
Start With Selling Devil Fruits in Marvel

Earning enough to support himself, Cosmic decides to now open a Small Shop and rely on it to make and live satisfactorily. However, unexpectedly He and his are mysteriously linked, and his shop can gain abilities, and he, as the owner of the shop, is the Supreme in the Shop. . . Grammarly Premium Adapted.

CosmicMystery · Komik
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104 Chs

Bullseye's Strength

"No way, who allowed you to stand on the opposite side of us."

Saying this bullseye handed over Daredevil to a subordinate of his who was the User of the Rope-Rope Fruit.

[Name: Rope-Rope Fruit

User: Unknown (Not a major Character)

Ability: This fruit can allow its user to create and manipulate ropes freely.]

Bullseye knew that this was the best time to kill Daredevil but he also knew that if Daredevil died now then both Luke and Patricia would have no reason to stay.

"I'll leave this guy to you for safekeeping. Take care of him as if he is your life.

"Because if you lose him… you lose your life"

After speaking this Bullseye attacked Luke cage and ordered the others to attack Hellcat.

"I'll take on Power Man and you all fight Hellcat"

Just before the fight started a voice came suddenly

"Both of you be careful"

"Bullseye can pass through things like arms and legs and maybe even the entire body"

"Also, his knife can directly attack the nerves of the body leaving the skin and muscles intact."

"As for the others I don't know much as I lost before they could do anything"

"But one of them has the ability to create bananas, even banana peels and one of them can change into a ferocious rabbit"


[Name: Banana-Banana Fruit

User: Unknown (Not a major Character)

Ability: This fruit can allow its user to freely create bananas]

[Name: Rabbit-Rabbit Fruit, Model: Ferocious Rabbit

User: Unknown (Not a major Character)

Ability: This fruit can allow its user to transform himself into a Ferocious rabbit or a Human Rabbit Hybrid]


Seeing Daredevil revealing information bullseye angrily turned to the Rope fruit man and scolded him

"Idiot don't you have the common sense to shut his mouth after binding him"

"Even if you didn't have the mind to do it then, why haven't you started to do it now after he started to speak"

The man realized his mistake and blocked Daredevils mouth but it was too late by then.

All the information that Daredevil knew had already been told.

"It seems that all of you people are the ones who have gained superpowers."

"But even so these powers are too weird."

„Hahaha "„Hahaha "

"One of you can make bananas and the other is a rabbit"

"Can you guys even give a proper fight"

These words stimulated those people and made them attack harder.

Luke was attacked by bullseye and reflexively wanted to defend but suddenly remembered Daredevils words and moved out of the way.


"Bullseye its impossible to take me down with these sneak attacks."

"If you want to bring me, down make some real attacks."

"Use real skills like your throwing skills"

Bullseye did not reply to Luke but directly made his next move.

Using his short distance teleportation, he jumped up on a tree and used the terrain to hide from Luke's sight.

Using the knife, he stabbed Luke through a tree.

"You can pass through a tree"

"No, that means your power is not only to pass through humans but also other things"

{As a narrator I need to mention that there are many kinds of abilities in Marvel but Most of the Paramecia abilities in One piece are broken.

The kind of stuff those Paramecia Fruit abilities can do is not possible in Marvel.

The Paramecia Type fruits basically seem to be a concept and the same fruit can end up in two completely different uses just because of a change of user.

Like the rope fruit, this fruit has many properties of Doflamingo's Thread fruit but that is because of similar concept.}

"This does not seem strong"

"Wait! Do you have a single superpower or a double superpower"?

"If it is a single superpower then, no it cannot be a single superpower"

"This is bad"

"Hellcat we need to withdraw fast."

"This guy bullseye has two superpowers and both of them are strong and used together it is even more strong"

Even without listening to him Hellcat knows this

"I know that we need to withdraw fast even if you don't tell me"

"These guys although are weak individually but together they are a menace."

"I cannot free my hands from these guys, you need to do it"

"If you cannot do it alone then take Spiderman's help, according to what I sense that guy only needs a little help and will be able to withdraw"