
Strictly Platonic

Hindered by her past, Bambi tries to pick up the pieces of her seemingly broken life. But when a sudden whirlwind takes a human form in Oh Sehun, she faces a type of chaos she isn't quite ready for. Add her quirky friends into the mix and you get a recipe for disaster. Will she be able to take that one brave step to move on from her past? Or will she choose to remain stuck in a f'ed up haze of sugarcoated memories?

effylane · Selebritas
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 7

The smell of an enticing aroma from the kitchen awakens Bambi from her slumber. Eyes half-closed, she continues to sniff, trying to decipher what exactly is being cooked into perfection just a few feet away.

Well, there's coffee... She lazily thinks. And something cinnamon-y... Maybe cinnamon rolls?!

Her eyes shoot open as she sits up on her bed. She stares at the door, mentally debating whether to finally start the day with some (possibly) yummy breakfast and face Sehun or sleep for a few more hours until he thinks she's dead.

"Well, I can call in sick first," She thinks aloud even if the opposite is true. Her hangover's completely gone as well as her fever, cough, and cold.

Thanks to Sehun. Her brain reminds her.

Fragments and pieces of what happened yesterday hits her like a tidal wave. She couldn't remember every single bit, because she slept most of the time. But for the moments wherein she was somehow awake, all she saw was Sehun's face. The way his eyes widened every time she coughed increasingly by the second. The way his lips curved down whenever he took her temperature and things weren't exactly looking up. The way his forehead wrinkled in worry as he gave her another box of tissues. She couldn't tell whether she was dreaming or not, but at some point, he would even sigh and stroke her head comfortingly. Had it not been for him, her ill state would have lasted at least a couple more days.

Bambi shakes her head along with her thoughts. After repeatedly tapping her cheeks and internally scolding herself, she gets around to calling Joanna. She further stalls from going out by taking her time with her usual morning routine.

Guess it's about time I face the music. She sighs, still thinking she hasn't hogged enough time in the bathroom. Her stomach growls, warning her to eat some food or drop dead. This isn't a matter of pride anymore, but a matter of survival.

She tiptoes her way to the kitchen. Sneaking a quick peek, she almost stumbles into the scene, but thankfully, manages to save face.

"You're....cooking?" She squeaks as she clears her throat.

"Better than you," He retorts with a nasty smirk.

"Someone's cranky." She plops onto one of the high chairs by the kitchen counter and continues to watch on.

"Well, a total of two hours of sleep isn't exactly pleasant. Go figure." He concentrates on the pan while maintaining a calm tone.

Guilt starts to arise within her. "Thanks, by the way. For um..." She pauses, trying to come up with the proper term. Taking care of me? Jumping at the risk of catching my ratchet ass disease? Not quarantining me and leaving me to hell in this loft? "For yesterday."

"No sweat." He keeps his cool and shares a quick smile. "What are roommates for, right?"

"Sure." She manages a small smile in return but looks away immediately from embarrassment.

"Aren't you supposed to be heading to work?" He asks, attempting to ease the mood.

"Called in sick," She answers and almost instantly, he leaves the pan unattended on the stove. He rushes near her and reaches for her forehead.

Bambi jerks away in surprise while simultaneously blurting out, "I'm fine. I um...I just need a day's rest. That's all."

His eyes meet hers, their faces only centimeters apart. "You're sure?"

She nods her head frantically while avoiding his gaze.

He takes one last glance at her before getting back to what he was cooking.

She clears her throat awkwardly. "So, what are we having?"

"French toast."


He chuckles as he hands over her plate and sits across to eat his breakfast as well.

They continue to munch in silence. And for the first time, they both decide not to fill it with words. In a way, they're now comfortable with it. They no longer feel the need to spout unnecessary thoughts aloud just to abide by the standard social constitution.

The buzzing of the front door suddenly resonates in the loft, breaking their momentary peace.

"Good morning, my chickadees!" Sandara greets brightly, gliding her way next to Bambi.

"How is it that you're almost always home?" Sehun questions puzzled.

"It's because she doesn't need to work," Bambi answers for her.

"Thanks, friend." Sandara mockingly glares at her before focusing on Sehun. "I'm in between jobs, okay? Some of us have to struggle to survive, model boy."

"Why doesn't she need to work?" Sehun asks.

"You model?" Bambi stares at him curiously.

"Hello! I'm here!" Sandara exclaims, waving her arms about.

"Yeah, I model." He shrugs coolly.

"She doesn't need to work, because she's the precious daughter of one of the biggest conglomerates ever," Bambi finally reveals.

"Really? Which one?"

"Park Summit Holdings."

"Wow. You guys should get jobs as ignorers," Sandara snaps as she pouts at her female friend. "And just so you know, I've been cut off recently."

"Sorry to hear about that," Sehun offers soothingly.

"How long ago?" Bambi tilts her head, unconvinced at her statement.

