorded)