

Chapter.6 I want them all (Page 1/2)Previous ChapterbookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Page    Backlund, Queens, Earl Hall's mansion.

    Seeing that the time was getting closer and closer to the secret gathering, Audrey found an excuse, returned to the bedroom, locked the door, suppressed her emotions and sat on the bed, quietly waiting for the arrival of three o'clock.

    Due to the influence of the previous death of "Vice Admiral Hurricane" Qilingos, her life has become more restrained. The constant attention from the Beyonder guards forced her to frequently examine her own actions and carefully maintain the image of "a mystic enthusiast who yearns for the extraordinary world."

    Yes, just a mystic enthusiast, Miss Audrey Hall has never set foot in that dangerous and fascinating wonderful field!

    But Miss "Justice" of the Tarot Club is different.

    If nothing unexpected happens, this week she will get the pituitary gland of an adult seven-colored lizard dragon from Mr. "Hanged Man" in the transaction, get the main material of the Sequence 8 potion, and will be promoted to "Mind Reader"!

    This means much more to her than the 30,000 pounds bounty of "Vice Admiral Hurricane" Qilingos, and other material rewards.

    There is only one thing...about someone, which makes the girl worried.

    Miss Alice, who had not responded to contact messages for many days, finally showed up last night. Audrey was delighted and forced her to enter her bedroom, and then she took her to the sofa chair covered with precious blankets. In the middle of the

    night when everyone else had fallen asleep, the two sat facing each other and talked for a long time. The topic changed from Alice's recent situation to all sorts of things, from the Balam Empire in the south to the northern part of the northern continent, Feysac North.

    The girls' ideas collided with each other during the conversation, and their moods gradually relaxed in the soft laughter. All of this was enough to dispel the fatigue at night.

    If it wasn't for Alice reminding her in time to take a rest around 1 a.m., Audrey didn't even realize that they had been chatting for so long.

    Of course, similar to the previous night talks, Alice brought a "dream drink" that was said to be special to her hometown. As long as you close your eyes and imagine its taste before drinking the clear and transparent liquid in the cup, and when you raise the cup and take a sip, you can taste the taste you want between your lips and teeth, no matter whether it is sweet or sour!

    Audrey tried this peculiar drinking method with the taste of famous wines such as Misty Champagne and Olmier Wine, and also tried to recall the mint apple juice made by her personal maid Anne. The "dream drink" never failed her expectations and perfectly realized every bit of mellowness, freshness, and sweetness she imagined.

    "This may be the only 'dream memory' in the world."

    Alice murmured a short sentence in a low voice while gently shaking the tall wine glass, and soon after she got up and left, disappearing in front of Audrey's eyes as if she had never appeared.

    Happy but also a little regretful, Audrey looked at the hour hand that was gradually pointing to the hour, and sighed in her heart.

    I really hope I can muster up the courage to invite Miss Alice to sleep with me next time... Well, if I stay in the same room with her, we will definitely chat until dawn without any sleepiness. I can totally imagine that scene... I don't know when Mr. Fool's follower will finish investigating Miss Alice and invite her to join the Tarot Club...

    With all kinds of expectations and excitement, and sometimes mixed with some fantasy, the illusory crimson light surged out like a tide, engulfing Audrey.


    In the towering palace above the gray fog, Audrey, "Justice", was about to greet her as usual, while Alger, "The Hanged Man", planned to speak out his prepared speech first, intending to please the mysterious "Fool" with 19 pages of Roselle's diary.

    But neither of them got the chance to speak first -

    "Meet our new member, Miss Lover."

    The Fool calmly and steadily stated the opening remarks of today's Tarot Club. The slightly smiling voice of the Fool reached everyone's ears, and also made the three Tarot Club members perk up. They all looked at the middle of the long table and the extra slender figure.

    "The people here are Miss Justice, Mr. Hanged Man, and Mr. Sun..."

    Even though he was not a Beyonder who was good at perceiving emotions, Alger, the Hanged Man, could vaguely taste some information from the brisk and implied joyful introduction of the Fool.

    His attitude towards the new member Lover was almost obviously friendly... Could it be the so-called High-Sequence Strongman who was previously proposed and guided by Justice and personally examined by the Fool's Favored One?

    The Fool's followers...

    Thinking of this mysterious figure hidden behind the scenes, the Hanged Man Alger's mind flashed with the strange scene of Hurricane Lieutenant General Qi Lingos before his death. From a living, complete person rotting and decaying into a skeleton, his heart was suddenly horrified.

    He did not dare to make any more presumptuous guesses, and remained quiet, silently looking at the new member whose face was blurred and whose outline could only be vaguely recognized.

    As for Audrey, who should have entered the "audience" state to analyze the current situation, she stopped thinking after looking at the "lover".

    Until the "Fool" finished his introduction, the entire ancient and magnificent palace fell into a brief silence. The girl finally came back to her senses, suppressed her excitement and lifted her skirt, and greeted in an extremely energetic tone:

    "Good afternoon, Miss 'lover'~"


    It was a bit dull.

    Realizing that there seemed to be something wrong with the order of greeting, Justice Audrey hurriedly turned around and saluted to The Fool as a remedy:

    "Sorry, Mr. Fool, I was a little... Yes, I was a little excited to see a new member joining, and I forgot to greet you first..."

    "It's okay."

    The Fool, who seemed to be in a good mood, sat in the dominant position that belonged to Him, and smiled softly to indicate that it was okay.

    Until then, the new member Lover, who had been silent until now, seemed to react. She looked around at the people sitting at the long table and spoke in a calm tone:

    "Good afternoon, everyone, of course, Miss Justice, you too."

    She spoke in Loenese with a slightly strange accent, bright light golden long hair, without too many accessories, and a dress of daily light style with classical style elements, which was obviously designed and tailored by hand...

    Yes, it can't be wrong! Miss Alice finally passed the level of Mr. Fool's Favored One, passed the observation and assessment, and became a member of the Tarot Club!

    Ah, no, she should be called Miss Lover now.

    Audrey, the Justice, suppressed her urge to secretly express something to her, and encouraged herself in her heart. After greeting the Hanged Man and the Sun as usual, she heard the Hanged Man take over the topic and thank the Fool and his followers with the collection of 19 pages of Roselle's diary.

    I didn't have time to talk to Miss Lover...

    The girl sat back in her own chair with grievance, quietly watching the Tarot Club enter the routine process, waiting for Mr. Fool to finish reading the diaries presented.

    Of course, Audrey, the Justice, did not intend to waste Mr. Fool's reading time in vain.

Chapter.6 I want them all (Page 2/2)Previous pagebookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Chapter    She used the gray fog to cover and observe the "lover" in the middle of the long table without leaving any trace. Unlike the other two members who were also examining the newcomers, she claimed to know more about Alice, and could also grasp some details that others could not know with the help of her ability as an "audience".

    Well, Miss "lover" was not surprised that Mr. "Fool" called Emperor Roselle's notes a diary, nor was it surprising that Mr. "Fool" could read them... She had known for a long time that perhaps Mr. "Fool"'s followers had had relevant exchanges with her...

    And she didn't seem to care about others' scrutiny, nor was she curious about the identities of the other party participants... No, a High-Sequence Beyonder like Miss "Lover" could remember their characteristics with just a glance, enough to analyze and summarize the possible identities of the Tarot Club members in reality...

    She, can she see my true identity? Can you guess that I proposed to Mr. "Fool" to invite her to join?

    Audrey, the "Justice", was guessing anxiously and excitedly. Meanwhile, Alger, the "Hanged Man", silently looked at the new member who was suspected to be a high-sequence "Witch", and his heart was ringing alarm bells.

    Although he couldn't see the other person's specific facial features and appearance, even judging from the body outline alone, the "lover" was definitely a very charming young woman. While her demeanor was dignified and pure, she also had a contradictory maturity and temptation... The clothes she wore fit her body curves perfectly, perfectly showing her seductive charm as a woman...

    Instinctively, Alger, the "Hanged Man", glanced in the direction of the "Sun" and observed the mysterious member who was obviously just a teenager.

    ... As expected, the "Sun" seemed a little stunned.

    I really don't know what The Fool is thinking. Most of the high-sequence "witches" believe in a secret existence called the "Original Witch", who belongs to the witch sect that has been active on the historical stage since the Fourth Epoch. They may also have a close connection with the bloody and cruel witch family... The fact that

    The Fool recognized the "lover" who is a high-sequence "witch" does it mean that His choice tendency has changed compared to before, and He intends to make friends with the secret organization that spreads disasters...

    What's more, the Tarot card "Lover" symbolizes the happiness of love to a considerable extent. In addition, the addition of "Lover" has the "Follower" observing and evaluating behind the scenes... The "Follower" is suspected to be a demigod of the "Death God" path...


    A guess suddenly flashed through the mind of "The Hanged Man" Alger, a strange guess that makes people think and wonder: Is there really an emotional relationship between the "Lover" and the "Follower"?

    If the Hanged Man had the good fortune to know that the diary he submitted today happened to mention the disaster at the end of the Fourth Epoch, the "Pale Disaster" that was jointly launched by the "God of Death" and the "Original Witch" and swept across the northern continent, I wonder what he would guess.

    In short, when the "Fool" sitting at the head seat put down the six pages of the carbon diary in his hand, tapped the edge of the long table and looked at the members of the Tarot Club, he saw that "Justice" and others unanimously turned their eyes away from the "lover".

    ...Isn't it that the unpredictable charm ability is at work again?

    Suppressing the idea of ​​complaining, Klein chuckled and publicly announced the two laws mentioned in Roselle's diary in a calm tone, saying that it was common sense that he forgot to explain to everyone, and told the members of the Tarot Club for free.

    Of course, according to his guess, the "Hanged Man" and "Sun" must know the "Law of Immortality of Extraordinary Characteristics" in it, knowing that Extraordinary Characteristics will not be destroyed or reduced, but will only be transferred from one thing to another.

    But they may not know the principle of the second law, the law of conservation of extraordinary characteristics in similar sequences.

    And for the secret knowledge behind this "simple common sense", "Justice", "Hanged Man" and "Sun" are willing to pay a price to get the explanation of "The Fool".

    So, without any prior agreement, they once again focused their attention on the "lover" who had been silent until now, observing how this unsociable suspected demigod would react.

    Miss Alice... No, Miss "Lover", I'm afraid she knows this secret knowledge.

    Just as "Justice" Audrey was silently guessing, she heard "Lover" laughing and saying:

    "What are you looking at me for? Do you want to get an explanation from me? It's not impossible, but compared to the tolerant Mr. "Fool", the price I ask is very high. After all... Behind this knowledge are gods, all the gods you know and don't know at present."

    Secret knowledge of the god level!

    Whether it was the "Sun" who was far away in the God-forsaken Land, or the "Justice" who grew up under the legend of the Seven Gods, or the "Hanged Man" who was himself a servant of the gods, they all gasped in shock at the amount of information revealed by the "lover".

    Even Klein the Fool was not obviously stunned for half a second, and was choked by the witch's exaggerated intelligence value.

    ... No, maybe it was not nonsense, did she really grasp the mystery behind this law?

    Suppressing the curiosity that immediately surged, Klein maintained a calm and indifferent tone, and accepted the "equivalent" reward promised by the Tarot Club members without confirming or denying it, and then said that some paths could be exchanged in the high sequence.

    There were no unexpected situations in the subsequent exchanges.

    Except for Alger, the Hanged Man, who was in an uproar when he heard the "Fool" confidently and firmly asked them to hold a "sacrifice" and a corresponding "granting" ceremony.

    Audrey, the "Justice", was delighted that she could complete the transaction through such a secret means, and was extremely grateful to the powerful "Fool" like a god, and did not consider anything else.

    As if to match the heated atmosphere at the moment, the taciturn "lover" finally changed to a more comfortable sitting posture under the inconspicuous attention of the other members, and smiled softly and said:

    "It is always so reassuring to have Mr. 'Fool' witness the transaction... I can provide some things here. If you are interested, you can consider something of equivalent value and then come to discuss with me in detail."

    Realizing that she almost always complimented herself every time she opened her mouth, "Fool" pretended to be indifferent and supported his head with his hands, making a nonchalant gesture, but in fact he put his fingers on the edge of the corner of his mouth, forcibly controlling the upward arc, so as not to let the "audience" find clues from the details.

    However, even Alger, the "Hanged Man" who had always been wary of the "Lover" witch, straightened his back unconsciously, and gave a reply after carefully considering his words:

    "Can you briefly explain what you can provide, Miss "Lover"?"

    "Well, in short, as long as the price is right, I can provide extraordinary items with customized functions, or magical items, whatever you want to call them... The appearance can be decorations, clothing accessories, or even weapons..."

    She spoke briskly, making all the members' hearts beat faster, and after a slight pause, she continued:

    "The specific details can be decided by the trader himself, but I want to make one thing clear in advance - if it is a customized weapon that requires me to design the weapon, my fee will be very expensive, and you'd better bring your own forging craftsman, a forging craftsman with good skills and trustworthy."

    After saying this, the "Lover" seemed to remember what needed to be added, leaned forward, folded her hands and supported them, and said:

    "In addition to magical items, I can also provide potions, all kinds of potions... Whether it's to treat injuries, detoxify, restore physical strength, or increase strength, enhance perception, or even invisibility, giantization, ghostization, or you like a more direct way, like to use firepower and explosions to solve troubles, I can also meet your needs... Well, as long as the price is right."

    "Lover" is related to the Church of Steam? Is she a "craftsman"?

    But she also said that she can provide potions... Potions, is she a Beyonder of the "Pharmacist" path? No, that's not right. The potions of the "Pharmacist" can only cure diseases, and do not have these functions she said... These functions sound incredible!

    But the "lover" is clearly a "witch", and it is impossible for her to be both a "craftsman" and a "pharmacist"...

    Maybe, maybe the "craftsman" who can make magical items is not the "lover" herself, but her... Yes, it is the real "craftsman" she made friends with with her own charm ability!

    Then the "pharmacist" who would provide the potion might also have the same reason, and was a Beyonder who was bewitched by the "lover"...

    Before the "Hanged Man" fell into a confused thought, under the surprised but joyful gaze of "Justice", a figure stood up from his seat fiercely, and then uttered a stuttering voice without any confidence:

    "Lover... Miss 'Lover', are you serious? I can buy Beyonder weapons and potions for treatment from you?!"

    "As long as you..."

    Before the "lover" finished her conditions, she heard the resounding and straightforward expression of the "Sun":

    "I want them all, okay? Of course, I can't pay... I can't pay you gold pounds, but I can use materials as compensation, reasonable enough materials."

    Then, the "Sun" seemed to remember to observe the reaction of the "Fool" at the top, and after a careful glance, he regained his sanity and sat down slowly and cautiously, organizing his words and said:

    "In addition, I also hope that Miss Lover can come to our city-state... come to Silver City and discuss this deal with our great elder. If possible, I hope you can establish a long-term cooperative relationship with us. As for the reward... As for the reward, we in Silver City will definitely satisfy you within our capacity."Chapter.7 Decryption by entrustment (Page 1/2)Previous ChapterbookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Page    "Silver City... your party members all have interesting backgrounds."

    After responding to the sacrifice and bestowal ceremony, Klein returned to the real world, removed the spiritual wall, and came to the piano room where his roommate was, and heard her express her opinion.

    "Silver City's 'Sun' lives in a region that is basically isolated from contemporary social civilization. He faces a crisis of life and death every day, so he is so eager for weapons and means of recovery...

    Miss 'Justice', well... she has a certain influence in the noble circle of the Kingdom of Loen, and her economic strength is also considerable. I won't reveal too much about the rest, so as not to cause trouble for her;

    as for Mr. 'Hanged Man', you actually poached people from the Church of the Lord of Storms. It seems that I need to re-evaluate your courage--"

    She raised her hand to outline the symbols for building a blockade, while commenting on the existing Tarot Club members one by one.

    Klein smiled helplessly, walked to the sofa with direct sunlight and sat down. He turned his head to look at the girl on his left who was curled up on the sofa and tuning the strings of the lute:

    "I think you should be interested in the Silver City where the 'Sun' is..."

    After pausing to think about the word order, Klein briefly introduced to her the information he knew about the Silver City, including the speculation that the city-state might be in the "God-forsaken Land", including the existence of more than one demigod in the city-state's top combat power, including the beliefs that the Silver City has survived to this day, and being in a dark place suspected of being abandoned by the gods, etc.

    Finally, he had to sigh:

    "Fortunately, you reacted quickly and emphasized in time that you were only a provider of extraordinary items and potions, not a manufacturer, so that the little 'Sun' gave up the previous idea. Otherwise, I don't know how it would end... What's more, I haven't heard of anyone finding the way to the God-forsaken Land. He invited you to go to the Silver City, but there is actually no feasible method..."

    Of course, the most important thing is that if the "Fool" said expressions such as "can't do it" and "can't find it", it would really damage his image as a mysterious and powerful person.

    "I never thought that there would be such an exception among the members of your Tarot Club." Alice glanced at him and continued to loosen the plectrum and adjust the tightness. "I just think that your party lacks a mysterious businessman who provides rare and exquisite props... I expected to accept high-end, elite personal customization commissions, but I don't intend to be sent to a city-state that often participates in battles to be a mass production craftsman."

    "So you can really make extraordinary items? Have you made progress in the research of potions?"

    Klein finally couldn't hold back the urge in his heart and asked her curiously.

    "It's possible. I've figured out a way to solidify extraordinary abilities through alchemy, but... the specific details are quite different from the methods of your orthodox 'craftsmen'. But as long as you don't take it to professionals for careful inspection, there won't be any major problems. As

    for potions... well, I've given up on the research. It takes too much time and energy. So far, I've only completed the formula conversion of potions for treating minor injuries, and the rest is on hold for the time being. When I catch an extraordinary person of the 'pharmacist' path, I'll consider further arrangements..."

    After muttering a few words that seemed very dangerous, the girl waved her hand, holding Ruth in her arms and leaning back against the sofa:

    "In short, if your Tarot Club members plan to buy potions from me, I will sell them the remaining finished potions in their current inventory. As for quantity... each person is limited to purchasing one bottle at a time?"

    "In fact," Klein said carefully, "as long as you raise the price or ask them to exchange them with extraordinary materials, they will naturally understand the preciousness of these potions."

    This is a magic potion from another world that won't lose its efficacy! The kind that can save a life at a critical moment! One bottle is less if one is used, so of course we can't just sell it at a low price!

    While he was still thinking about the appropriate price for those potions, Klein suddenly heard a brisk and joyful laugh from the side:

    "Huh, looking at your expression, someone who doesn't know would think you're selling some treasure and are afraid of being at a disadvantage..."

    "I, this is a very reasonable reaction!" He said calmly, and his tone suddenly became a little weaker, as if he was about to make a difficult request, "Alice, I want..."

    "You want me to make extraordinary items... weapons?" She smiled and raised her eyes, revealing his intentions in one sentence.

    "And you can't afford the customization fee at the moment?"

    Without any pause, Alice filled in Klein's biggest dilemma right now, then she raised the corners of her mouth slightly and smoothed her hair, saying:

    "Don't worry, things will come one by one. I still want to confirm a question from you - for example, are you collecting Roselle diaries?"


    Thinking of the fact that she had been to the home of a "Roselle Secret Text" researcher and brought back corresponding photos, and the fact that the "Fool" reading the Roselle text at the Tarot Club was no longer a secret to her, Klein nodded generously.

    "That's perfect. I have a mission for you. The reward is a Beyonder weapon. Well, I have three Beyonder characteristics on hand..." As she spoke, she raised her fingers one by one and counted them, "One Sequence 5 characteristic of the 'Sun' path, one Sequence 7 characteristic of the 'Sleepless' path, and one Sequence 7 characteristic of the 'Thief' path... The first two characteristics have a little contamination inside, so the effect of the props made will be discounted, so I personally tend to choose the 'Cryptologist' characteristic."

    "'Cryptologist'... Is this the name of the potion corresponding to Sequence 7 of the 'Thief' path?"

    It doesn't sound like a Beyonder ability that has much combat power. It feels more inclined to improve intelligence... But now, apart from the simple spell of turning paper into a knife, I lack direct and effective means of attack. At present, I can't pray to the Goddess of Night for strength, so I can't make talismans... Is

    there no better choice? After reaching Sequence 5 in the 'Sun' path, I should be able to master a lot of attack methods, right? After

    having a choice, Klein couldn't help but mutter and pick and choose.

    Perhaps his pickiness was too obvious, Alice blinked slightly, let go of Qin with amusement, stood up, sat on the double sofa bench, sat next to him, and poked this guy's cheek with a finger.

    "I find that your face is getting thicker and thicker... You haven't completed my commission yet, but you're already thinking about what reward to ask for, huh?"

    Klein cleared his throat and gently held her wrist to avoid the delicate and soft touch on his face:

    "What are the details of the commission? It's better not to exceed my ability..."

    "Solve the puzzle...right?" Alice frowned uncertainly, and soon relaxed her expression, retracted her right hand that was restrained by him, and took out a long and narrow hard paper, the size of which was no different from a common playing card.

    "This is--"

    Klein was about to take the hard paper card from her hand, but he saw her turn the front and back of the card, showing the side with the pattern outward, and the whole person's movement instantly stopped in place.

    A male figure wearing gorgeous court costume and with two beautiful mustaches on his lips, and a hazy and graceful female figure who seems to be extremely beautiful and mysterious, together make up the front of the card.Chapter.7 Decryption by entrustment (Page 2/2)Previous pagebookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Chapter    In the lower right corner, a line of words formed by starlight seemed to be shining:

    "Sequence 0: The Original Witch!"

    Instinctively, Klein recognized the man in court costume on the card pattern.

    The most legendary figure in the Fifth Epoch, Russell Gustav.

    He was also his "predecessor of the time traveler".

    In this way, the nickname of the card with the name of the "Sequence 0" potion was also about to come out.

    "The card of blasphemy... the 'Witch' card?"

    With the tacit consent of the girl, he took the thin card that seemed to be heavy, and carefully observed it. He saw that the starlight-like words, the words written on "The Original Witch" were slowly fading and disappearing, and finally completely disappeared as if they had never appeared.

    "Well, it seems that I was right. You really got the relevant information from Russell's diary."

    Alice said as she stood up and sat back on the single sofa before, and took out the lute from the case on the coffee table again.

    "In short, from what I have observed so far, this card has some guessing elements. Before you solve it, you can't see the secrets buried in it...Okay, I'll leave this to you. I believe you can do it."

    "Wait a minute," Klein, holding the card, called her out, with a slightly strange look on his face, "Have you...have you tried to inject spirituality into this card?"

    "I have tried something similar with magic, what's wrong?" Alice answered, and then realized something, raising her eyebrows in displeasure, "Just because I'm not a Beyonder, I don't even have the qualifications to be a puzzle solver?"


    Klein allowed the spirituality to continue to spread and infuse it into this card that had lost its starlight text. The portrait of Roselle and the portrait of the mysterious woman on the pattern dimmed, leaving only a silent, ink-black background, and two new lines of Hermetic text made up of silver dust that shone with bright light.

    "Please chant the full name of a certain existence."

    "Please make sure that He will answer your prayers."

    The two people who fell into silence looked at each other in the piano room with bright sunlight.

    After a while, Klein cautiously asked:

    "Does this count as... solving the puzzle?"

    "I don't know, don't ask me, go ask that guy named Roselle." Alice had a blank expression on her face. She glanced at the black card with silver dust and said in a muffled voice, "So, you have to read the honorific name yourself and then respond yourself?"

    If it was before, I could actually try to read the goddess's full honorific name, but there was no guarantee of a response...