"Two days." Sandara slumps her shoulders in an attempt to look more pitiful.

"Big deal. You just have to wait for five more." Bambi waves at her dismissively.

"He sounded serious this time," The older one whines, further frowning her way.

"Didn't he also sound serious a month ago?" Bambi cocks an eyebrow, totally not buying into Sandara's little act.

"You're right. I forgot you're a good listener. There's no use throwing the pity card at you," Sandara growls. She decides to pester their male companion instead. "Got any gigs today, Sehunnie??"

"Yeah, actually. I have to get going in like twenty minutes," He responds, giving his wristwatch a double-take before nodding in agreement.

"Ooh! Can we come??" Sandara bubbles excitedly. Her eyes sparkle at the thought of being surrounded by male models.

"No, no." Bambi shakes her head and waves her finger accordingly.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" A devilish smile forms on Sandara's lips as she tugs on her friend's arm.

"No, no. It—no. No. No, no." Why can't I just enjoy my cinnamon-y French toast alone in my apartment in peace????

"We both know your fever's gone and you called in sick today. So, get your hiney up and about and do something productive!" Sandara springs off her seat and boldly throws her arms up in an attempt to intimidate Bambi.

There's no way of escaping this. Sandara just knows her all too well. "And tagging along to Sehun's work is going to do that? I bet he's not even allowed to bring people." She stares at her, trying to remain unfazed on the surface.

"Well, I can. There's only two of you. Not that I'm forcing you or anything. But if you want to come, you can," Sehun explains with a bright smile.


"I still can't believe I actually got dragged into this." Bambi frowns and folds her arms across her chest in annoyance.

After much deliberation, Sandara managed to get her out of the loft and into the park, where Sehun is currently having his photoshoot.

"Please," Her friend counters with a snort, "Don't tell me that you're not enjoying the numerous eye candy around."

Bambi scans the many male models walking nearby for what seems the nth time. There was a handful that noticed Sandara in a heartbeat since it's common knowledge that she's undeniably beautiful. Adding Bambi, who's standing next to the older female like an awkward loaf of bread, into that equation makes Sandara's beauty stand out even more. Bambi's well aware that she isn't ugly, but she isn't ethereally beautiful either.

Just your average girl next door. She mentally guesses and nods in agreement. If she and Sandara were places in the world, Sandara would be thrivingly mystical, wondrous, and widely popular Paris while Bambi would be Vanuatu. No one ever really notices Vanuatu; some may not even know what or where it is, but if given the chance by curious onlookers to explore, hidden treasures can be found in it.

"Hey, guys!" Sehun greets the girls after a long shoot. "Not bored yet?"

"Of course not! Why would we be?" Sandara grins with bursting glee.

His eyes then fall upon Bambi, waiting for a response.

"It's nice. Like one of my few magazine shoots except there are a lot of...attractive men," She replies with a forced smile.

"Ooooh my God! It's the Globe guy!!!" Sandara squeals as she leaves to catch up with the good looking and well-known male model.

Bambi shakes her head at the overenthusiastic girl from a distance and turns back to Sehun. "So you're the Sprite guy?" She inquires casually.

"Yeah, a couple of years ago." He shrugs.

"No wonder you looked kind of familiar."

"I get that a lot," He chuckles.

"Hey man. Who's your friend?" A deep voice joins in.

"Ah..." Sehun fidgets anxiously as he introduces both parties, "Um...Chanyeol, Jongin. This is Bambi, my roommate. Bambi, these are my friends."

She shares a polite smile, trying her best not to giggle like a schoolgirl. She has to admit that Sehun's friends are good looking and in charmingly different ways. Chanyeol is as gigantic as Sehun but has the face of childlike innocence. Jongin, on the other hand, isn't as tall but exuded so much sex appeal. He reminds her of a Bratz doll for some reason.

"Roommate?" Chanyeol questions with a raised eyebrow, "Roommate or giiiirlfri--"

"ROOMMATE," Sehun instantly interrupts with a warning glance. He clears his throat nervously and continues, "We um...we're strictly platonic."

"You're joking." Chanyeol lets out a short chortle.

"No, he's not. I proposed that idea." Bambi stares him down despite the height difference.

"Right. I remember you now. I've heard a lot about you," Jongin finally speaks as he glances at Sehun with a mischievous smile.

"I haven't!" Chanyeol whines and turns back to her, "What's your deal?"

"My deal?" Bambi cocks an eyebrow.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it in like an offensive way. I mean like how long have you guys known each other?" Chanyeol grins, glancing at the two back and forth.

Sehun and Bambi's eyes slowly meet, but they keep mum. It's not that they don't have an answer for it. They both just know that that particular answer will definitely lead to more questions.

There's someone worse than Sehun after all. She thinks to herself, trying not to smack his friend in the face then and there.

