
Starting from Zero as a Banshee (Overlord Fanfic)

The Overlord world gets a new player in the form of a Banshee. Join her on her journey as she goes from a low level starting character and begins to level up with the aid of her system. Kofi Link to donate and join monthly for early chapter releases: https://ko-fi.com/dancematdan Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ehdpPFzrFF

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10 Chs

New Character

In a single bedroom apartment, a young woman was sitting in front of a computer screen and was watching a loading screen.

There were open packets of snacks laying on the computer table within her reach and there was a small lamp that lit up the dark room a little.

She had messy black hair, pale skin and was skinny which made it look like she was unwell or did not properly care for herself.

There were bags under her eyes and there were some old marks left on her clothes which showed that she had not slept well and had probably not moved from her computer desk for a long time.

An opening cinematic had showed many kinds of races battling each other using all kinds of special abilities, magic and martial arts with the use of their weapons or fists.

A werewolf had bit into the shoulder of an elf who was casting a spell but was interrupted.

A ghoul had suddenly been smashed into the ground by a largely built human wielding a bloodied mace that was enveloped by a white light.

An orc had charged forward with a battle axe but it was pierced by several arrows from further away.

A troll had raised a club over its head to smash a small Dwarf but the moment that it looked like it would succeed, a small gnome came to the rescue by throwing a flammable vial that exploded on the troll once it had broken apart.

All kinds of humanoid races that could be found in myths and legends that could possibly be played from a human perspective had been shown one after another.

Each race seemed to display all kinds of abilities that were suited to their races and there were other races that were harmed by things that were more well known to be their weaknesses.

If a race had too many advantages over the others then the only way to balance the game was to add the element of there being racial disadvantages too.

Some had affinities with certain elements while others had lesser resistances to a certain element.

The main menu had shown itself after the cinematic came to a halt then the words 'Myths and Legends Online' and under it was the username and password section followed by the login button.

The username and password was typed in which had allowed her to successfully log into the game.

A character page appeared which showed a dragon newt female character that was level one hundred, it was full of armour that had looked a very high grade and was probably very rare.

The woman had let out a small yawn before muttering to herself. "One adventure is over and I can not do anything more for this character. Maybe I can try something else this time."

She had spent a long time raising her other character from scratch to working on the professions, levels then finally jumping into the main storylines and raids available.

After completing everything that was possible within the available content and getting the best possible equipment that could be dropped, she no longer saw the need to keep working on that character.

She clicked on the new character button which opened a long list of races that had different traits, weaknesses, abilities and affinities available.

She continued to scroll through them until she had come across a list of different races belonging to a similar category.

Just like how some animal humanoid races were in the same category under demihuman or mutant races, there was different types of elven races under the elf race and so on.

The Undead Fairy section was clicked on which had brought up the description of different races available along with the characteristics of the race.

[Category: Undead Fairy Physique

Affinity: Death, Spirit & Soul

Limitations/Weaknesses: Anti-Undead]

She looked over it then scrolls along the available options. "Will-O-The-Wisp', Sluagh, Witte Wieven, Kuri, Fear Gorta, Dullahan, Bean-nighe, Banshee. A Banshee sounds like it will be interesting to play as."

She clicked on it then it had displayed the information.

[Race: Banshee

Innate Abilities: Clairaudience, Death Song, Death Sense, Sonic Scream, Immortality, Name Identification, Precognition, Supernatural Detection

Limitations/Weaknesses: Sound Nullification/Voice Manipulation/Deafness Inducement may dull the user's power of Sonic Scream]

Many of the innate abilities that were available had mainly been based around the voice of the character and had a high affinity with death.

The detection and identification abilities were small assisting skills that were available along with some others while the immortality allowed for the character to not be killed by things that would be fatal to a living person.

The game started out in the beginning with just the assisting abilities that were scaled to each persons level and improved upon levelling up further.

Once level ten was reached, more options were available for selecting a class route and most usually followed what they had the most affinity that suited their race while others may have chosen a completely different option that allowed them to cover their weaknesses by either gaining resistances to an element or gaining something to deal with those that they were weak to.

The next stage was the character creation menu that had all kinds of options ranging from different hair styles and colours, eye colours, skin colours, skin tattoos or runes and many more features that did not conflict too much with the original model for the Banshee.

The character had been customised to have red eyes, black coloured sclera(white part of eyes), pale white skin, black tear stain markings under her eyes, pointed long ears and white long hair.

There was a white top with a black high collar that went down to her waist before splitting into a front section and the other part that covered her side and back that rested went down past her thighs.

A black sash around the waist, black arm warmers were over her long white sleeve and there was a pair of shoulder guards that looked like they were made from bones which were finished off with black pants and boots underneath.

Upon checking over everything to see that it was to her satisfaction, the naming box was clicked and she started to type out the name.

[Name: Beatrix Shriek

Category: Undead Fairy Physique

Race: Banshee]

Once she clicked to enter the world, the menu popped up and gave a quick reminder.

[No changes can be made once character creation has been finalised, do you still wish to enter? Yes/No]

Yes was clicked and all of a sudden, the loading menu had started to suddenly blur before her eyes until there was nothing but darkness.

Once there was light again, she had looked around her surroundings to see that she was no longer in her dark room.

A strange light enveloped her body once she had started to experience some form of distress but only she could feel or sense it.