    Klein pondered for a few seconds, stood up and handed the changed "Witch" card to the little girl:

    "You can read it. You know the honorific name of the 'Fool'..."

    Halfway through his words, he suddenly swallowed back the second half of the words he hadn't said, because the words on the card were twisting and deforming, and were scattering to the lower right corner like sand and dust, reappearing the name of the end point of the "Witch" path. The dark card surface also became bright again, turning back to the original pattern of Roselle and the woman in a long skirt.

    "Let me think about it…"

    Sitting back on the double sofa, Klein covered his mouth and quickly filtered out several solutions.

    The more direct one was that after he finished reading the honorific name of "The Fool", he would quickly go to the gray fog to respond, and then return to his real body to observe whether there would be any changes.

    But the disadvantages of doing so were very obvious. If he followed the instructions of the "Witch" card, it would lead to something bad. His body in reality lacked the ability to protect itself, so he could only pray that Alice would react in time and protect him...

    In addition, he could try to sacrifice the "Witch" card directly to the space above the gray fog, but he didn't have the materials for the ceremony at hand, and there was no guarantee that this plan would be able to successfully solve the puzzle on the blasphemy card...

    But then again, can this really be called a puzzle?

    Isn't this a test of the holder's background?

    Moreover, the "Witch" card in the blasphemy card... Klein has not forgotten it. He has seen relevant descriptions in Roselle's diary!

    Roselle wrote in his diary that he gave this blasphemous card to the two witches, and complacently stated that although the production of the "Witch" card referred to the secret stories told by the witches, he did not think they could solve the decryption level set on the card...

    That's right! The holder of this "Witch" card should be the two witches who had a close relationship with Emperor Roselle!

    But how did Alice get it?

    Klein's heart moved slightly, and he turned his head and asked:

    "By the way, can I ask, how did you get this 'blasphemous card'?"

    Alice seemed to be in deep thought, and slowly answered after a long time:

    "...someone gave it to me."

    This answer was the same as not saying anything!

    After taking a deep breath, Klein was about to ask for details, but she nodded slightly, as if she had made a decision, and gave him a clear and pure look:

    "Klein, do you mind giving it a try?"

    For no reason, purely out of intuition, Klein felt an indescribable chill:

    "... Tell me what the specific content of the try is first."

    "Recite a honorific name." Alice straightened her sitting posture, which made her attitude and tone at this moment more obedient. "Don't worry, the direction of the honorific name is absolutely safe and harmless. You can confirm this through divination... if you can do it."

    "...What is the specific description?" Klein straightened his back silently, trying not to show his timidity.

    "Yes." Alice nodded slightly, with a faint smile on her face. "Wait a minute, I'll write it for you, and then I'll leave for a while... to stay in the mirror world for a while."

    As she spoke, she stood up and walked to the desk in the piano room where miscellaneous items were placed, found a pen and paper and wrote three lines of text, then turned around with brisk steps and handed the paper in her hand to Klein, who had a complicated expression on his face.

    "Then I'll be gone for five minutes."

    It was not until the girl stepped into the wide and bright French window and her figure completely melted into that mysterious and strange space that he unconsciously lowered his head and looked at the beautiful handwriting on the paper.

    "The ruler of the end and nothingness;

    the cradle and destination of endless fate on the other side of the stars;

    you are the root of evil, the source of demons, and the eternal and lasting disaster..."Chapter.8 Command Spell (Page 1/2)Previous ChapterbookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Page    Is this what Alice called safe and harmless?

    Klein felt that their understanding of these descriptions might be biased, quite a big bias.

    Fortunately, he reconfirmed the Hermetic language revealed by the "blasphemous card" in his hand and found that it did not specify the language for chanting the honorable name.

    How about trying Loen first? Anyway, as long as it is not an unprotected Hermetic language, Giant language, or other mysterious languages, it should not be truly transmitted to the existence pointed to by the honorable name... Although from Alice's tone, she seemed to trust, or be sure that the other party would not cause harm to her...

    Let's let our imagination run wild, that honorable name may even refer to Alice herself? Or the "deep sea god" who is close to her?

    Well, these speculations cannot be completely denied, but the description of that honorable name did not mention any descriptive words related to "sea" at all, so it is really difficult to draw a clear conclusion for this.

    Well, since it's just a trial, I'll chant the name of "The Fool" in Loen first. If that doesn't work, I'll switch to the one Alice gave him...

    After making the decision, Klein sat back on the sofa, adjusted his tone and volume, and pronounced the three-part honorific name to the "blasphemous card" in his hand clearly.

    Almost as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the words on the card that were shining with pure silver dust and brilliance changed.

    The "prompt" in the first line that required the holder to chant the honorific name scattered like dust in the wind, while the second line of text became brighter and more dazzling, flickering like stars in the night sky, as if waiting for something.

    At the same time, he heard the familiar layered prayers echoing in his ears, and the four black dots on the back of his right hand also quietly stood out. They were very inconspicuous, and even if you looked closely, you would only think they were natural moles. I

    can really hear the prayers...

    Klein muttered to himself, and suddenly stopped his movements as if struck by lightning.

    He heard a voice praying, indicating that someone was chanting the name of "The Fool" in an unprotected language; however, at that moment just now, only he himself chanted the full name in the Runic language that did not have the function of a mystical ritual language...

    Who prayed for him?

    Who heard the words he said to the "blasphemous card"?

    The one praying was... someone, or... something with intelligence...

    The more he thought about it, the more he felt like he was falling into an ice cellar. He instinctively opened his spiritual vision and repeatedly examined the "blasphemous card" with flashing words, but he could not find any useful clues.

    Time passed by bit by bit. After about two or three minutes, Klein turned the card in his hand to the front with words on it for the umpteenth time. Suddenly, he realized that the "blasphemous card" had returned to its original state. The first line of "hints" that had disappeared once again condensed into a bright light like dust, and the second line of words also stopped flashing, no longer sending a waiting signal. It was

    too weird... and there was always a very subtle sense of déjà vu.

    Klein frowned as he thought about it, preparing to try out the honorific name Alice had told him.

    He weighed his emotions, glanced at the paper that he had long memorized, and then maintained the standard Loenese pronunciation, reading out the honorific name full of ominous symbolism word by word.

    As before, the "prompt text" on the first line of the card disappeared in pieces, while the second line of text became brighter and flashed at a regular frequency.

    ...The strange sense of familiarity came again.

    Klein raised his hand and pinched his brows, trying his best to suppress the inappropriate associations that appeared in his mind - for some reason, he always felt like he had opened a computer game program, selected a server, and waited for the account connection response...

    This time, he didn't have to worry about the source of the prayer. He was alert and waited quietly for about ten seconds. Then he couldn't help but feel refreshed and straightened his back.

    The light in the shape of text radiated from the inside out, permeating the dark color of the card base, making the "blasphemy card" in his hand completely transformed into the texture and color of pure silver. In the center of the card, a line of deep, winding fonts silently emerged, also written in Hermetic text.

    "Please check the password spell."

    Klein was stunned, and then he showed an extremely strange expression:

    "Now that I have connected to the server, it's time to enter the password?"

    Think about it, with the complacent tone of the emperor when he mentioned the "Witch" card in his diary, it seems that it is not impossible to come up with such a bad design, but the question is what kind of password will the emperor set for this card?

    Chinese... No, that doesn't fit the Emperor's concept of making the "blasphemous cards". After all, he claimed in his diary that he would announce the existence of this set of cards to the world, and announced to everyone that it contained a treasure of the gods' secrets. He also said something that didn't fit the common language habits, such as "the destined person will get it".

    If the password is in Chinese, then it is almost like an opportunity for the fellow travelers...

    Well, although it is hard to say whether the "Witch" card contains an opportunity, because even the Emperor himself has called this sequence of transgender cheating... Well, of course, he should have really liked it in the end.

    So, what would the password spell be...

    From the Emperor's perspective, when he made the "Witch" card, he referred to a secret story told by two witches, a secret story that may have been passed down since the Fourth Epoch, and those two witches were obviously lovers with the Emperor...