Even if Bambi has only just met Chanyeol, she's become well aware of the type of person he is. A chatty and curious bugger; one she'd like to avoid at all costs.

"I think we've done enough," Jongin breaks the silence as he pulls on Chanyeol's arm for them to leave.

"What? Wait! No, we haven't! Jongin!!" Chanyeol stares at him, clueless to the situation he has created himself.

"Sorry about that," Sehun whispers dangerously close to her.

She looks up at him, about to offer a snarky response when her eyes unintentionally flutter at the proximity of their faces.

What the hell? She thinks as her heart starts racing.

"Did one of you call Kyungsoo?" Sandara invades the tiny space between them while putting on her best frown.

Bambi snaps into reality and musters a sheepish smile her friend's way. She didn't want to be left alone with Sandara and Sehun until later. She needed a mediator to get her out of all the crazy. So, calling Kyungsoo over seemed to be the best option for that.

"Why am I not surprised?" Sandara crosses her arms on her chest, staring at a familiar figure gradually walking towards them.

"Did someone order a kindergarten teacher?" Kyungsoo questions with much enthusiasm.

"No. Not really," Sandara sassily remarks.

"I knew you'd be upset, so dinner's on me," He offers with a warm smile.

"Kyungsoo, light of my life and apple of my eye. Where have you been all this time?" She throws her arms up and pulls the wide-eyed boy into an embrace. "And I was only kidding! You're my favorite."

"Don't push it," Kyungsoo responds, rolling his eyes.

"I thought I was your favorite." Sehun frowns.

"I'm flaky." Sandara shrugs as she links arms with him. "See?" She skips ahead with the confused boy trying to keep up with her.

The two left behind can only shake their heads at the sight.

"How was school?" Bambi asks her best friend as they start to walk at a steady pace.

"Great, mom!" Kyungsoo sarcastically replies and she immediately scrunches her nose up at him. He laughs and decides to return the question. "How's your day off?"

"Alright, I guess." She shrugs, recalling the supposed mundane events of the day.

"Still don't remember anything?" He teases.

She tsks and rolls her eyes. "Which reminds me..." Her tone turns suspicious, "What exactly have you seen for you to be this condescending about it?"

"Nothing," He lies through his teeth. "Your dancing was really weird though."

She instantly slaps his shoulder with all her strength, but he laughs it off.

"If you can't remember, you can't remember. I was only asking. It's not like I can force you to remember. Right?" He continues in a mysterious tone, "But I will tell you one thing. Your flirting got a little bit better."

He's never going let me live that down, is he? "My FLIRTING? I was trying to entice a tree. How is THAT flirting better?" Her voice raises an octave.

"Oh..." He shakes his head, reminiscing on what he witnessed that night. You don't even know the half of it. "You know, you always liked the tall type. So...good aim."

"Would you have wanted for me to flirt with you instead?"

"As if." He shudders at the thought and reverts to a more delicate subject. "Sehun take good care of you?"

"Mmm..." She hums, finding herself smiling, but shakes it off as soon as she realizes the ridiculousness of her reaction. "Kind of annoying though. Means I owe him."

"You kinda do," He agrees. A lot more than you think. "He's a good guy, you know."

"No, he's not. He's a little shit and you all know that."

"Underneath all that little shit...tedness. He's a pretty nice guy."

"What are you? His wingman?"

"I'm JUST SAYING," Kyungsoo points out. "But then again, I wouldn't exactly cast my vote for him if you two were to date."

"What?" Bambi's face scrunches in disgust.

"Theoretically. If you guys were to date, I wouldn't—no, that wouldn't be such a good idea," He explains, half of his attention wandering off to the image of Sehun and Bambi becoming a couple. He isn't completely against it, but he isn't liking it all that much either. Now, he's just as confused as her.

"Well, worry no further. That's NEVER going to happen," She firmly proclaims in a raised voice.

They both immediately stop on their tracks as they spot Sehun talking and laughing with a group of attractive and slim women not too far away. Sandara keeps her distance but rushes to her friends as soon as she sees them.

"You're right. My bad," Kyungsoo says, staring at how close Sehun's lingering at one of the girls.

"See? Little shit right there," Bambi concludes, rolling her eyes at the scene.

"Ooohh! Just look at all the ladies fawning over him! My baby, so handsome!" Sandara gushes with dreamy eyes.

Bambi freezes at the word. "Handsome?"

"He's such a handsome boy, isn't he?" Sandara turns to her, both her hands clasped under her chin.

Bambi mentally hears her own voice slurring similar words towards a handsome stranger. Bits and pieces of a particular memory start to form in her head. Laughing. Flirting. Closeness. A memorable scar. Faces inches away, almost kissing. Though she remembers, his face is quite blurry.

Could it be...? She thinks as her eyes fall upon Sehun, trying to solve the puzzle in her mind.

"No way." She shakes her head at how silly her thoughts are being. "There's no way it could be him."