
Problematic Terrorist

Third Person PoV

As Kojou stood against the high librarian, he was nervous, a feeling he didn't have in a long time.

'I need to get more familiars, six isn't enough to make me invincible. I need more power!'

Kojou's mind was filled with thoughts like that and hence he had a crazy idea on how to kill Wiseman, permanently.

But first he needed to make sure the witch won't be able to intervene in that manoeuvre or he just needed to do it then.

Currently he can't use any familiars, unless he wants his wound to get even more worse.

Ofcourse, he could use the magic he is paring for Nagisa and Asagi, but that wasn't even an option in his mind.

'Oh, what wonders it would be if those two could also sustain my familiars with their own magic or have some extra defence!'

But he didn't have much chance to contemplate more as a behemoth rose from the ocean.

A humanoid figure larger than most buildings stood behind the prison realm. It's body was made up of gold, red shiny eyes and multiple red crystals embedded all over his body.

"KuKuKuKuKuKuKu! Imperfect beings, bow down to your perfect God!"

The voice of a megalomaniac came from the large mouth full of shards.

"KuKuKuKuKuKuKu! I shall begin the creation of my perfect world by removing this ugly creation in front of me."

The mouth began charging a particle beam, but just before it could impact the prison barrier, his mouth was forcibly shut from a solid punch to his lower jaw.

Making the explosion go off in his mouth and his entire face vanished.

Kojou had already made his way below the wiseman, he didn't want to take any chances now.

He couldn't use any familiar so physical combat was the only way to kill the abomination in front of him.

But as bad his luck was, Wiseman's couldn't be hurt with physical attacks, hence forcing Kojou to use the liquid god's own attacks against him.

But that would only work for so long, the face reformed and looked at Kojou who was standing on top of the prison realm.

"KuKuKuKuKuKuKu! Imperfect being, why do you stop me?"

"Imperfect? The only one here Imperfect is you with that ugly ass body of yours."

Kojou retorted to the behemoth.

"KuKuKuKuKuKuKu! Resist all you want imperfect being you will fall before my might."

"Stop laughing like that motherfucker!"

And another beam was charged, Kojou tried to close the mouth again but this time a hand swatted him, he was able to turn himself in time to use the huge hand as a platform and jumped away.

But it was too late, the beam was already charged, and was launched. Kojou prepared to take the hit to his body, but it never came.

Surprisingly, The Notarian Witch had somehow negated the attack, but Kojou didn't linger on it for much, for now.

Tokoyogi Aya wasn't hell bent on destroying the prison barrier, she is more interested in Natsuki-chan, so he can stay a bit calm, although he is still cautious.

But he figured that he needed to kill the liquid god first, he could always deal with the witch after he is rested, she doesn't seem to be keen on killing him, not that it is possible.

Trusting Kanon and Astarte to keep Natsuki-chan and Asagi safe, he raised his hand to do something crazy.

He knew that the two attack mages and the princess would keep his sister fine, and his mother, as perverted as she is, is a great doctor so Yumma should also be fine.

With a peace of mind Kojou began to speak.

""I, Akatsuki Kojou, successor to the blood of "Kaleid Blood", now release your constraints. Come, Eleventh Familiar, Sadalmelik-Albus!"

Kojou just broke every expectation Aya had, she never in her wildest dreams thought that the 4th Primogenitor would awaken a familiar who he didn't have control over.

What was even more surprising, that the familiar answered his call.

The familiar was a weird combination of and Undine and a snake, it had a very sadistic smile on its face as it rushed towards the golden figure with astonishing speed.

She swerved around and latched onto wiseman by curling her arms around his neck, and pulled him inside the ocean, drowning him and hiding what she was doing.

Kojou knew the power of his Eleventh Familiar was very dangerous but it was also a direct counter to most things, but that was not his worry at the moment.

His remaining magical power was going out of control due to his forced summoning of a familiar.

He tried to stop but it was inevitable, the familiar after dealing with Wiseman would rage for magical power, making Kojou go on a rampage.

His eyes were already red and his fangs had grown as if he was about to drink, longer than ever.

Soon enough the familiar came out of the water, having reduced the existence of Wiseman to nothing, it looked at Kojou with the same sadistic expression on her face.

Kojou only smiled in pain as he knew what was about to come but it didn't. The familiar didn't rush at him to devour him but simply went back calmly.

Kojou and the witch were both stumped at that, but the witch moved fast. She appeared next to Kojou and the attack of Wiseman she had negated before was launched at Kojou.

She had used her spatial magic to temporarily stop the beam and had now realesed it.

Kojou being near unconscious could only watch as the powerful beam struck him and his body was shredded, he managed to protect his torso but his hands were gone and he was launched towards the main island, only to fall to god knows where, if any where alive.

By then Vatler had killed the famed dragon slayer and looked no worse for wear except his dress, which was shredded on multiple places.

"So he managed to summon that familiar? He continues to surprise me every single time we meet."

Vatler said before laughing magically and went to find another one of those legendary criminals.

"That shouldn't kill him, but it will bring me ample time to begin my curse."

Aya Tokoyogi said before she teleported inside of Saikai Academy.

Kojou's fate was unknown, where he landed and how would he survive?

La Folia along with the two attack mages from the LKO was standing in front of a door, all three of them feeling a little bit nervous.

Yukina was carrying Yuuma on her back, while looking weird as she was much smaller.

Finally gathering enough courage, the princess pressed the bell and waited for the gate to be opened.