    Recalling the contents of the diary he had read, Klein fell into thought, and after a long time, he began to try again and again in the languages ​​he had learned, such as Loen, Feysac, Intis, and Giant.

    "Pale Disaster."

    "Fourth Epoch."



    The deep and winding prompt text did not respond, as quiet as a dead object.

    Well, no matter how magical this "blasphemous card" is, it is essentially just a prop without the properties of a living thing...

    Klein took back a little discouragement and changed his thinking. His tone couldn't help but be a little teasing.

    "Smells so good?"

    "The witch's secret."

    "The witch tastes really good?"

    Just as he was trying the command spell in ancient Hermes, Alice's voice suddenly floated from not far behind him:

    "What did you just say was really good?"

    "——! No! No! You heard it wrong!" Klein was frightened by the witch who returned to the piano room silently. He stood up and turned around to hide his guilty conscience, showing her the "blasphemy card" in his hand that had changed its appearance, and took the opportunity to change the subject, "I'm trying this command spell... Well, you see, after the previous decryption prompt disappeared, this new requirement appeared."

    "Command spell..." Alice was brought to the point without thinking too much. She looked at the line of deep and twisted text, and then looked at Klein with a serious expression on his face. The corners of her lips rose up a little bit, "Then I'll leave it to you. Keep up the good work, great detective."

    She said it lightly and even made fun of my new profession... But she is the client, a client who is willing to pay...

    Klein sighed deeply, nodded and said:

    "I will try my best to find the corresponding password as soon as possible. However, if I have the opportunity to see more of Roselle's diary, I will definitely be able to speed up the cracking process."Chapter.8 Command Spell (Page 2/2)Previous pagebookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Chapter    He tried to remind Alice in a tactful way of the "Roselle Secret Code" researcher who lived in Backlund.

    After all, he had already imagined the scene of visiting him in his mind, but when he first arrived, there were too many things that needed to be prepared, and there were unexpected situations, so he never had the chance to mention it to Alice.

    Now it was convenient. He didn't have to worry about being suspected by Alice, nor did he have to worry about how to turn to the topic of Roselle's notes... because she already knew that Klein was the Fool, and that the Fool had been collecting the written records left by Roselle...

    "Hmm? Don't bother." Alice seemed to hold her chin up to think for a while, then took out a square iron box and put it on the table, signaling Klein to come over and open it with her eyes, "Try this."

    After opening the iron box and seeing the objects inside, Klein suppressed the change in his expression, took a half step back and turned to her:

    "What is this...?"

    "The hand of the 'decryption scholar'."

    The girl pointed at the obedient severed hand in the iron box from a distance, and briefly introduced how it would improve the observation, association, and deduction abilities of the bearer. In the end, she said that there was no need to worry too much about its negative effects. As long as the severed hand was washed with cold water every three to four hours, it would not cause trouble to people.

    "The way to deal with this negative effect is quite simple..." Klein observed the severed hand with a hideous and terrifying face for a while, and decided to find a tablecloth to wrap his hand before picking it up.

    "Anyway, I'll leave this to you. It's almost time, I'm going out to do something."

    Alice packed up the instruments in the piano room one by one, walked to the coat rack to take off her coat, and looked like she was going out. Klein

    opened his gold pocket watch and checked the time: "...It's past five o'clock now, you're going out to do something at this time?" It

    will be dark in a while...

    "Yes, this time is better."

    As she spoke, she had already put on her knee-length skirt and coat, and buttoned it up carefully, until she reached the second to last button at the collar, she stopped her finger movements and adjusted her hair.

    "You don't have to wait for me for dinner. Eve will prepare your portion."

    "What about you...are you going out to meet someone?" Seeing her suddenly turn around and look at him, Klein subconsciously added, "If it's inconvenient to answer, then just pretend I didn't ask..."

    Alice smiled, with a look of understanding that embarrassed him:

    "I'm going to deal with the identity issue. If you're willing to go out and run around, you can come with me. But today I shouldn't be able to make any progress to the stage of making the documents. At most, I'll just contact someone to provide help."

    Identity proof? Going to make a fake certificate? Isn't this exactly what I, an illegal resident with nothing, need urgently?

    Those subtle feelings in my heart disappeared without a trace. Klein looked at the girl by the door, then at the "blasphemy card" and the severed hand in the iron box, and began to consider whether to prioritize the commission she gave him, or go out with her.

    ...From the perspective of efficiency, it is obviously more reasonable to choose a division of labor.

    In a few seconds, he made up his mind and nodded slowly.


    After a twenty-minute ride, Alice paid the cab driver half an hour's time fee, then jumped off the carriage and stood by the road, looking at the street shrouded in dim lights, and the familiar buildings and shops on the street.

    Recalling the route she took at that time, she walked forward along the slightly uneven stone road, and stopped after walking about a few dozen meters. She turned her head to look at the street-facing houses in front of her, and the light-colored curtains on the windows illuminated by the warm colors of the gas lamps.

    After confirming that this was the place she was looking for, Alice took a step forward and rang the doorbell.

    Amid the crisp sounds of Dingling, Dingling, the people in the house stomped on the floor and ran towards the entrance, and opened the unlocked door with a clang.

    "Good evening, may I ask..." The moment he saw the visitor outside the door, the handsome monk in a white robe and apron interrupted his cautious greeting and smiled brightly, "Ms. Claire! It's great to see you again. How long have we not seen each other? Two months? You left in a hurry last time and didn't tell me how to contact you again... I have been thinking about the Sun Badge, and today I can finally... Come, come in quickly, I said I will prepare the badge for you!"

    Very rarely, Alice remained silent after the door opened, and turned her eyes to look at the monk in white robes, at the object in his hand.

    It was a nail hammer reflecting the cold light of metal.

    It looked enough to deter all uninvited guests who came to visit at night.

    "Ah, this... please don't mind it." Brother Lionel hid the weapon under his apron and white robe, and greeted with a warm smile, "Please come in, sit down, I'm cooking dinner, maybe you're interested in having one?"

    "... No thanks." Alice pursed her lips, not wanting the burnt smell that drifted into her nose to destroy her taste buds, "Also, Mr. De Blanco, your dinner may be overcooked."

    "How could it be, I remember I cooked it according to the time on the recipe..."

    Brother Lionel's face suddenly changed as he said this, and he turned around and rushed to the kitchen, leaving the visitor who was still standing at the door looking at the empty entrance speechlessly. After a while, he slowly stepped into the house and closed the door for the owner.

    The girl chose to stay away from the severely affected kitchen area and stood in front of the well-ventilated living room window to avoid the choking smell on her clothes.

    After about five or six minutes of waiting, the handsome monk took off his pink apron and came to the living room with a sigh. He rubbed his messy blond hair with a wry smile:

    "Ms. Claire, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting... I'll go get the sun badge for you, please wait a moment."

    "...No, I'm not visiting you today for the badge." Alice tried hard to suppress the urge to hold her forehead and prepared to get straight to the point, "Mr. de Blanco, do you have a way to provide me with two notarized, valid identification documents?"

Chapter.9 Inspiration (Page 1/2)Previous ChapterbookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Page    "You need two valid identification documents, and they must be notarized... documents recognized by the Church of the Eternal Sun?"

    Brother Lionel quickly reacted and heard the purpose of the girl's expression, so he deliberately pointed out the meaning hidden under the wording.

    The girl who came in the evening just smiled lightly, and asked without shaking her head or nodding:

    "Can you help me?"

    "There are not many types of documents that need to be notarized by the Church of the Eternal Sun. I want to determine your specific requirements first."

    As if seeing that she was reluctant to approach the room with a strong smell of burning, Brother Lionel thought for a while, turned around and went to the shelf to get a bottle of fine powder, and sprinkled it on the floor around the living room while walking, letting the clean and warm invisible force isolate the outside world and inviting the guests to sit down.

    This time, Alice did not refuse the monk's kindness. She sat down on the sofa where she had sat last time, and looked at the messy ornaments on the coffee table that seemed to have not changed much - several half-drawn design drawings in pencil, scattered metal materials and handmade tools, and several small metal objects that looked like decorations and resembled sun badges...

