
Story of a Multiversal Travel

This is a story about Irene Rose how she died and her story in the Multiverse ********************************************************************* The First world is Dragonball ********************************************************************* Tags: Female Protagonist, World Travel, no Harem ********************************************************************* I don't own Dragonball. The only thing belonging to me is the OC character and the changes in the story.

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10 Chs

Beerus, Whis and the God of Destruction Realm

" I'am just a human who wants to get stronger, get more knowledge and build myself a home." said Irene

"That dosen't matter to me the god of destruction but you destroyed this Planet where i wanted to find some food so you should die vor that." said Beerus

"Master Beerus the planet that was destroyed didn't have any surviving live because of that human in front of you, all living animal's died because his Ki had such a fatal attraction that they slept to death at his side this planet was dead even before he destroyed it." said Whis

"I don't care how this planet was destroyed but i know that i want to judge the human who destroyed it so don't disturb me." said Beerus

"Human, before i destroy you, you schould say how you could become a god without having a position?" asked Beerus

"I became a god with the will to get strength and knowledge, but if i want to have that than i need to have a long enough lifespan so i let go of everything in my life just to find this one way and became a god?" answered Irene

´´After her answer the surroundings became silent for a short time``

"Hahaha you are funny if that is your answer than i want to see the strength of somone who became a god." said Beerus as he looked at me with sharp eyes

" Than come i'am not afraid of you!" said Irene before she teleportet behind Beerus and hit him in the back.

"You cheater!" answered Beerus as he flew back to Irene 

´´Both startet to wrestle in the air and cursed at each other.``

´´After the wrestle they startet hitting each other and send the other person flying``

"You are pretty good i think we can start to fight a little bit serious" said Beerus and Irene at the same time.

"I start to think that both of you schould just stop to fight because the souroundings galaxis are destroyed and if both of you would fight really serious than the existens of the universe would be at risk" said Whis as he stepped between us

" Good then lets go back home Whis i'am hungry and in my fridge should still be some snack from some Planet" said Beerus to Whis as he put his hand on Whis shoulder

"Wait Beerus i heard that you are hungry so how about i follow you to your home and i will cook something for you i'am sure that it will be statisfying" said Irene as she put her hands on Whis other shoulder and smiled at Beerus

"Sure if Master Beerus agreed than i'am happy to have some new food" said Whis

"If you think that this is a good Idea than take her with you" said Beerus to Whis with sleepy eyes

"I'am going to sleep after i have eaten so you better be fast" said Beerus to me 

" I could be faster if you don't complain all day long Beerus" said Irene 

*After some quarrel during the travel*

"Good now that we are here you should just go and start to cook and don't disturb my talk with Whis" said Beerus as he walked away with Whis

''' Now i just need to find the kitchen and can start cooking some really delicious food.''' thougt Irene

´´As i entered the house of Beerus and got in the kitchen i just thougt '''nice, that's a really big kitchen''' i searched for some food that i can use to cook and just found some slime and green mass of something living i think. ``

"then i just need to create some food." said Irene as she used the magic materialization technique to create some fish and other food's

*After i made some different dishes *

"food is ready" shouted Irene though the realm

´´in the next moment i just heard a voice``

"where,where is the food say it, it smells so good i couldn't have waited a moment longer" said Beerus as he run in front of Irene

´´In the next moment Whis also came and sat down at the tabel `` 

"ahh that just smells delicious. " said Whis

´´ I went in the kitchen and put all food plates on the table, the next thing that happend was that i could see how the food i made was getting fewer and fewer so i also sat down on a chair and startet to eat so fast i can``

*one minute later*

´´Its empty the food is completely empty everything was eaten, so i think i should create the same amount of food one time more``

 *two minute's later*

"That was nice" said everyone

"Good,now i'am going to sleep bye, if you want to ask something just talk with Whis" said Beerus as he flew away

"I wish you a long sleep Beerus and i will ask Whis if i have something to ask" said Irene

´´After that i cleaned the kitchen and went to Whis to ask if i can create my own flying island next to Beerus own.``

"Yes i don't have any problem with you creating it next to master Beerus own island if he dosen't destroy it after he wakes up than i think you can also live here but you don't need to have any pressure because master Beerus probably won't wake up in the next hundred years"

´´After i got his answer i searched for a good place and created with the magic materialization technique my own Island and built my house on the island after that i createt a live map of universe seven including all divine realm's and found many races of the people who lived during the Dragon Ball anime/manga``

´´The frozen demon race of Frieza,the saiyajin race, and the mage Bibidi who createt Majin buu i marked all these places as somwhere i need to go.``

''' I'am going to sleep for a while but before that i need to go to Whis to ask if he could train me after i slept for ten years so i schould also ask him to wake me up after ten years''' thought Irene

"Hey Whis i wanted to ask you if you could train me, after i slept for ten years if i would sleep any longer than i would like to ask you to wake me up." said Irene

"If you want than i can do this and i'am really happy that you are only going to sleep for ten years and not like Master Beerus for hundreds of years but i'am going to miss your food." said Whis

" Ah Whis if you want to get some food during the time i'am sleeping than i could just create a vending machine that has all knowledge of food i know of and you can just activate the magic materialization technique intigrated in the body of the vending machine with your Ki so that you can eat whatever you want." said Whis

"That's a good idea, your the best. I will definitly wake you up after ten years and train you then." said Whis

"Thank you" said Irene as she created the food vending machine and went back to my island and startet to sleep

*ten years later*

"Good Morning Irene you slept for ten years and now it`s time to stand up your going to train in one hour." said Whis

"Morning Whis i be right there in one hour before Beerus house." said Irene as she stood up from her bed and walked through the door.

My first 'small' combat scene i try to do it better in the future chapter but i just don't have any experience.

Hope it was good

xDark_Legendcreators' thoughts