
Story of Gin Uzumaki

It's the story of a reincarnated young Uzumaki named Gin. No Quests in system. He will get points from dungeon grinding. Absolutely no harem.

abnormaly_smol · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

System and Decisions

Gin woke up after an hour and observed his surrounding with a calm manner. Although he was depressed over his parents death, he was now having a different problem. He had familiar distance memories in his mind. And what he concluded is that those memories are from his past life. And according to those memories and this life's memories. He was reborn in Naruto world. It's a world full of Hippocrates. They start wars over little resources every decade. War and manipulation is in their very nature. And he was reborn in this shitty dangerous world.

Gin was upset over this. He then looked at a blue screen hovering near him. It was showing his status.


Name: Gin Uzumaki

Race: Human

Bloodline: Uzumaki

Age: 10

State: Healthy (Forced to clam mind of host for 24 hours)

Chakra: [LOCKED]

System Points: 0

{Recommended to open starter pack}


Gin observed his status after a while asked the system in his mind " How was I reincarnated in Naruto world? I only remember dying in my previous life then I have no recollection of memories expect this life?".

[Host memories of meeting the high being were erased after giving you a chance to be reincarnated in a random world]

Gin heard what the robotic voice said dismissed the useless thoughts for now and looked at his parents dead body in front of him with a sad face.

Gin couldn't do anything to whoever did this massacre and decided that he will first make graves for all the people of village and burry them.

It took an entire night for Gin to do all the work and burry the villagers and his parents. It was almost dawn time and he was tired and decided to take rest at his home for now. And look for the scrolls that his mother told him about.


Gin woke up after a few hours of sleep in his room. His mood was still gloomy but the system forced his mind to remain calm.

Gin tried to call the system from the commands that were in his mind for some reason.

"System interface"







Gin then commanded "Open the starter pack".




1000 SP




Gin felt that something inside him was released free, So he started meditating. He felt the warm energy inside his body and let it flow in his chakra system.

After a while Gin let it flow on it own. He took out bloodline pill and ate it. At that instant Gin's entire body started feeling hot. steam was coming out of his body, his skin became blood red and after a few seconds black substance started coming out of his body. This entire process took only a minute and it wasn't a least bit painful instead he felt warm feeling in his entire body.

Gin started checking his body. He felt power surging in every cell of his body. He then looked at the smelly black substance on his body.

"So, this is the infamous black substance that comes out of body after taking cleansing pills."

Gin then took shower and looked at his new appearance. His hair became dark red color, hir skin became pail even more compared to before.

Gin decided to get out of the village for now as to who knows when people from nearby village might come. Gin started storing everything from his house that he felt were useful or important things and stored them in his inventory. Gin then went inside his parents room in the end. He started storing their stuffs and he found some scrolls in her lock and stored them as well. After storing the house clean he gave it one last look and then went out of the village to nearby town.

After half an hour Gin reached the town.

Gin looked for a place to buy something to eat. He had a few thousand ryo that he took from his house. He can live with this much money for a few months without any worry. As he still didn't had any breakfast, he bought some food from food stalls and ate them. After having his full with different food of many stalls. Gin bought week worth of food for himself. He was about to leave the town when he heard some shopkeepers talking to each other.

"Hey have you heard about the massacre that happened in nearby few villages? It seems konoha and Kiri started war yesterday and cleared the nearby area." Shopkeeper 1

"Yeah, I heard about it too. Seems like konoha was the one deploying their ninjas around that part this morning. So, it must be related to them." Shopkeeper 2

They continued their conversation. But Gin was on his own thoughts while walking out of the town.

' So, it was related to konoha. And it's the time of 3rd great ninja War. And the ones who massacred people should be root ninjas. they are the ones who do the dirty work for konoha.' Gin though

Gin after an hour reached nearby forest. after searching for a while he found a cave nearby river in forest. He decided to live her for the time being. He took out bed and other useful things in cave and went outside for training. He then called out his [STATUS].

Name: Gin Uzumaki

Race: Human

Bloodline: Uzumaki

Age: 10

State: Healthy

Chakra: High level Jonin

System Points: 1K]