

She paid no heed to the rest of their conversation only when Suraj started pushing her into the reception hall of the mortuary did she notice it was slightly chilly and dead. It was a place she never had imagined before, looking around she noticed the dull grey walls and the receptionist's black desk with a high black chair behind it some folders neatly stacked to one side on the other side was a computer, few centimetres a way stood a coffee mug and plate of croissants. Across the reception desk was some black chairs that served for a waiting area, and in front of her was a long dull hallway this must be the way to the cold rooms.

Suraj inquired about Jessie's corpse and the lady who was at the reception was fairly aged with greyish black hair silver rimmed glasses, wrinkles in the corners of her eyes and mouth, paled skin with a slight sprinkle of freckles. She was clad in black high waist pants, a white shirt, a dark grey cardigan and dark grey flat pumps to match. Her eyes were a hazel brown colour and her lips a slightly pinkish colour that was complimented by a soft pointy nose.

Just like this place her composure was dull she looked like she was reaching her sixties and on the brink of retirement. She checked the information in her schedule pad and nodded to them to follow her. All this time Damien tagged along, to make sure that this pair would not break down at the site of Jessie's lifeless body.

They went through the dull corridor and reached the sixth door down the hallway. It was in this cold room that Jessie's body had been kept, she spoke to a man that was attending to another body if he could help them see Jessie's body as it would be leaving in the evening for the airport (For those who don't know a coffin is sent to the airport earlier to be placed in the cargo, so as not to startle the passengers or people at the airport).

The man nodded and went to a certain cabinet that had the number 6D on it and pulled it open, lying on the cabinet tab was the lifeless Jessie, his complexion completely drained and pale, he was barely recognisable from this point of view.

Carmila stared blankly at this site. Suraj held back a few tears that stung his eyes as he reached for a handkerchief in his back pocket and wiped the tears. Damien stood silently as he recalled how he first met Carmila on that fateful day, no emotions on his face he looked down at Carmila who was still in a trance he understood that she was trying to hold herself together but failing every second that passed and soon would crack.

As expected Carmila broke down and started to weep, Suraj put one hand on her shoulder and pressed on it showing his concern and comfort. She continued to cry for some 30 minutes until she started muttering "Jessie, I never knew that we'd be separated as soon as we—we'd gotten mar- married, today you're all frozen up and tomorrow you'll be buried. You took vows Jessie! Vows that you haven't and didn't accomplish and now you're lying here lifeless, not uttering a single word in retort. Are you letting go of the future we planned for? What am I to do without you now that you're gone? Will I ever heal from this dreadful pain? If you can hear me please wake up and come back to me, I need you, your family needs you. Please Jessie, please come back."

Listening to these painful words both men thought it was time to leave as it wasn't good for her to overwork herself emotionally and so Damien took this moment to gently console her saying "Carmila it's time to go you need your rest and medicine. Jessie needs to be prepared as he'll be going to the airport this evening so we must let the staff do their job. We can't delay them further." Upon hearing this Carmila looked up at Damien and slightly smiled understanding him, she asked if she could just have a few more minutes alone before going, they all stepped out leaving Carmila, she put her warm palm on his cold hand and said "Your Mila will do her best and try to live as you always told me to bloom and live happily no matter what happens, you had a risky job and every time you went away you'd repeat those exact same words but today you aren't here because of our joyous union that turned to a tragedy. I love you Jessie and I always will. Goodbye my lover and friend."

She rolled her wheelchair out the hallway and straight to the door Damien and Suraj followed suit and helped her back to her room.

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