    After bringing a cup of water to the visitor, Brother Lionel sat down on the cloth sofa opposite her and nodded with a bright smile:

    "Ah, these are some of my new ideas recently, a new attempt... Here, like last time, warm water with a taste of holy water of the sun is very suitable for drinking on this autumn night, and can drive away the cold for you."

    "Thank you." Alice took a symbolic sip of the hot water in the cup. Without giving the monk a chance to change the topic to the eternal scorching sun, she said directly, "I need two authentic and valid identification documents, and the requirements for one of them are slightly... well, there are some restrictions."

    After pondering for about five or six seconds, Brother Lionel nodded slightly:

    "...You need a 'real and valid' noble identity? The identity of an Intis noble?"

    Talking to smart people is easy... It turns out that as long as the "Eternal Sun" is not mentioned, Brother Lionel's sense of smell in transactions is still quite sharp.

    While thinking secretly, Alice took out an envelope from the pocket of her skirt jacket. The seal was not officially sealed with wax.

    She pushed the thick envelope in her hand to the Sun Brother sitting opposite, and added casually:

    "My...brother wants an identity with a royal background to facilitate some of his recent social activities. Of course, he also knows how unrealistic it is to get the identity of the Augustus family in the capital of the Kingdom of Loen-"

    Augustus is the name of the royal family that rules the Kingdom of Loen.

    "So, as long as the family has a royal background, it doesn't matter if it's the current or former family, or if it's down and out now. It just makes it easier for my brother to create an image of a person who has left the family and is self-reliant."

    "Former royal background... then you really asked the right person."

    Brother Lionel stretched out his hand and pressed on the envelope that was gradually pushed towards him, then pulled out a piece of paper with specific requirements written on it, completely ignoring the neatly stacked gold pound banknotes underneath, carefully examined the words in his hand, and said sincerely:

    "But I must remind you that the situation of the Sauron family in recent years has not been good. Although they have tried very hard to return to the political arena of the Republic, they have been suppressed for too long and are still competing for seats. They only control a small number of troops and the operation of national intelligence agencies..."

    In contrast, the other several countries in the surrounding areas, independent countries such as Segar, Lenburg, and Masi lack the influence of royal families and rely almost entirely on the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom they believe in; and because the Kingdom of Feynapotter only believes in the Mother Earth and the royal power is relatively independent and complete, the corresponding difficulty of counterfeiting has increased sharply, and it is far less convenient to operate than the now impoverished Sauron family.

    "It doesn't matter. Just arrange a side job for my brother that is not valued." Alice smiled and shook her head gently. "You have seen the other requirements, which are written on the paper."

    Brother Lionel held the sun badge on his chest with his other empty hand, and seemed to think for a while:

    "A notarized identity of the Soran family, an entry inspection certificate, two ordinary certificates from the Kingdom of Loen... Yes, it is not difficult to implement. I can help you, but..."

    "Are there any other problems?" She asked immediately.

    "It's not a problem. Please keep the remaining reward." Brother Lionel casually took out a few 10-pound notes from the envelope and pushed the envelope, which was still quite thick, back to the girl. "I hope to use these gold pounds in exchange for a promise from you... Would you agree?"

    "The premise is that your request is reasonable enough." Alice replied.

    "You can rest assured about this." Upon hearing this, a bright and hearty smile suddenly appeared on the face of the white-robed monk, which made his facial features more handsome and charming. "What I want to propose to you is--"


    At about nine o'clock in the evening, Klein was looking out the window, looking at the night sky shrouded in mist and the nearly full red moon, and unconsciously stopped the action of carving the talisman.

    Just as he was stunned for a short time, there was a knock on the door from the downstairs building facing the street.

    He slowly got up, put down the half-made silver talisman, took back the "blasphemy card" that was placed beside him, left the bedroom, and walked to the first floor.

    The familiar Eve had already diligently opened the door for her master who came back late, and welcomed the girl who returned with the night on her shoulders into the living room with a warm fire. She even brewed a pot of hot coffee and brought it to the table...

    Uh, brewing coffee in the middle of the night?

    Doesn't this stupid bird intend to let her master sleep?

    Following the rich aroma into the living room, Klein looked at Alice with a little surprise. Seeing that she was just sitting at the table with her eyes downcast, warming her hands with a ceramic coffee cup, he stepped over and kindly reminded her.

    "Well, it's okay. I haven't been sleeping well these past few days." Alice shook her head and looked up at her roommate who was looking down at her from a standing height.

    Klein consciously pulled out the chair facing her and sat down:

    "Did the ID process go smoothly?"

    "Almost." The girl nodded slightly. "Invite that person to dinner, and we'll go meet him together tomorrow. Just provide your name and the corresponding portrait photo. The completed ID will be mailed to our residence before the weekend, or you can go to that person to get it yourself for safety reasons."

    Quite efficient...

    Klein muttered, and said from the bottom of his heart: "From a safety perspective, I choose to go out and pick it up on Friday."

    "Well, it's up to you." After a nonchalant snort, Alice picked up the ceramic cup and took a sip of coffee, then shifted her gaze to the silver-bottomed card he had placed on the table. "What about you, have you cracked the password spell?"

    Klein was subtley silent for a moment, and sighed as if he didn't know how to describe it, and turned the "Card of Blasphemy" so that she could look at the front.Chapter.9 Inspiration (Page 2/2)Previous pagebookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Chapter    While Alice silently read the line of Hermetic text, he also recited the corresponding content of the text:

    "Please check the password spell within the designated time."

    "... designated time?" Upon hearing this, Alice let go of the coffee cup, propped up her little face and blinked.

    Klein nodded calmly and said:

    "I guess you can try it at midnight. This time is special enough. It is both the end of the past day and the beginning of the new day. From the perspective of mysticism, the 'Moon Time' from 11pm to midnight, which is governed by the Goddess of Night, will be transformed into the 'Saturn Time' dominated by the Mother Earth after crossing the date. The nature will change from rest and rest to change and acceptance, which has the symbolic nature of a ritual. And when you hold this 'blasphemous card', the name of the Sequence 0 potion of the 'Witch' path is presented on the card... I think the so-called designated time here is most likely to be midnight."

    ... Don't doubt it. This reasoning of mine absolutely did not use the extraordinary ability of the "Cryptologist" characteristic!

    I just tried a little bit of the "decryption scholar's" sharp thinking in the field of mysticism when I was guessing the password...

    He defended himself in his heart.

    "Mother Earth..." Alice lowered her head and whispered something, letting the unclear voice be swallowed back into her stomach along with the mellow coffee in her mouth.

    When the girl raised her face again and propped up her chin to look at him, Klein saw her raise the coffee cup in her hand and smiled as if to signal:

    "Do you want some coffee too? Stay up a little bit with me tonight, stay up until midnight?"

    "It's only midnight, it's not staying up late at all..." Recalling his experience of being the champion of staying up late once a week, Klein smiled and couldn't help but refute her.

    After a simple cleanup, the two stopped talking and spent the time until midnight in the quiet and warmth baked by the charcoal fire in the fireplace.

    Klein moved the tools and materials from the bedroom to the coffee table, trying to complete the creation of the talisman with his own spirituality without praying to the goddess.

    At a square table a little further away from the fire, Alice was wearing a high-necked top and a wool blanket that was neither too thick nor too thin. She stared at the drawing paper on the table intently, letting the tip of her pen leave lines on the blank space to form the shape of the object. From time to time, she would stop her movements and fall into thought.

    As the seconds passed, Klein looked at his watch more and more frequently. The closer he got to the "designated time" he had speculated, the less he could force himself to use meditation techniques to maintain his calmness and focus on making the spell as before.

    After a major mistake that almost ruined the silver sheet in his hand, Klein simply stopped practicing, put away his tools and materials, and closed the gold pocket watch that pointed to 11:35.

    He rubbed his temples and leaned against the back of the sofa, unable to control his divergent thoughts.

