
Earth Branch

"Would you like to listen?"

Raven looked up.

She pointed to herself and said, "For me."

Crown: "Yes, for you."

after confirming that he wasn't just mistaken or was not joking with her.

She immediately agreed.

Raven: "Of course, I would like to know."

Crown: "I am planning to have a trip."

"I will be leaving the shop for a long while."

Raven: "Huh!!"


"You can't close the shop."

Crown: "Who is going to close the shop."

Raven: "???"

Crown: "Don't think much."

"I will find someone to temporarily take care of the shop while I'm away."

Raven: "Ah! So, the shop won't close."

"We can still enter the dungeons."

Crown: "Yes"

"And this is the reason why I came here."

"I want to ask you to take care of the shop while I'm away."

Raven: "Oh!"

Raven fell into thinking.

She was baffled.

For her, it was as if an ordinary girl was asked temporarily asked to take over the Walmart Branch.

It was something that people dared not think about.

Raven: "…"

She wanted to confirm, but she dares not.

The existence in front of her, even if he seemed approachable, it is not something people like her can touch.

Raven: "Can I get some time to think."

Crown: "No"

He refused without any hesitation.

Crown: "If you refuse or don't accept, then I will find someone else."

"Anyways, there are more than enough candidates."

"It won't be a problem to find someone capable who accepts."

As he said this, he started naming all the candidates in his mind.

[Raven- Mystique

Wanda- Scarlet Witch

Natasha- Black Widow

Lorna- Polaris]

At this time, he also did not need to focus on Earth.

At his current level of strength, he can already run to the universe to play.

While his thoughts were wandering around in the universe, Raven was in a big dilemma.

She did not want to let this opportunity slip from her hands, but she dared not accept it.

However, after some deliberation, she decided to take over the job.

Raven: "I accept."

Crown: "Okay"


He did not say words like good choice or great choice.

Although he wanted to say those words, he felt that as a new MC, he must be different.

He had just arrived in the vision of the readers.

Anyway, he was about to use his powers to shield the readers again for some time since he needed some privacy.

Crown: "Readers, I won't be gone for long."

"And while I'm gone, these little kids of this Marvel Universe will entertain you."


Crown: "Now that the temporary shopkeeper of the Shop has been decided, what is the next thing that I need to do."

"IMS, come out and speak."

IMS: "Sir, you once again suddenly changed all your previous set plans and made a new direction."

"It is really hard for me."

Crown: "You liar."

"You do not have the concept of tiredness."

"Don't apply the concepts of a foreign race to yourself."

IMS: "Tch!"

Crown: "Don't waste any more time and tell me the next thing I decided to do."

IMS: "Sir, you had decided that the movies and anime of the Dungeons will be released to the entire world."

Crown: "Yeah"

"So next, I will tell you how to do this, and you will be responsible for its spread."

IMS: "Yes, sir."

Crown: "I will focus my entire effort on the development of Earth."

"Create an app on Earth Internet."

"Name it, Dungeon World."

"Next, as I add the new Dungeon Worlds, you need to add their respective shows to this app."

IMS: "Understood, sir."

Crown: "Next, you need to add a progress bar adjacent to the Name of the Dungeon World."

"This progress bar will display the progress of the highest scorer."

"Remember that merging the Dungeon World and the real world will begin when this progress bar reaches 100%."

IMS: "Understood, sir."

Crown: "Now show me a prototype of the app interface."

IMS: "As you say, sir."


Crown: "Change this"

Crown points at the interface and makes some changes.

IMS: "Sir, if you change it to look like this, it will lose its visibility."

Crown: "IMS, you need to remember, none of what I make should be flashy."

"The way you designed it was the same as the standards of those capitalists."

"You need to understand; I don't need anything from them."

"I don't need to attract them."

"Whatever I do is for my own fun."

"And since I don't need to attract them, this interface, this app, this shop, should not have anything fancy."

"Everything should be elegant."

"No need to deliberately pretend"

"There are many ways to show off. However, that does not depict real status."

"Remember, from now on, everything in my shop, app, and other things needs to be practical."

"No need for superficial things"

"If I want to show off, the word Crown is enough for that"

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