Shortly later the gate was opened and a watermelon walked out of it?

But no it was a cosplay as the watermelon was removed and a mature woman with the same silver hair as Kojou appeared.

Her hair was even messier than Kojou's and she wore glasses, which hid her large violet eyes.

"Ara~ such cute girls, did you come here for treats?"

"Um, no we need your help, Kojou sent us here, we need you to take care of her."

La Folia said as she motioned towards the body of Yuuma. The doctor looked at the unconscious Yuuma and invited them in.

"I am Akatsuki Mimori, Akatsuki Kojou's mother, but he sure has his luck with beautiful ladies."

The perverted mother said as she helped Yukina lay down the witch onto the couch and quickly undid her bra, from the dress.

The three girls were impressed by that but also blushed as Mimori began to grope the unconscious girl.

"Ano? What are you doing?" Yukina asked while blushing.

"Oh, this? I am a psychometric doctor. I can know everything about a person just by touching their skin."

"Then is it necessary to touch her chest?" Sayaka said.

"Yes, My power is only activated when touching the breasts of cute girls."

Mimori said, Nodding like a sage and in the next moment got serious and said.

"Her spiritual pass is severed, her magic power will continue to seep into the surroundings until she dies, help me to take her to my lab, I will see what I can do. But what happened to Yuuma-chan?"

Yukina nodded at that while La Folia said.

"Her guardian was ripped out from her."

La Folia explained in short, not giving out any details. Mimori nodded at that and with the help of Yukina began lifting Yuuma, but just then Nagisa entered the room, dressed as a cat.

"Are, Yukina-chan? Sayaka-san? Ojou-sama? Why are you here?"

But before any one of them could answer, her eyes fell on to Yuuma and she asked

"What? Yuu-chan is injured? How did this happen? Where is Kojou-kun?"

"Sayaka-san, please explain it to Nagisa-chan, I will help Mimori-san." Yukina said and went to pick up Yuuma.

"Call me mother!"

The mad doctor said as Yukina followed her, carrying Yuuma over herself again.

"So, Sayaka-san, what happened?"

Nagisa asked, her arms folded near her chest and her index finger tapping on the other hand.

The two began to explain to the little sister what had happened and soon they finished their explanation.

"So, Yuu-chan stole Kojou-kun's body, tried to kill Minamiya-sensei, then Kojou kun fought her off and took back his body, all the while you two fought some witches, Kanon-chan and Astarte-san fought a legendary alchemist. And some famous inmates are going after Asagi-chan who has a young Minamiya-sensei, and Kojou-kun is fighting alone with the mother of Yuu-chan, the inmates and the legendary alchemist."

Nagisa said in one breath, while the other two could only nod.

"You know Kojou-kun probably sent you away, because he knew he wasn't going to win, or else he would have kept you there and fought."

At that moment they felt a sudden urge of Kojou's power and then it instantly vanished.

"Kojou-kun's magic power vanished?"

Nagisa said in a voice that contained fear. No one noticed the fact that she was able to sense magic power this well.

Both La Folia and Sayaka were also worried but weren't able to do much, because even if they went now, everything would be over by then.

They could only wait until the condition of Yuuma stabilises and they can plan their next move, Aldegyr is also asking La Folia to return.

All in all he situation has gotten intense, on top of that, La Folia is now adamant on seeing the end of this problem to the end.

In her mind, although Kojou wouldn't mind if she went back, it would surely make her image fall a bit in Kojou's eye, she didn't want that, so she ignored the calls from her father and didn't return.

Asagi was just walking back home along with the little Natsuki-chan, she had just named her Sana-chan.

She had fed her some sweets in a cafe and was walking near her home, she knew that she would be targeted, now that she knew about Sana-chan being Natsuki-chan.

As she was walking by, an Old monk stood in front of her. Wearing an orange dress he stood there menacingly, multiple piercings in his ears.

"Girl, hand over the witch of the void."

Asagi quickly moved the little Sana-chan behind her and looked at the old monk with suspiciousness in her eyes.

"What makes you think I will hand her over to you?"

"Then die, little girl!"

Asagi didn't wait any longer and called upon the familiar to defend herself and run away, she needed to go to someplace secluded before she could use her powers freely.

She didn't look behind her to see what kind of attack the monk had used.

She immediately made up a shield and ran away towards the nearest gate of the Keystone gate, to use the island guard.

But as fate would have it, the entire way was empty, as the Halloween parade was going on at the time, this road was completely empty.

She can't leave her back open to something who can use long range attacks.

'It seems I need to fight, Kojou did say help is coming, so I can fight without any problems, let's hope all those training sessions were worth it.'

Having made up her mind, Asagi stopped and told Sana-chan.

"Sana-chan go and hide behind that building, mama will deal with the bad guy."

"Mama, will you not get hurt?"

"No, mama will be fine."

Asagi gave hope to the girl and patted her back, and watched her slowly walk to the building.

And turned around to see the man approaching her, she opened her phone and asked Mogwai.

But she didn't need to ask, as the AI had already seen the situation through the CCTV cameras.

"Kiliga Gilika, a monster who put a fire spirit into his body to be efficient in killing, was arrested and sent to the prison barrier for attempted terrorism in Itogami Island six years ago."

The AI said without any wait.

"No wonder he looked a bit familiar, I must have seen him on the television."

Asagi muttered as she prepared for a fight.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Like it ? Add to library!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Vegeta_Kakarotcreators' thoughts