
Chapter 1:Unpack

As the cold dew shimmered in the sun light my eyes fluttered open,I let out a big yawn and sat up.My mom was still driving and my dad was asleep, I pulled my phone out to see the time,6:30 am.I opened the text I had gotten from my friends back home,"are you there yet" ,"how is it in Colorado so far?","hope you have a safe trip<3".I miss my friends so much already and I'm not even there yet.I asked my mom how much longer,she replied "we are fixing to be there just a few more minutes" so I just plugged my

headphones in and turned my favorite song on "Honey Pie"♡ it's by far the BEST song in the world I love it so much,Soon enough we arrived there…our new house,Mom said to go ahead and unpack so I grabbed my bags and ran up stairs to my new room,As I stood at the door to my bran new room I stared at the door handle, it was so shiny.I slowly turned and opened it,my jaw dropped it was so beautiful,I had always wanted a upstairs room so it was perfect,I walked in and lied my stuff on my bed that was brought there earlier before I had arrived,I opened the white bumble bee curtains.The bright sun shined in my room,I could see my neighbor's house from my window,I closed my door and started unpacking my clothes and decorations for my room.after I finished hanging up all of my clothes and pictures I went down the beautifully detailed stairs and told my mom I was going to take moose for a walk she replied "ok just be home before dinner",I agreed.Moose came running down the hall,I clipped the leash on him and we walked outside.I turned my music on and put my headphones in while we walked,we talked to a few of our new neighbor and they seemed pretty nice.I couldn't believe how many beautiful houses there were,they were all different colors like red,blue,white,green,and more. Soon enough it was 3:00pm so we headed home,we finally reached home and walked in,I let moose off the leash to go to my room for bed.I heard mom and dad talking to someone so I entered the kitchen with them,there stood a woman,man, and two young men.One looked like he was angry,He was tall with light brown hair,tanned skin blues eyes ,broad shoulders and he was muscular.The other was tall with curly red hair like his mother green eyes pale broad shoulders and he was also muscular.Brothers but yet so different.They all turned to me so I smiled and said hello,my mom and dad introduced me and the strangers,turns out they were just the neighbors from across the street.My mom and dad suggested me and the sons should get to know each sense we are going to be neighbors and stuff,so we went to the living room while the parents were in the kitchen.I asked if they wanted to watch something and they said sure so we watch CoCo☼,after word we got to know each other.The older son was 19 and his name is Brodie,the other was 17 and his name is Kelli.They we're both close to my age I'm only 18 so I was older then Kelli and younger then Brodie,they stayed for dinner then after words went home.I stood up and stretched and wish my parents a good night and I love them,I walked up the stairs and went to my room where moose was waiting for me on my bed.I changed into some sleep wear and fix my covers on my bed and turned the lights out,I turned the the Tv onto Ponyo and I climbed under the cool covers and I cuddled with moose and fell asleep.