
Starting my new life in another world as a zombie?

Eldrich gods a gamer system dropped in the middle of a zombie apocalypse as a zombie of all things. Well, I ask myself what could go wrong? The best way to answer this question is yes. I don't own the picture on the cover. List of traveled world's + Highschool of the Dead +Campione

Victor_Moura_ · Komik
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25 Chs

03- Dreams of world domination

Right now is possible to see a red-haired man walking aimlessly in the road, he is happily humming some kind of melody.

At this moment he looks kind of lost... He does not just look lost, he is lost, but even lost, he shows more confidence in his expression them any man in his situation has any right to.

Initially, he wanted to start immediately his self-imposed holy mission, so he walked and walked and walked a little bit more until he realized that he had no idea where he was going...

But he was not some lesser undead anymore to be stopped by some trivial difficulties, he was in the big leagues now.

'Talking about big leagues, I realized that I need some kind of greater objective to do in this world, he doesn't want to belittle the holy mission in any way, but my great quest in this world needs to be something more than getting laid.'

'So he started to brainstorm and came up with a great idea, what if he could find a way of controlling his zombie brothers? He was not pulling this one out of his ass. He took some time talking with the system about his new species and found some interesting things. (Dead Apostles) can control (Ghouls) and (Ghouls) are well, how can I say this and not sound extremely dumb? They are magic zombies.'

'And the ideas do not stop there, once he succeeds the possibilities are endless.

'Imagine an empire of the undead.'

"An unstoppable workforce doing their best for the glory of their Emperor, loyal to their bones. And with a little bit of Undead magic who says they must stay limited to being irrational minions, what stops me from granting them their rationality back..."

'And at that point, I will be something akin to a divine figure in this world I can even start my religion, it will be glorious! I going to call it "The eternal March" to evade the problems of the super population on Earth, I could invest in the colonization of other planets, who needs to invest heavily in terraformation when you have undead? Atmosphere? Don't worry they don't breathe, radiation? Have you seen an undead with cancer? And the list goes on...'

"God emperor sounds good in my ears!"

'Ending his delusions he starts to reflect on the situation and think what is the best way to find survivors and when he finds the answer he felt a deep desire to beat his head on a wall. "It was so obvious that I think my brain must be still a little rotten for me, not have realized this earlier."

I close my eyes take a deep breath and start to allow my brain to finally adapt to my new senses, in the back of my mind I can hear many system notifications but I ignore them, is like the world is suddenly opening before my eyes, first is my sense of hearing I suddenly can hear the movement of the muscular fibers of the zombies around me, the friction of their clothes against their skins but the most impressive is that I am not overwhelmed by all this new information, my new mind seems to perfectly made for this, then comes the sense of smell and I was not prepared at all...

Firstly I can smell the zombies around me surprisingly their blood and flesh is still human-like maybe because of the absence of the supernatural component that makes my kind inhuman, I can tell their ages, the percentage of fat in their flesh, I can even say if a person is virgin or not. just by their smell, but the overwhelming event was in the next moments. Different from my sense of hearing my sense of smell seems to have an absurd reach I could smell all the city and oh boy! if the zombies were ok for me before, now they are less than trash. A living human is like divine nectar, with so many delicious foods I can't even choose.

"That brain must be a delicacy the perfect blend of neurotransmitters, that heart!!! Suddenly all my thoughts come to a halt all I can hear is the beat of my heart.


My mouth starts salivating like a rabid dog, my fangs grow sharp, and my nails grow into short claws, my red eyes glow in ominous yellow I can even feel my pants getting tight, I force myself to calm down.

I calm down and say in a dead voice"Your blood is already mine, you just don't know yet"

'Change of plans I have a mysterious lady to find. And the good news is that the contamination seems to be located only in a small part of the city.'

I finally stop to check the system notifications.

[New skill created]:[Predator senses Lv:01/10] (Rank:E)


(Your senses have been adapted to hunt your food/Each level amplifies the precision and reach of your senses)]

[Predator Senses have leveled up: ×8]

[Predetor senses Lv 09/10](Rank:E)

'Cool another time I will ask more about the classification of the skills, I have no time to lose right now.'

Suddenly he appears to turn into a red blur and starts running in a certain direction at full speed.