    Looking at the silhouette of Alice drawing a portrait in the light not far away in a daze, Klein felt at a loss.

    He couldn't figure it out.

    Even though he guessed the password to open the "Witch" card, he still couldn't understand why the emperor chose that phrase as the password spell.


    As a time traveler, Klein was very sure that the phrase was in the blind spot of most modern people in the 21st century. It belonged to an extremely niche cultural circle. If you randomly picked a hundred people, you might not be able to pick even one person who knew this phrase.

    Even he himself tried out the correct password during the extremely coincidental burst of inspiration provided by the "decryption scholar".

    But he knew the phrase and the meaning behind it!

    And what can be said for sure is that it has almost no connection with the "witch"!

    It should not appear in front of the treasure gate of the God's Path. It has nothing to do with mysticism and mythology. It is just a concrete manifestation of invisible fear imagined by some people...

    It is-

    "Klein, is it almost time?" Alice's voice interrupted his thoughts that flew to who knows where, and also called back his cognition of reality.

    Klein instinctively flicked open the cover of the gold watch in his hand and looked at the hand that overlapped with the hour hand by only five or six small grids.

    "Ah... um, yes..."

    After putting away the drawing paper and the wool blanket, Alice walked to the sofa, raised a malicious smile as if on purpose, and suggested:

    "Want to try in my room?"

    "Your room..."

    Klein was thinking about the command spell that he felt could not be analyzed by common sense. He did not realize what he had agreed to by nodding his head. It was not until he followed her upstairs and stepped into a bedroom with a slightly different layout that he gradually realized it.

    Alice turned around and closed the door, and then covered the room with a corner of the mirror world. Then she sighed with a little regret:

    "A small prop can make you so nervous... Well, don't move." What

    does she want to do? Just

    as a doubt flashed through his mind, Klein saw a familiar silver-blue long staff in her hand, with mysterious runes of shining golden color surrounding the staff.

    "Add some simple protective spells."

    After a brief explanation, Alice chanted a long and complicated spell from another world, applying the effects of shield spells, protection from good and evil, anti-magic stance, and anti-death barrier one by one to Klein who was holding the "blasphemous card".

    ... Is this the style of a wizard who first applies a series of buff special effects before taking action?

    Although I don't know what spells she used, it's good. My sense of security index has risen sharply.

    Opening the pocket watch to check the time, Klein stopped the deliberate distraction in his mind. He took a deep breath and raised his hand to hold up the silver-bottomed card with flashing instructions.

    The sound of the spellcasting chanting from the side had quietly disappeared. The girl quietly held the long staff in her hand, waiting for the moment when the change came.

    He silently counted down the seconds in his heart, and at the moment when the moon time and Saturn time intersected, he issued a clear ancient Fessac language command:

    "Mirror of the Moon."Chapter.10 Dream Wilderness (Page 1/2)Previous ChapterbookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Page    The hard card, made of unknown material, had a pure silver luster as the base, and the characters of deep light flickered.

    As the pronunciation of the ancient Feysac language was completed, Klein felt that the object in his hand suddenly became a little lighter, as if it had escaped the constraints of gravity under the influence of some unspeakable mysterious force, giving rise to unknown changes.

    He was startled, and cautiously loosened the edge of the card in his hand, stepped back a few steps and came to Alice's side, looking at the "blasphemous card" floating in the air with her.

    The winding, deep words seemed to come alive, crawling and spreading to the background area emitting pure silver light, making this card, which was the size and shape of an ordinary poker, give rise to a strange and ominous aura. At the same time, several illusory and unreal images appeared from it, and they could catch the full attention of others with just a brief glance.

    Klein was no exception.

    He immediately recognized the image of Roselle in those images, and also recognized the hazy beautiful woman who had appeared in the "Original Witch" pattern of Sequence 0. He couldn't help but perk up and selected an illusory projection that emerged from the card and examined it carefully:

    Roselle, wearing light clothes and holding a bloody knife in his sleeve, squatted on the windowsill of a half-open window. He turned around and looked into the house. With a smug smile, he watched a middle-aged man who looked like a wealthy businessman covering his cut throat and falling in a pool of blood;

    and behind Roselle, who didn't notice, the transparent glass window hidden in the night reflected a strange light, and a blurred and hazy beautiful face quietly emerged on the mirror, silently staring at the back of the "Assassin"... In

    just a moment, Klein understood the symbolic meaning of this projection: it represents the Sequence 9 of this path, showing the image of an "Assassin"!

    He subconsciously scanned the rest of the virtual projections, and not surprisingly saw more emperors wearing different costumes and playing different roles, as well as the mysterious woman who followed him like a shadow:

    Roselle, the "instigator" who used words to stimulate and instigate others to commit crimes;

    Roselle, who originally planned to try the "witch" mirror spell, but talked to the reflection in the mirror, the mysterious and beautiful woman;

    Roselle, who had "joy" with the mysterious woman with a hazy face and perfect body proportions...

    ...Why is there a yellow screen? No code?

    Klein instinctively looked at Alice beside him to block the virtual image with unspeakable plots for this girl who claimed to be "underage", but suddenly felt a strong and abnormal drowsiness attacking his head, making his eyelids so heavy that he could hardly lift them.

    Something is wrong... Yes, there is a problem...

    He pinched his thigh hard, and the pain brought him out of this extremely unnatural and strong sleepiness. He quickly seized the opportunity to turn around and wanted to check with Alice beside him.

    The girl had fallen to the ground as if she had lost consciousness. She no longer had the strength to hold the delicate and cold weapon tightly in her hands. The golden runes surrounding the staff disappeared, and the silver-blue staff with a metallic texture fell to the solid wood floor, making a crisp sound and rolling away.

    No... No, I have to save myself...

    Struggling to resist the sudden increase in sleepiness, Klein bit his tongue and used the pain to fight against the waves of strong sleepiness. He planned to take the four steps in the opposite direction and go to the gray fog to break free from these influences! The

    simple four steps and four spells that he could easily complete in the past were now like a natural chasm that was just a few feet away and difficult to cross.

    Klein's vision finally stopped at the "Blasphemy Card" that had turned dark and deep in the air, and at the illusory female figure with snake hair behind the "Witch" card.

    The next second, his consciousness fell into complete darkness and silence.


    After an unknown amount of time, Klein regained his self-awareness in the chaotic haze.

    Recalling the moment before he lost consciousness, he sat up suddenly, opened his eyes wide, and looked around.

    This sight made him open his mouth dully, unable to hide his shock and confusion at the moment.

    The environment he was in was obviously not the bedroom of Backlund's new home, nor was it the mysterious space above the gray fog.

    Under him was the dry and rough wasteland soil, with some scattered stubborn weeds not far away. He could smell the natural scent at the tip of his nose, but the thick fog around him blocked the vision beyond five meters, making it impossible to discern more clear geographical information.

    Looking up, the direction of the sky obviously did not have clear and good observation conditions. The light was ambiguous, not like daytime, not like night, not early morning or dusk, and the overall visual sense was a strange one.


    Hearing the soft moan coming from not far behind him, Klein stopped observing and thinking about his surroundings, turned around and took a few tentative steps towards the direction of the noise.

    The thick fog that had always been stable outside his field of vision for five meters retreated as he walked, gradually allowing a familiar figure to appear in his eyes.

    The girl, with her long light blond hair loose and not tied up, wearing a high-necked long-sleeved shirt that fitted her curves and a knee-length skirt, was sitting up on the ground with her arms, frowning and lightly pressing her temples. Her face showed a natural ignorance that had not yet fully awakened.

    At the same time that Klein observed her, she had obviously heard the sound of someone stepping on the soil of the wasteland. She instinctively raised her head and looked at the person who walked out of the fog.

    At a distance of five meters, the two fell into silence as they looked at each other.

    Klein knew the meaning behind the "Mirror of the Moon" and was very sure that his current situation was definitely inseparable from the influence of the "blasphemous card". Moreover, after regaining his composure, he recognized a certain fact.

    He clearly realized that he was in a dream.

    Although he couldn't be sure whose dream it was, if all this was related to the "Mirror of the Moon" and the indescribable horror and madness, Klein knew that he must not act rashly and must not trust others who seemed familiar...

    Yes, that's right, no one could guarantee that the Alice who stood up in silence in front of him was really the Alice he knew. Aren't

    there similar plot designs in some horror movies with strange tastes?

    The monster turned into a close person around the protagonist, and struggled with him until he escaped from danger and people were relieved and thought it was the end. Suddenly, it revealed its disguise and pushed the protagonist into the abyss of death, fear and despair.

    I don't want to end up like that!

    Klein used his brain to think about how to confirm the authenticity of the girl in front of him.

    "Are you thinking about how to confirm that I am myself?" As if she could see through his thoughts, Alice patted the sand on her hands, crossed her arms and snorted, "What a coincidence, I was also thinking about the same question, thinking about why we were pulled into the same dream..."

    "...You also found that this is a dream?"

    As soon as the words came out, Klein recalled the details she had revealed to him. She had confidently stated that she had learned the dream-entering techniques of the nightmare demon, and he couldn't help but feel a little certain in his heart.

    But he couldn't jump to conclusions.

    He carefully considered his words and asked a supplementary question:Chapter.10 Dream Wilderness (Page 2/2)Previous pagebookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Chapter    "So, according to you, what should we do now to identify the other party?"

    "It's very simple. See who is in control of the dream." Alice also did not approach the familiar face in front of her without permission. She even took a small step back. A little vigilance could be seen in her movements. "Try to imagine something specific and make it appear in front of you immediately. See if you can do it."

    I don't think this is likely my dream...

    Klein tried her method without much hope, trying to imagine that a money tree full of gold coins would grow on the empty wasteland soil. He encountered the expected failure.

    At the same time, he realized that there were some problems. He quickly searched his body and found that although he was still wearing the clothes he wore at home, the gold coins in his pocket and the topaz pendulum wrapped around his left sleeve were gone. Even the leaf-shaped ornament beside his ear could not be brought into this strange dream.

    "Well, I'm in the same situation, and..."

    Alice raised her hand and motioned Klein to look at her little finger that was not wearing a pinky ring. Then she made a spellcasting gesture and chanted obscure syllables softly.

    After waiting quietly for a few seconds, Klein stood there, looking at the unchanged scene in front of him, and couldn't help but open his mouth slightly:

    "Is your spell ineffective?"

    "Ineffective?... No, strictly speaking, I can't use spells. In dreams, this should be the norm." Alice's expression was very calm and composed, and she didn't look like she had lost her extraordinary means. "First, we are only spiritual bodies now, and the magic power that activates most spells needs to be generated by the physical body; second, although you rarely have the opportunity to see me take out the spellcasting catalyst, my dimensional storage props are not with me now, and the spell that lacks a major spellcasting element cannot be constructed smoothly."

    Instinctively, after listening to her words, Klein couldn't help but have the idea of ​​verifying his extraordinary ability.

    He tapped his teeth lightly and opened his spiritual vision, but found that the world in front of him had not changed at all - the wasteland without vitality under his feet was still there, and the mysterious fog was still shrouded around him. Only the emotional color dominated by calm and rational blue emanated from Alice, blending with the scene.

    Due to the lack of divination props, Klein could only try to verify the Joker's ability to coordinate his limbs, and the result made his heart sink.

    "Your extraordinary ability can no longer be used? Only clairvoyance can see emotions and auras?" Alice nodded without changing her expression, and then closed her eyes as if listening to something. After a long while, she opened her eyes and shook her head with a sigh, "No, I just wanted to contact the familiar through the contract, but the link was clearly not cut off, and the other side never responded... I guess there are two possibilities." "The

    dream we are in now can't transmit messages to the outside world?" Klein tried to stay calm and rationally took over her words and analyzed, "Then, is there any way for us to wake up in reality?"

    After speaking, a conventional operation idea appeared in his mind.

    He lifted his sleeves and twisted his arm hard - it hurt, it really hurt, it felt like a bruise was about to be twisted out!

    But the pain did not help him wake up from this dream.

    Alice just watched him finish his attempt silently, shook her head again, and said:

    "It is possible that we cannot pass the message to the outside world. In this case, I cannot order Eve to wake us up. Of course, there is also a second possibility... The flow of time in this dream is different from that in the real world. There is a distance in the time dimension between the two sides, so Eve cannot receive my contact for the time being, unless the real side also arrives at the same time node."

    ... In short, no matter what, finding someone to wake us up in reality is not feasible for the time being?

    Klein cursed his fellow countryman, the emperor, in his heart. He said that he would hide secrets and leave treasures in the "blasphemous card", but how come he actually played so many tricks to torment people...

    Suddenly, he thought of a certain hypothesis and cautiously proposed it to Alice:

    "If...if we die in this dream, what will happen?"

    "I know you want to hear the most ideal answer - waking up from reality." Alice spread her hands, "But unfortunately, this dream is obviously very abnormal. I can't guarantee that the consequences of dying here will not be harmful to people, so I suggest you don't try it easily."

    "...You don't seem to be worried at all. Don't you feel panic when you lose your extraordinary abilities?" Klein tasted a calm and somewhat indifferent attitude from her performance.

    "Think about it this way, after entering the dream, what did we encounter? Except for the two of us 'outsiders', we didn't encounter anything, right?"

    Alice knew that she didn't need to say much, just point out the key point, and he would understand the core of their current situation -

    "The Blasphemous Card" is a mysterious prop designed by humans for a certain purpose.

    The previous painstaking decryption, since it exists, there must be a reason for it to be designed in this way. It is definitely not a bait to trick people into this weird dream and slaughter them; if they really just want to kill the person who solves the puzzle, they should obviously use simpler puzzles.

    Since the purpose of designing this "blasphemous card" is not to kill people, the elements that form this dream are naturally unlikely to contain anything too harmful.

    After thinking through this relationship, Klein's face looked much better, and his eyes looking at Alice no longer contained doubts as before.

    "So now," he looked around and made the most reasonable judgment, "Do you want to explore the nearby area together?"

    Before being able to determine the situation outside the fog, it would be too risky to act separately, and there was no guarantee that they could reunite again...

    Judging from the current situation, Alice should be a real person... right?

    Thinking of this, Klein saw the girl nodded decisively and walked towards him.

    "If I were alone here, I would have started to act about five minutes ago... Oh, right."

    When she came to him, Alice seemed to remember something, lifted the hem of her long skirt a little higher, and said calmly:

    "Can you do me a favor? Tear up some of my skirt, tear off some strips of cloth, and throw a small piece on the ground every time you walk in a direction for a while, as a direction marker."

    ... This is indeed a good way to mark, but why do I feel it is wrong?

    Klein raised his finger and pointed at himself:

    "You want me to help you tear your skirt?"

    "Only the skirt is more appropriate, you can't tear up the top, right?" She answered as a matter of course, and lifted up her long skirt again. The knee joints wrapped in the thin black silk fabric already showed clear and smooth lines in his field of vision.

    Helplessly, Klein could only touch his nose and accept this hard work.

    ... Fortunately, he didn't embarrass himself to the point of bleeding from the nose.

    Amid silent lamentations, the knee-length skirt turned into a short skirt, and the torn strips of cloth were thrown to the ground as a mark of the starting point. In

    the windless and quiet wilderness of the dreamland, under the light that was neither day nor night, the two foreign visitors passed through the invisible fog and arrived at the boundary of the dream after fifteen minutes of physical exploration.

    A cliff that seemed to lead to an endless void.

    Staring blankly at the cliff in front of him and the lever of the mechanical device with obvious traces of human intervention on the edge of the cliff, Klein felt waves of illusory pain from his temples to his brain.

    As a former group player, he almost blurted out the noun that only existed in the text description.

    Fantasy Dreamland.

    They were at the entrance of the Fantasy Dreamland at this moment. As long as they jumped into the void under the cliff, they could enter the dream dimension that was supposed to be fictional!

    And this... coincided with a certain knowledge he knew about the "Mirror of the Moon".